为什么我们很少听说中国的登月? [美国媒体]



Why have we heard so little of China's moon landing?



Gabriel Arkanum studied Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology
Well China landed on the moon in 2013 and released high res photos of the moon in 2015 which made their rounds in the Western Media in 2016. So we haven't heard about it because the landing happened three plus years ago. The media doesn't tend to stick with stories for that long. And besides that the Chinese only released the photos on a website written in Chinese and didn't publicize the event a tremendous amount.

Gabriel Arkanum(曾在佐治亚理工学院机械工程学院学习)
呀,中国在2013年登陆月球,并在2015年发布了高分辨率的月球照片,而在2016年才在西方媒体上播出。因为登陆发生在三年以前,所以我们没有听说过。媒体一般不会关注时间跨度这么长的新闻(注:言下之意应该是在没有掌握确切证据,如高分辨率的月球照片时,媒体不会大肆宣传此事。)。 除此之外,中国人并没有大量宣传,只是在中文网站上发布了这些照片。

Fred Bruan
Furthermore the equipment did not fuction very long. The misson was rought with equipment failures.



 David Kittrell
Yes from what is known it was not 100% successful but consider:
1.it was relatively inexpensive;
2.the Yutu rover was designed for a 90 day mission but remained in communication and had at least some science functions useful for 1200+ days;
3.it was the first soft landing and first rover on the moon in over 40 years.
It was a credible mission and its significance should not be downplayed.
My concerns are the US’ moves away from large-scale mid-term projects in space and our inability to work with China India and others pursuing near-Earth Lunar planetary and deep space missions. I’m all for private corporate competition and government cooperation.



 Giao Vu
I think the US government has been too paranoid of tech being stolen to cooperate with other countries beyond long-running (and hardly secretive) projects like the International Space Station. Bureaucrats have had a hard time distinguishing what’s secret and what isn’t.


  Gabriel Arkanum
A lot of it has to do with rockets falling under the missile category in the eyes of lawmakers and regulators which severely limits what can be shared. Wish it wasn't the case though more cooperation in space is always better.


David Charles Leithauser Technical consultant writer inventor at Self-Employment (1982-present)
Perhaps because it was an unmanned rover not a manned mission. With similar rovers landing on Mars over the years and deep space probes getting close-ups of Jupiter and other planets moons asteroids and comets an unmanned rover on the moon after humans have actually walked on it seems rather passe.



 AD Adams Jr. works at Intel
Ok I'll bite.
When did the Chinese land on the moon?
I forgot they did land a robotic vehicle.
I guess we haven't heard much about it is because the Chinese themselves haven't made such a big deal out of it. Or they're not ready/willing to share anything they've found.

David Hansel
They landed a robotic lander on the Moon in 2013.

AD Adams Jr.
That's right forgot about that one. I incorrectly assumed the questioner meant people.

David Hansel
It’s possible they do but I couldn’t find any info on such a thing. It was my first thought as well.



Ke Yang lives in China
Because China is not the first nation to achieve this feat. So it is not strange that while this news had swept China it was not the headline of foriegn media.
This is one giant leap for China one small step for the world.


Steve Cowan alive in '69
When do you say that happened? I'm guessing never myself…. But please enlighten us!


  Bevin Chu
No one said China “landed a man on the moon”.
Your hatred blurred your judgement and affected your reading comprehension.
Your smugly supercilious answer merely embarrasses you.
See Stunning Moon Photos from China's Lunar Lander
"China is trying to reach the top tier and show that they're a major space power" says Kevin Pollpeter a Defense Group Inc. analyst affiliated with the University of California San Diego. "They're also contributing real knowledge about the moon that we haven't been able to get before."



 Chandramohan Panakkal
China never landed Men on Moon..They only landed a rover to study the surface of Moon.


Ben Huang BA UK and China University of Cambridge (2016)
U whites know nothing about 嫦娥

