阿里巴巴创始人马云直言不讳称美国在过去的三十年是误入歧途 [美国媒体]


Alibaba founderJack Ma has a brutal theory of how America went wrong over the past 30 years


jack ma

(Jack Ma.WEF) 马云在世界经济论坛

DAVOS, Switzerland — Alibaba founderJack Ma thinks America went wrong over the past 30 years by focusing too muchon war and Wall Street. Speaking at the World Economic Forum on Wednesday, Mawas asked about globalisation and the reaction to it represented by theelection of Donald Trump as US president.


He responded that back when ThomasFriedman published "The World Is Flat" in 2005, globalisation lookedlike "a perfect strategy" for the US: "We just want thetechnology, and the IP, and the brand, and we'll leave the other jobs" toother countries like Mexico and China, he said.

他提到,回到2005年当Thomas Friedman出版《The World IsFlat》一书时,美国认为全球化是美国“一个完美的战略”:“我们只要技术、知识产权、品牌,其他的工作让出”给其他国家,例如墨西哥和中国。

"American international companiesmade millions and millions of dollars from globalisation," Ma said.


As an example of just how much wasavailable, Ma said, "When I graduated from university I tried to buy abeeper, and it cost me $250. My pay at the time was $10 a month."


"IBM,Microsoft," he added, "the profit they made was larger than the topfour banks in China put together ... But where did the money go?"


U.S. Army firefight Kunar


Ma said that 30 years ago the American companies that people in China heardabout were Ford and Boeing. Today the companies that people in China talk aboutare in Silicon Valley and on Wall Street.


At the sametime, the US spent a lot of money on foreign conflicts. "In the past 30years, America had 13 wars spending $2 trillion ... no matter how good yourstrategy is you're supposed to spend money on your own people," Ma said."The money goes to Wall Street. Then what happened? Year 2008 wiped out$19.2 trillion in US income ... What if the money was spent on the Midwest ofthe United States?"

同时,美国在国际冲突中花费了大量金钱。“在过去的三十年,美国开战13场,花费了2万亿美元。。。不管是多好的战略,钱应该是花在自己人民身上。钱却到流向了华尔街。然后呢? 2008年的金融危机抹掉了19.2万亿的美国财富。。。设想如果这些钱是花在了美国中西部地区会怎样?”

"The othercountries steal jobs from you guys — that is your strategy. You did notdistribute the money in the proper way."


Elsewhere duringhis talk, Ma said his favourite film was "Forrest Gump" because hesaw something of Alibaba in Gump's shrimp boat. Ma quoted Gump as saying"Nobody makes money catching whales — people make money catchingshrimps."


"That's howwe make money" at Alibaba, he said.


He also revealedthat he wanted to retire early: "I don't want to die in my office,"he said. "I want to die on the beaches."


2 hours ago
He's right, andthe American people know he's right. Look at the fight over Obamacare! Theycould just fix the whats wrong with the thing and move on. But they want todismantle it and reinvent the wheel because "Obama's" name is on it,no other reason. This country is greedy and doesn't care about its people,that's a fact!! This is partly the voters fault as well. We vote for the samepeople over and over again. We complain about them, then vote for them again.

Stupid GOPers
2 hours ago
He's right. Wespend more on UNNECESSARY war than we do our own people.

1 hour ago
He's right aboutone thing...... Too much money spent on wars.....

1 hour ago
Well now withthe new Joker as President, We are doomed !!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 hours ago
It is ourtrading and foreign policies with China + letting them stealing and copyingeverything without any punishment or retaliation. That is our huge error thatwill be extremely difficult to correct.

2 hours ago
Does anybodytake that monkey seriously?

1 hour ago
most are goingfrom 2 trillion on war and then jumping to spending in the midwest missing: Themoney goes to Wall Street. Then what happened? Year 2008 wiped out $19.2trillion in US income ... What if the money was spent on the Midwest of theUnited States?" we gave the wealthy almost 20 trillion to play with andsee if they could get richer instead of improving sewers, bridges, earthquakeretrofit. st louis will wish they did that.

2 hours ago
China exportsgoods by train through 1/2 dozen countries all the way to London, now that'sinfrastructure and Nation building. Benefits China and its people.
"In the past 30 years, America had 13 wars spending $2 trillion ... nomatter how good your strategy is you're supposed to spend money on your ownpeople, according to Ma.

中国通过铁路穿过6、7 个国家一路开到伦敦出口产品,现在是基础设施和国家建设。造福中国和其人民。
1 hour ago
Move overAmerica. China is the new world leader.

Curtis s
1 hour ago
Can anybody sayMilitary Industrial complex? Eisenhower warned us of this when he left office. Youhave the military always clamoring for more money. If you are working for anycompany, when have you ever asked for the company that you work for to stopsending you more money than you need? You don#$%$ a self fulfilling prophecy,What I don't understand is why people can't see that.We are tired of being theworlds policeman, but we need a strong military. For what purpose?.

有人说说军工综合体吗?艾森豪威尔离任时曾警告过。军队总是嚷嚷着要更多的钱。当你为一家公司工作,你会要求公司不要给你超出所需的钱吗?你不n#$%$ 一个自我应验的预言。我不能理解的是,既然我们厌倦做世界警察,我们为何还要一支强大的军队,用来干嘛?