东京 -星期五发布的调查显示,在过去五年,近乎四成在日本寻找租房的外国居民都曾被拒绝过;四分之一的人不获工作录取。这个调查突出了在种族极为单一的社会的歧视问题。日本网友:我在这里住了20多年,除了住房外,我还没有经历过太多的歧视。我曾被告知我不能租房东的房子,因为他们认为我付不起房租。有一次,一位理发师拒绝给我理发还有和牙医也有问题,我不觉得这些情况会比其他国家多,但我是英白佬,(歧视)可能因此减少一些。
TOKYO —Almost 40% of foreign residents who sought housing in Japan had applications turned down and almost a quarter were denied jobs in the past five years a survey showed on Friday highlighting discrimination in a largely homogeneous society.
东京 -星期五发布的调查显示,在过去五年,近乎四成在日本寻找租房的外国居民都曾被拒绝过;四分之一的人不获工作录取。这个调查突出了在种族极为单一的社会的歧视问题。
The findings from the Justice Ministry survey come as the number of foreign workers and residents in Japan hit record highs as the country prepares to host the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.
However immigration remains a touchy subject in a land where conservatives prize cultural homogeneity and foreigners make up less than two percent of the population.
Language skills weren’t the problem the survey suggested with about 95% of those who were denied jobs and more than 90% of those who were denied housing saying they spoke Japanese conversationally professionally or fluently.
“The landlord said I couldn’t live in the flat because of my nationality” said a Korean respondent in her fifties quoted in the report.
“I was born and raised in Japan and Japanese is the only language I know. There is still so much bias and discrimination in Japan” she said.
SpankiMAR. 31 2017 - 04:38PM JST
What I don't get about the 'Koreans' who were born and raised in Japan and only speak Japanese............why not become a Japanese citizen? Still I too was denied accommodation a few times when I first came to Japan because i'm a foreigner and it is pretty frustrating.
Sachinkumar PatelMAR. 31 2017 - 04:42PM JST
Discrimination against foreigners is deeply rooted in Japan
1. in form of language .... 2. in form of the skin color in all form .... 3. in form of work place discrimination ... and many more areas
1,以语言的形式…2. 以所有形态发肤色区别…3. 工作场所歧视的形式…和更多的领域
just just pretend to be good on the face they are have lot if hidden brunt against foreigners.
Mike LMAR. 31 2017 - 04:43PM JST
Born in Japan lived nowhere except Japan and speak nothing except Japanese.
I know what I would have done a long time ago.
choiwaruoyajiMAR. 31 2017 - 04:45PM JST
One thing that really must be addressed is Japanese oyajis making a clucking noise or tsk! sound when they walk past me.
JimizoMAR. 31 2017 - 04:47PM JST
I saw an article on this today in the Guardian under top ten most viewed. My sister posted a lix.
It would be nice to think Japanese people would pay it some attention. Then again the endless stream of foreigners interviewed on TV gushing about hanami ramen and washlets will no doubt drown it out.
lesenfantMAR. 31 2017 - 04:51PM JST
gogogoMAR. 31 2017 - 04:53PM JST
This is deeply rooted in Japan but Japanese people don't understand the issue. I find being offered a fork at a restaurant that clearly uses chopsticks for their food slightly offensive. If you ask the average Japanese they just say "they are trying to be helpful".... I point out you are assuming foreigners can't do something you can thus you are profiling.... I can never win this argument my point is never seen.
zichiMAR. 31 2017 - 04:54PM JST
I have lived here for more than 20 years and I haven't experienced too much discrimination except with housing and have been told I couldn't rent a place by landlords because they didn't think I could afford to pay the rent. Once a barber refused to cut my hair and another problem with a dentist but I don't feel like its any more than it would be in other countries but I'm white male and British so that maybe reduces some of it.
sensei258MAR. 31 2017 - 05:08PM JST
I just experienced discrimination (racial profiling) last night. I was walking to the station and got stopped and checked for being white in public.
Asakura CowboyMAR. 31 2017 - 05:09PM JST
"Then again the endless stream of foreigners interviewed on TV gushing about hanami ramen and washlets will no doubt drown it out"
Yep. I was just thinking about that kind of thing the other day when that travel programme about Japanese people living abroad was on. They highlight these 'amazing' Japanese people who live and work abroad in out of the way places. Why don't they have a programme about non-Japanese who live and work in Japan? If more Japanese people could see how well many of us gaijin fit in and contribute to Japanese society maybe there'd be a bit less discrimination. The only time they seem to focus on non-Japanese people on TV is if they are gushing about all things Japanese (except for the established gaijin talento who just pretend to be Japanese anyway). I think they are scared we night bash Japan or something-not that they'd broadcast it!
YubaruMAR. 31 2017 - 05:09PM JST
It's getting better than it used to be still a long long way to go. At least I don't hear the "If you don't like it go back to where you are from" anymore.
Striker10MAR. 31 2017 - 05:11PM JST
Ask any foreigner who's tried to get a credit card in Japan about discrimination.
CH3CHOMAR. 31 2017 - 05:13PM JST
gogogoMAR. 31 2017 - 04:53PM JST
This is deeply rooted in Japan but Japanese people don't understand the issue. I find being offered a fork at a restaurant that clearly uses chopsticks for their food slightly offensive. If you ask the average Japanese they just say "they are trying to be helpful".... I point out you are assuming foreigners can't do something you can thus you are profiling.... I can never win this argument my point is never seen.
Is this the most serious discrimination that you have ever faced in Japan?
ebisenMAR. 31 2017 - 05:17PM JST
As a white male European gaijin solidly build and very good looking ;) I haven't experience much negative discrimination. I do speak Japanese fluently I look "normal" (whatever that means) and I strive to be very sensible to local customs. The locals really appreciate this effort and this leads to:
Positive discrimination.
I am exploiting my gaijinism to the max. Being treated better simply because I am a foreigner happens on a daily basis and honestly I'm enjoying it.
That being said I do understand that foreigners with tattoos and piercings for example (nothing wrong with those imho) will be treated with suspicion moreso in Japan than in Europe for example. Koreans and Chinese don't have it easy also...