comedy in which the soul of bruce lee (played by bruce leung siu
(as monk king kong)xing yu释彦能饰 bing kei wong (as bruce leung
inspector wears skirts 2)国粤双语版[halfcd] 梁韵蕊 angile leung
kung fu hustle
在2010年结婚的kristy shen和bruce leung夫妇
comedy in which the soul of bruce lee (played by bruce leung siu
(as monk king kong)xing yu释彦能饰 bing kei wong (as bruce leung
inspector wears skirts 2)国粤双语版[halfcd] 梁韵蕊 angile leung
kung fu hustle
在2010年结婚的kristy shen和bruce leung夫妇