Chris Clarkson, Managing Director at www.Sunshine.co.uk, has revealed the travel hacks that will ensure the stress stays well away from your stress-free holiday.
Sunshine网站的总经理克里斯•克拉克森说,下列这些旅途中的小窍门绝对能够保证还你一个毫无压力的假期。Ditch the footwear
丢掉各种鞋子It may be super tempting to bring every pair of shoes you own but footwear can be bulky and often weighty so it’s important you fight the urge. If you’re going to a hot country, don’t take your favourite pair of boots; you aren’t going to wear them, even if they do go with an outfit you’ve packed.
你肯定会经不住诱惑,想把所有的鞋子都带上,但是鞋子不仅体积大而且还很重,所以赶紧打消这个念头吧。如果你去的是炎热的国家,就别带靴子了,哪怕是你最爱的,就算它们和你行李箱里的衣服再搭,你也不会穿的。Limit yourself to two or three pairs maximum when you go on holiday to free up some room in your suitcase and make it much lighter.
出游时带上两三双的鞋子足矣,这样既给你的行李箱腾出了空间,又能减轻不少重量。If you’re determined to take a pair that you know is heavier than the rest, wear them for the flight, reducing the weight in your case.
如果你非要带一双鞋,而且你还知道它比别的鞋子要重,那就穿着它上飞机吧,同样可以减轻箱子重量。Roll clothes, do not fold
衣服卷起来而非叠起来Many people make the terrible mistake of trying to fold their extensive wardrobe into their little suitcase. This, contrary to popular belief, is not the best way to go about packing your holiday goods; it actually makes far more sense to roll your clothes rather than fold them.
很多人都想把自己的大件衣物叠着放进狭小的行李箱,这就大错特错了。通常,人们打包行李的时候,都喜欢叠衣服,但这个方法并不是最好的;如果你把衣服卷起来的话,应该会更好。Starting from the bottom, roll up your shirts, skirts, trousers and dresses into very tightly packed cylinders which you can stack on top of each other like Tetris blocks.
衬衫、短裙、裤子和长裙,每件衣服都从下摆开始卷起,紧紧地卷成圆筒状,然后把它们像俄罗斯方块一样摞在一起。Not only does this free up a lot of room but it also prevents your clothes from getting creased.
Use vacuum bags when possible
尽量利用真空袋If folding doesn’t free up enough room for you, the best alternative is to purchase some vacuum bags and seal all of your clothes up tightly. Having all of your luggage vacuum sealed will minimise the size of your items drastically, which will create substantial of room, allowing you to take more of what’s needed.
衣服卷起来以后,腾出来的空间还是不够用的话,买些真空袋不失为另外一个好方法,它可以把衣服四周的空气抽干净。把你行李箱里的所有物品抽真空,可以大幅度减小它们的尺寸,这样就会腾出大量空间装更多的必需品。Always take travel bottles – even in your suitcase
托运箱里也要携带旅行装Even though you are allowed to take full sized bottles in your suitcase, to ensure that you are under the weight allowance it’s recommended that you still stick to travel-sized bottles.
即使托运箱可以携带正常尺寸的洗护用品,但是为了不超过免费行李限额,还是推荐你使用旅行装。Not only will it make your suitcase much lighter but it will also prevent you from wasting any product. If you do run out of anything while you are on holiday, you can always buy more.
Wear anything that takes up a lot of room
把占地方的物件穿在身上If you do need to take a coat or a big jumper, ensure you wear it on the journey there so you don’t have to pack it in your suitcase. Another method you can use is wearing multiple layers on the journey (although this isn’t always the most comfortable).
Research the weather beforehand
事先查阅当地天气A great way to prevent packing clothes that you don’t need and won’t even end up wearing is to research what the weather is going to be like where and when you go on holiday.
带了一堆衣服但是又不会穿,避免这么做的最好方法就是,认真查一下旅行时目的地的天气状况。There are plenty of websites that can predict how hot it’s likely going to be, as well as how much rain on average the destination receives each month.
有很多网站都可以查到当地到底会有多热,或者每个月的平均降雨量是多少。Buy a lightweight, soft-sided suitcase
购买轻便的软面行李箱It’s easy to overlook the suitcase itself when you are packing but if you are worried you may go over the weight allowance, get yourself a lightweight, soft-sided suitcase. This could save you those last few crucial pounds.