President Xi Jinping delivers a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of the Belt and Road Forum (BRF) for International Cooperation in Beijing, capital of China, May 14, 2017. (Xinhua/Wang Ye)
Over 2,000 years ago, our ancestors, trekking across vast steppes and deserts, opened the transcontinental passage connecting Asia, Europe and Africa, known today as the Silk Road. Our ancestors, navigating rough seas, created sea routes linking the East with the West, namely, the maritime Silk Road.古丝绸之路绵亘万里,延续千年,积淀了以和平合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢为核心的丝路精神。
Spanning thousands of miles and years, the ancient silk routes embody the spirit of peace and cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutual benefit.这些开拓事业之所以名垂青史,是因为使用的不是战马和长矛,而是驼队和善意;依靠的不是坚船和利炮,而是宝船和友谊。
These pioneers won their place in history not as conquerors with warships, guns or swords. Rather, they are remembered as friendly emissaries leading camel caravans and sailing treasure-loaded ships.
Deficit in peace, development and governance poses a daunting challenge to mankind.人类社会正处在一个大发展大变革大调整时代。
Humankind has reached an age of great progress, great transformation and profound changes.世界经济增长需要新动力,发展需要更加普惠平衡,贫富差距鸿沟有待弥合。
Global growth requires new drivers, development needs to be more inclusive and balanced, and the gap between the rich and the poor needs to be narrowed
Four years on, over 100 countries and international organizations have supported and got involved in this initiative. Important resolutions passed by the UN General Assembly and Security Council contain reference to it. Thanks to our efforts, the visions of the Belt and Road Initiative is becoming an reality and bearing rich fruit.政策沟通不断深化
Deepened policy connectivity我们同有关国家协调政策,包括俄罗斯提出的欧亚经济联盟、东盟提出的互联互通总体规划、哈萨克斯坦提出的“光明之路”、土耳其提出的“中间走廊”、蒙古提出的“发展之路”、越南提出的“两廊一圈”、英国提出的“英格兰北方经济中心”、波兰提出的“琥珀之路”等。
We have enhanced coordination with the policy initiatives of relevant countries, such as the Eurasian Economic Union of Russia, the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity, the Bright Road initiative of Kazakhstan, the Middle Corridor initiative of Turkey, the Development Road initiative of Mongolia, the Two Corridors, One Economic Circle initiative of Vietnam, the Northern Powerhouse initiative of the UK and the Amber Road initiative of Poland.设施联通不断加强
Enhanced infrastructure connectivity我们和相关国家一道共同加速推进雅万高铁、中老铁路、亚吉铁路、匈塞铁路等项目,建设瓜达尔港、比雷埃夫斯港等港口,规划实施一大批互联互通项目。
China, in cooperation with relevant countries, has accelerated the building of Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway, China-Laos railway, Addis Ababa-Djibouti railway and Hungary-Serbia railway, and upgraded Gwadar and Piraeus ports. A large number of connectivity projects are also in the pipeline.目前,以中巴、中蒙俄、新亚欧大陆桥等经济走廊为引领,以陆海空通道和信息高速路为骨架,以铁路、港口、管网等重大工程为依托,一个复合型的基础设施网络正在形成。
A multi-dimensional infrastructure network is taking shape, underpinned by economic corridors such as China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, China-Mongolia-Russia Economic Corridor and the New Eurasian Continental Bridge. The network features land-sea-air transportation routes and information expressway and is supported by major railway, port and pipeline projects.贸易畅通不断提升
Increased trade connectivity2014年至2016年,中国同“一带一路”沿线国家贸易总额超过3万亿美元。中国对“一带一路”沿线国家投资累计超过500亿美元。
Trade between China and other Belt and Road countries exceeded 3 trillion U.S. dollars in the 2014-2016 period, and China's investment in these countries surpassed 50 billion dollars.中国企业已经在20多个国家建设56个经贸合作区,为有关国家创造近11亿美元税收和18万个就业岗位。
Chinese companies have set up 56 economic cooperation zones in over 20 countries, generating some 1.1 billion dollars of tax revenue and 180,000 jobs for them.资金融通不断扩大
Expanded financial connectivity中国同“一带一路”建设参与国和组织开展了多种形式的金融合作。亚洲基础设施投资银行已经为“一带一路”建设参与国的9个项目提供17亿美元贷款。
China has engaged in multiple forms of financial cooperation with countries and organizations involved in the Belt and Road Initiative. The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank have provided 1.7 billion dollars of loans for nine projects in Belt and Road countries.民心相通不断促进
Strengthened people-to-people bonds“一带一路”建设参与国弘扬丝绸之路精神,开展智力丝绸之路、健康丝绸之路等建设,在科学、教育、文化、卫生、民间交往等各领域广泛开展合作,为“一带一路”建设夯实民意基础,筑牢社会根基。
Guided by the Silk Road spirit, we the Belt and Road Initiative participating countries have pulled our efforts to build the educational Silk Road and the health Silk Road, and carried out cooperation in science, education, culture, health and people-to-people exchange. Such cooperation has helped lay a solid popular and social foundation for pursuing the Belt and Road Initiative.
A solid first step has been taken in pursuing the Belt and Road Initiative. We should build on the sound momentum generated to steer the Belt and Road Initiative toward greater success.和平之路
Road for peace要构建以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系,打造对话不对抗、结伴不结盟的伙伴关系。各国应该尊重彼此主权、尊严、领土完整,尊重彼此发展道路和社会制度,尊重彼此核心利益和重大关切。
We should foster a new type of international relations featuring win-win cooperation, and we should forge partnerships of dialogue with no confrontation and of friendship rather than alliance. All countries should respect each other's sovereignty, dignity and territorial integrity, each other's development paths and social systems, and each other's core interests and major concerns.要树立共同、综合、合作、可持续的安全观,营造共建共享的安全格局。要着力化解热点,坚持政治解决;要着力斡旋调解,坚持公道正义;要着力推进反恐,标本兼治,消除贫困落后和社会不公。
We should foster the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security, and create a security environment built and shared by all. We should work to resolve hotspot issues through political means, and promote mediation in the spirit of justice. We should intensify counter-terrorism efforts, address both its symptoms and root causes, and strive to eradicate poverty, backwardness and social injustice.繁荣之路
Road of prosperity我们要深入开展产业合作,推动各国产业发展规划相互兼容、相互促进,抓好大项目建设,加强国际产能和装备制造合作,抓住新工业革命的发展新机遇,培育新业态,保持经济增长活力
We should deepen industrial cooperation so that industrial development plans of different countries will complement and reinforce each other. Focus should be put on launching major projects. We should strengthen international cooperation on production capacity and equipment manufacturing, and seize new development opportunities presented by the new industrial revolution to foster new businesses and maintain dynamic growth.我们要建立稳定、可持续、风险可控的金融保障体系,创新投资和融资模式,推广政府和社会资本合作,建设多元化融资体系和多层次资本市场,发展普惠金融,完善金融服务网络。
We should establish a stable and sustainable financial safeguard system that keeps risks under control, create new models of investment and financing, encourage greater cooperation between government and private capital and build a diversified financing system and a multi-tiered capital market. We should also develop inclusive finance and improve financial services networks.我们要着力推动陆上、海上、天上、网上四位一体的联通,聚焦关键通道、关键城市、关键项目,联结陆上公路、铁路道路网络和海上港口网络。
We should promote land, maritime, air and cyberspace connectivity, concentrate our efforts on key passageways, cities and projects and connect networks of highways, railways and sea ports.要抓住新一轮能源结构调整和能源技术变革趋势,建设全球能源互联网,实现绿色低碳发展。要完善跨区域物流网建设。我们也要促进政策、规则、标准三位一体的联通,为互联互通提供机制保障。
We need to seize opportunities presented by the new round of change in energy mix and the revolution in energy technologies to develop global energy interconnection and achieve green and low-carbon development. We should improve trans-regional logistics network and promote connectivity of policies, rules and standards so as to provide institutional safeguards for enhancing connectivity.开放之路
Road of opening up要打造开放型合作平台,维护和发展开放型世界经济,共同创造有利于开放发展的环境,推动构建公正、合理、透明的国际经贸投资规则体系。
We should build an open platform of cooperation and uphold and grow an open world economy. We should jointly create an environment that will facilitate opening up and development, establish a fair, equitable and transparent system of international trade and investment rules.要维护多边贸易体制,推动自由贸易区建设,促进贸易和投资自由化便利化,着力解决发展失衡、治理困境、数字鸿沟、分配差距等问题,建设开放、包容、普惠、平衡、共赢的经济全球化。
We should uphold the multilateral trading regime, advance the building of free trade areas and promote liberalization and facilitation of trade and investment. We should also focus on resolving issues such as imbalances in development, difficulties in governance, digital divide and income disparity and make economic globalization open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial to all.创新之路
Road of innovation我们要坚持创新驱动发展,加强在数字经济、人工智能、纳米技术、量子计算机等前沿领域合作,推动大数据、云计算、智慧城市建设,连接成21世纪的数字丝绸之路。
We should pursue innovation-driven development and intensify cooperation in frontier areas such as digital economy, artificial intelligence, nanotechnology and quantum computing, and advance the development of big data, cloud computing and smart cities so as to turn them into a digital silk road of the 21st century.我们要促进科技同产业、科技同金融深度融合,优化创新环境,集聚创新资源。我们要为互联网时代的各国青年打造创业空间、创业工场,成就未来一代的青春梦想。
We should spur the full integration of science and technology into industries and finance, improve the environment for innovation and pool resources for innovation. We should create space and build workshops for young people of various countries to cultivate entrepreneurship in this age of the Internet and help realize their dreams.文明之路
Road connecting different civilizations要以文明交流超越文明隔阂、文明互鉴超越文明冲突、文明共存超越文明优越,推动各国相互理解、相互尊重、相互信任。
We should ensure that when it comes to different civilizations, exchange will replace estrangement, mutual learning will replace clashes, and coexistence will replace a sense of superiority. This will boost mutual understanding, mutual respect and mutual trust among different countries.我们要建立多层次人文合作机制,搭建更多合作平台,开辟更多合作渠道。要推动教育合作,扩大互派留学生规模,提升合作办学水平。
We should establish a multi-tiered mechanism for cultural and people-to-people exchanges, build more cooperation platforms and open more cooperation channels. Educational cooperation should be boosted, more exchange students should be encouraged and the performance of cooperatively run schools should be enhanced.要用好历史文化遗产,联合打造具有丝绸之路特色的旅游产品和遗产保护。
Historical and cultural heritage should be fully tapped to jointly develop tourist products and protect heritage in ways that preserve the distinctive features of the Silk Road.我们要加强国际反腐合作,让“一带一路”成为廉洁之路。
We should strengthen international counter-corruption cooperation so that the Belt and Road will be a road with high ethical standards.
Guided by the vision of innovative, coordinated, green, open and inclusive development, we will adapt to and steer the new normal of economic development and seize opportunities it presents. We will actively promote supply-side structural reform to achieve sustainable development, inject strong impetus into the Belt and Road Initiative and create new opportunities for global development.中国将向丝路基金新增资金1000亿元人民币,鼓励金融机构开展人民币海外基金业务,规模预计约3000亿元人民币。
China will contribute an additional 100 billion yuan (about $14.5 billion) to the Silk Road Fund. China encourages financial institutions to conduct overseas RMB fund business with an estimated amount of 300 billion yuan (about $43.5 billion).中国将向参与“一带一路”建设的发展中国家和国际组织提供600亿元人民币援助,建设更多民生项目。
China will provide assistance worth 60 billion yuan ($8.7 billion) to developing countries and international organizations participating in the Belt and Road Initiative to launch more projects to improve people's well-being.我们将在未来5年内安排2500人次青年科学家来华从事短期科研工作,培训5000人次科学技术和管理人员,投入运行50家联合实验室。
In the next five years, China will offer young foreign scientists 2,500 short-term research visits to China and train 5,000 foreign scientists, engineers and managers. China will set up 50 joint laboratories with countries participating in the Belt and Road Initiative.我们将设立生态环保大数据服务平台,倡议建立“一带一路”绿色发展国际联盟,并为相关国家应对气候变化提供援助。
China will set up a big data service platform on ecological and environmental protection, and propose the establishment of an international coalition for green development on the Belt and Road and will provide support to related countries in adapting to climate change.
"Neighbors wish each other well, just like family members do to each other." China always pursues friendship and partnership with its neighbors, and seeks to bring amity, security and common prosperity to its neighborhood. It practices the principles of amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness and works hard to make its development bring more benefits to countries in Asia. China will work with other countries to speed up the development of the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, and hopes that the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank could be launched at an early date. China will get more deeply involved in the regional cooperation process, and play its due part to ensure that development and security in Asia facilitate each other and are mutually reinforcing.——2014年5月21日,习近平主席在亚信峰会上的主旨发言
In promoting the Belt and Road Initiative, China will follow the principle of wide consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits. The programs of development will be open and inclusive, not exclusive. They will be a real chorus comprising all countries along the routes, not a solo for China itself. To develop the Belt and Road is not to replace existing mechanisms or initiatives for regional cooperation. Much to the contrary, we will build on the existing basis to help countries align their development strategies and form complementarity.“一带一路”建设不是空洞的口号,而是看得见、摸得着的实际举措,将给地区国家带来实实在在的利益。在有关各方共同努力下,“一带一路”建设的愿景与行动文件已经制定,亚洲基础设施投资银行筹建工作迈出实质性步伐,丝路基金已经顺利启动,一批基础设施互联互通项目已在稳步推进。
The Belt and Road Initiative is not meant as rhetoric. It represents real work that could be seen and felt to bring real benefits to countries in the region. Thanks to the concerted efforts of relevant parties, the vision and action paper of the initiative has been developed. Substantive progress has been made in the establishment of the AIIB. The Silk Road Fund has been launched, and constructions of a number of infrastructure connectivity projects are moving forward.——2015年3月28日,习近平主席在博鳌亚洲论坛2015年年会开幕式的主旨演讲
Two years ago, during my visit to Central Asia and Southeast Asia, I put forward the initiative of building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. The Belt and Road Initiative, as it is now called, is about openness, development and cooperation, and it calls for pursuing joint development and sharing benefits on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.——2015年11月7日,习近平主席在新加坡国立大学发表题为《深化合作伙伴关系 共建亚洲美好家园》的重要演讲
The door of China's opening up will never shut and China welcomes all countries to ride on its development. China stands ready to work with other parties to make sure that the AIIB will start to operate and play its due role as soon as possible and contribute to economic growth and better livelihood in developing countries. And China continues to welcome AIIB and other international financial institutions to take part in the building of the Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.——2016年1月16日,习近平主席在亚洲基础设施投资银行开业仪式上的致辞
China's development has benefited from the international community, and we are ready to provide more public goods to the international community. I have proposed the initiative of building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road to share China's development opportunities with countries along the Belt and Road and achieve common prosperity. Major progress has been made in launching key projects and building the economic corridors of the Silk Road Economic Belt, and the building of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road is well underway.——2016年9月3日,习近平主席在二十国集团工商峰会开幕式上的主旨演讲
The Belt and Road Initiative I put forward aims to achieve win-win and shared development. China remains unchanged in its commitment to foster partnerships. China pursues an independent foreign policy of peace, and is ready to enhance friendship and cooperation with all other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. China is the first country to make partnership-building a principle guiding state-to-state relations. It has formed partnerships of various forms with over 90 countries and regional organizations, and will build a circle of friends across the world.——2017年1月18日,习近平主席在日内瓦出席“共商共筑人类命运共同体”高级别会议,并发表主旨演讲