第十名 中国天都城的巴黎
If you're in China but love Paris and luxury, you should visit Tianducheng. The area impressively replicates Paris—from the buildings surrounding the 108-meter replica of the Eiffel Tower to the Champs-Elysees' fountain. The replica is a sight to behold even though it's less than half of the real size, actually closer to a third.
如果你身在中国,却钟情巴黎的奢华,那么你应当去天都城逛逛。从108米高的埃菲尔铁塔复制品周围的建筑到香榭丽舍大街的喷泉,简直是巴黎的复制品,让人印象深刻。虽然那里不及巴黎实景的一半大小,实际上接近1/3,但是很值得一看。Paris in Tianducheng has a residential neighborhood around the Eiffel Tower, a gated community that protects practically no one. It is built to accommodate 10,000 people, but far fewer people than that live there.
天都城的巴黎在埃菲尔铁塔复制品附近兴建了一个居民区,社区虽然有大门,实际上里面没有多少人需要保护。这里计划供一万人居住,但是实际在里面生活的人远没有那么多。第九名 中国苏州的伦敦塔桥
If an English person finds their trip to China culturally shocking, they can take solace in the faux English replicas. Those with an eye for authenticity will notice that the Tower Bridge in Suzhou does not have a raising mechanism. The original has two towers while the replica has four towers connected through skywalks and elevators.
如果英格兰人在中国游览期间遭遇文化冲击,那么他们可以在这座英国建筑复制品那里寻找安慰。较真的人会注意到,苏州的塔桥没有起吊装置。原版塔桥有两座塔,但是苏州的复制品有四座塔,通过天桥和电梯连接。第八名 天津的意大利佛罗伦萨
Florentia Village is a great place to visit if you have a taste for pricey Italian dining and shopping in Tianjin. This shopping center is definitely an Italian knockoff. But no matter how fake it might be, shoppers should be strapped with real, cold, hard cash.
如果你想在天津吃昂贵的意大利餐、购物,那么佛罗伦萨小镇是个不错的地方。这个购物中心无疑是山寨的意大利。但是不论这里有多山寨,消费者们还是要有真金白银才行。This $220 million investment is nothing to be scoffed at. It's fascinating that expensive brands such as Armani, Prada, Versace, and more have placed their shops in a replica shopping center.
可不要小瞧这处投资2.2亿美元的购物中心。阿玛尼、普拉达、范思哲还有越来越多的奢侈品牌都将店面开到了这里。第七名 3D吉萨金字塔
Great minds at Harvard University, Dassault Systemes, and the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston have collaborated to make an impressive replica of an Egyptian 3-D world. High-performance projectors and a wide, curved screen provide a fully immersive experience for students learning about the structures of ancient Egypt.
哈佛大学、达索系统公司与波士顿美术馆的有才之士联手制作了令人震惊的埃及3D模型。高性能投影机以及一幅宽大的曲面屏幕给学习古埃及建筑的学生们提供了全面的浸入式体验。第六名 美国田纳西州纳什维尔的希腊帕台农神庙
Witnessing the replica of Greece's Parthenon in Tennessee isn't free. Even though this historic building is fake and completely out of place, the original casts for the marble sculptures are authentic and date back to 438 BC.
要在田纳西州看希腊的帕台农神庙复制品可不是免费的。虽然这栋古建筑是仿造的,并且与周边格格不入,但是浇筑大理石雕塑所用的原版模子是真的,历史可以追溯到公元前438年。第五名 美国伊利诺伊州奈尔斯的奈尔斯斜塔
In the 1920s, Robert Ilg got an idea that he wanted to construct a 22-acre park in Illinois with two swimming pools. But he was confronted with the issue of unsightly water towers which provided water for the pools. Then an ingenious idea popped into his mind to develop a replica of the "Leaning Tower of Pisa" to hide the water tanks. At 29 meters tall, this replica is half the size of the original in Pisa, Italy.
上世纪20年代,罗伯特•伊尔克突发奇想,要在伊利诺伊州建造一个22英亩的带有两个游泳池的公园。但是,他遇到了一个问题,给游泳池供水的水塔很难看。于是他灵机一动,干脆修建一个山寨版的"比萨斜塔",来遮掩水箱。这座斜塔高29米,只有意大利比萨斜塔的一半高。第四名 日本的自由女神像
In fact, there are three replicas of well-known the Statue of Liberty in Japan—one each in Odaiba, Shimoda, and Osaka.
美国著名的自由女神像仅在日本就有三座复制品,分别位于御台场、下田和大阪。第三名 迪拜的猎鹰奇观城
The Seven Wonders of the World are set to be recreated in Falconcity of Wonders in Dubai. The city is host to replicas of the pyramids, Taj Arabia, Tower of Pisa, Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Eiffel Tower, and the Great Wall of China. Taj Arabia is a replica of the Taj Mahal. The luxury community is still in the process of being built after many years of delays.
世界七大奇迹将在迪拜的猎鹰奇观城重现。这座城市要再建金字塔、阿拉伯版的泰姬陵、比萨斜塔、巴比伦空中花园、埃菲尔铁塔以及中国长城。这座阿拉伯泰姬陵仿造的是印度泰姬陵。奢华的猎鹰奇观城在经过多年的延期后目前仍在建设中。第二名 摩登原始人石屋
Who would have known that it's such a popular idea to live in a house that's modeled after the Flintstones' home? A theme park spanning six acres is dedicated to Fred and his lifestyle. It sits 48 kilometers outside of the Grand Canyon's south rim. The park is one of a few different Flintstones-themed parks in the US.
谁能想到生活在《摩登原始人》那样的石屋里的想法是这么受欢迎。这个面积六英亩的主题公园是为弗莱德和他的生活方式准备的,坐落在科罗拉多大峡谷南边48公里外。这座公园是美国境内几个不同的《摩登原始人》主题公园中的一个。第一名 泰坦尼克复制品
The Titanic II is being created by billionaire Clive Palmer. The design and decor of Titanic II will match the era of its predecessor. The replica of the iconic ship will even contain replicas of the original lifeboats. It set to open at the end of 2017. Titanic II will not be taking its old route. Instead, it will travel from Jiangsu, China, to Dubai.
亿万富翁克莱夫•帕尔默正在建造泰坦尼克二号。泰坦尼克二号的设计与装饰与其原型所属的时代风格相匹配,甚至将复制原船上的救生艇。这艘船预计2017年底开放营业。泰坦尼克二号不会走原船的路线,而是从中国江苏开往迪拜。英文来源:Bored Nerdist