Does China have Chinese?
Henry Huang, studied at The George Washington University Answered Feb 8
Henry Huang,在乔治华盛顿大学学习
Well, you know what, China does not have Chinese. This is a secret that I found from multiple other resources that are highly confidential. I am actually taking a life risk to write this answer. According to these documents and ancient antiques, We are all aliens who were sent to save the world many many many years ago. Chinese, in order to cover up their origin, created their own founding myth. I’m here to tell you the truth and to reveal the founding myth of China.
Chinese, according to long lost legend, are from a galaxy far far far away. They lived a very happy life with a very advanced civilization. Their planet, is called Fruturius Ustunicious Castemira Kuton (FUCK). The peaceful life on FUCK has made many young people dissatisfied. They want to go further to find a new place to live. They laid their eyes on earth. The earth has water, field, similar weather, everything they like. So they decided to move away to earth. They even named the place they want to go Walmart Target Fruturis (WTF).
中国人,根据失传已久的传说,来自一个非常非常遥远的星系。 他们过着非常幸福的生活,拥有一个非常先进的文明。他们的星球叫做 弗乳突里斯 · 卡斯特米拉 · 裤裆 ( Fruturius Ustunicious Castemira Kuton,简称:FUCK )。 FUCK星球的平静生活使许多年轻人不满,他们想进一步寻找一个新的居住地,他们把目光投向地球。 地球有水,有田野,有相似的天气,有他们喜欢的一切,所以他们决定搬到地球上去, 他们甚至把他们想去的地方命名为沃尔玛· 弹吉他· 弗乳突里斯 ( Walmart Target Fruturis ,简称: WTF ) 。
And so they travelled to WTF. When the spaceship was landing, the commander had a big burp which distracted him from the job. The spaceship, though landed successfully, created a huge mess on the field. It took two month for all the debris to fall on the ground again. With the help of one hero called Nüwa (女娲), the immigrants from FUCK were saved from their first disaster. Nüwa’s effort was so great that we made up a story called “Nüwa patches up the sky” (女娲补天)
他们旅行到 WTF 星球,当宇宙飞船着陆时,指挥官打了个大嗝,分散了他的注意力。宇宙飞船虽然成功着陆,但在地面上造成了巨大的混乱,他们花了两个月的时间才收拾好一切,所有的残骸又一次落在了地面上,在一位名叫Nüwa (女娲)的英雄的帮助下,来自 FUCK 星球的移民们从他们的第一场灾难中获救,Nüwa的功劳是如此之大,我们编了一个叫做“女娲补天”故事的纪念她。
Now, there’re the people here, but not enough. At the time, there are more tigers, snakes, and other monsters in this vast land. We need people, the more, the merrier. But the problem is, there is only one inter galaxy spaceship for FUCK and because of the landing incident, it was destroyed. It is now on the immigrants to rebuild the civilization and to expand the population. And due to their sheer foolishness, they forgot to bring anything necessary to build up Fuckristic civilization. They realized that they have to start to built up an civilization all the way from the beginning.
来到 WTF 星球后,这里有了许多人,但还不够。当时,在这片广袤的土地上,有很多的老虎、蛇和其他怪物。我们需要人,越多越快乐。但问题是,FUCK星系间只有一艘飞船,因为着陆事件,它被摧毁了。现在是移民重建文明和扩大人口的时候了,由于他们愚蠢至极,他们忘了带必要的东西来建立 FUCK 文明。他们意识到,他们必须从头开始建立一个文明。
With the great struggle, now the population is finally growing, rice is growing, and everyone With the growth of population comes the concern of the name of the people, and this new nation. They decided to name their country Chelsea Habsburg Intel Nigel Alpha (CHINA), which means The Land of Hope and Honey. Also, since they believe they landed on the center of the world, They also call themselves the Central Kingdom. With the name came with writing words. A man called Cangjie(仓颉) created Chinese written system. According to the myth, the sky started to rain crops, and the ghost whining at night (淮南子:” 天雨粟,鬼夜哭 “). That wasn’t true, at least not all true. People threw crops to the sky just like it is raining. People wooing like wolves in order to celebrate this success!
I’m so sorry, I can’t keep making this crap up!
Seriously, though, if you believed any of the things I wrote, then you are a real dumbass. China, of course, has Chinese. The standard to define a Chinese . Please, next time, don’t ask a question when you are hungover, don’t ask a question when you are hungover, don’t fucking ask a question when you are hungover!!!!!!!
经过一场伟大艰苦的斗争,人口终于增长了,粮食(水稻)也在增长,随着人口的增长这里的人民和这个新国家的名字也越来越受到关注。他们决定将他们的国家命名为“切尔西-哈布斯堡-英特尔-奈杰尔-阿尔法”( Chelsea Habsburg Intel Nigel Alpha,简称:CHINA ),意思是希望和蜂蜜之地。同时,因为他们相信他们降落在世界的中心,他们也称自己为中央王国( Central Kingdom)。随着这个名字的诞生,文字也出现了,一个叫仓颉的人创造了CHINA的书写系统。根据这个神话,天空开始下起粟雨来,而幽灵则在夜间呜咽 ( 淮南子:“天雨粟,鬼夜哭” ),那不是真的,至少不全是真的,其实是人们把庄稼抛向天空,看起来就像下雨一样,为了庆祝这一成功,人们像狼一样嚎叫着求爱!
中国当然有中国人。 什么是中国人是有定义标准的。
Julian Mintzis, Education and Business Professional. Answered Feb 12
Julian Mintzis,教育和商业专业人士
No because there are different ethnic groups in China, so technically there is no person that could be Chinese. Chinese people are only Chinese because they hold Chinese nationality, a Chinese identification card, and/or a Chinese passport.
In theory there is no reason that people from other countries could not become Chinese, but in practice this is a very difficult process with some requirements that are almost impossible to meet.
The largest of these ethnic groups is Han making up over 90% of the population, but there are 56 total ethnic groups in China. On a Chinese person's identification card and on other official forms such will note which ethnic group the person belongs to.
Anwar Sangha, former Judge ADVOCATE HIGH court
China is secular state respecting equally all the religions.It does not distinction between religionists and atheists .All are equivalent there with respect to their faiths and fundamental right. The China is adhereing following policy
peace full co existence
equality and cooperation for mutual benefits
mutual non interference in each other internal affairs .
mutual non aggression
mutual respect for each others'territorial integrity and sovereignty
A big number of Chinese are working in Pakistan.I happened to meet number of Chinese in Pakistan.I found them very hospitable,courteous respectful ,and loving. I have never heard that there is any dispute either arisen between Chinese themselves or with any pakistani. Believe in me I did not find any of them turbulent. They are very disciplined people. it will be not exaggeration if I say that the Chinese in Pakistan or in any part of world wherever they are residing, are representing the China in true perspectives.the principles of China govt are fully reflective from the work and conduct,attitude,behaviour of the Chinese .Thus No one can doubt that in china ,Chinese are not residing
Mulin Zhang, Blogger (2010-present)
Chinese is a vague word. Are you referring to the people, the food or the language?
Food: China has chinese food, but not your typical chinese food like general Tso’s. You will never find those in china.
People: Strictly speaking, there’s no Chinese people. The vast majority of Chinese are Han people(about 92%), the other 8% are divided amount 56 other ethnic groups. Chinese is what people from other countries call the people living in China. But unlike the Japanese, the Chinese is too racially/ethically diverse to be called a single common name.
Language: The official language in China is called Mandarin. Some people speak many many dialects. One of the most well known dialects is Cantonese. So strictly speaking there’s no “chinese” language either.
Chinese 是一个模糊的词,你指的是人、食物还是语言?
人:严格地说,并没有Chinese这种人,绝大多数中国人是汉族( 约92% ),其余8%为其他56个民族,中国人是其他国家的人所称的,生活在中国的人,但与日本人不同的是,中国人在种族/民族上过于多样化,无法用一个单一的普遍名称来称呼。
Rietofenn Zhang
Obviously, no. There’s no such a place called China. Where did you get that noun? Accually, this is my first time to hear this word.
根本没有这样一个地方叫中国,你从那里听到的这个词的? 事实上,这是我第一次听到这个词。
Yi Yansong
I told you a secret, we/I/you/he/she/they are all aliens from other planets. There didn’t exist human on the earth at all!
Chi Yeung
Does USA have American?
Does Japan have Japanese?
Does Earth have human?
美国有美国人的吗 ?
日本有日本人吗 ?
地球上有人类吗 ?
David Lu, lives in China (2004-present)
No. There isn’t a country called “China” either. It was made by Marco Polo. All the news of China are fake. All of those photos of China were photoshopped. China was just made to inspire those European countries grow faster and better.
Just don’t believe their words.
也没有一个国家叫"中国", 它是由马可波罗臆造的,
所有关于中国照片都是 ps 过的,
Sean McDirmid, lived in Beijing, China (2007-2016)
I was very disappointed when visiting china that they had no formal Chinese restaurants. In fact, Chinese food in china is just called….food.
Annie Feng
No. Because you know why? there is no such country as “China”. That was a term imposed on us by westerners and was derived from the Qin dynasty 2000 years ago (they can’t pronounce it correctly). And that dynasty was approximately 1/4 of the current size of the country. So we haven’t been “Chinese” for over 2000 years and if you are a southerner it’s likely that you are not even “Chinese” because the Qin dynasty didn’t have those territories then. We are the Middle Hua people. Our country is the Middle Country or the Middle Hua country (the full name literally translated is: The Middle Hua People’s Republic.) Please update your retarded terms and get it right already!
世界上没有“China”这样一个国家。这个词是西方人强加给我们的,来源于2000年前的秦朝(他们不能正确地发音),这个王朝大约是这个国家目前规模的四分之一,因此,我们已经2000多年没有成为“Chinese”了,如果你是南方人,你很可能甚至不是“Chinese”,因为秦朝当时还没有这些领土,我们是中华人(Middle Hua people),我的国家名叫“中华人民共和国”(全名直译为:The Middle Hua People’s Republic),请更新您的弱智术语,并保证它使用正确!
Enming Yang, knows Mandarin Chinese
What kind of a question are you asking? What answer do you expect?
Tonitoni Ning, lives in China
Edric Gildiyan
No of course not China is America and there are no such thing as Chinese in this world
Eunseo Lim, studies at Seoul Foreign School (2021)
Oh no, they’re full of Zhongguoren.
喔,没有,他们都是 Zhongguoren。
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