China Hits U.S. With Steep Tariff on Grain Imports
[–]PM_me_Henrika [ ]
Trump has been good for china, as much as I don’t like him, none of his policies have hit China in the core. If America really want to crack down on China, they just need to crack down on the money from china in the property sector. 100% of the corrupt big tops park their money overseas in the form of property(housing is super important in Chinese culture, you can’t even get married if you don’t have your own place!)
Secondly...his policy is pretty much beneficial for China. Our state media has been attacking the TPP for years. It’s the bane of their existence. China isn’t as good as international trade like Europe and America. China is best at getting a good deal from bilateral negotiations and trade agreements with neighboring countries. TPP threatens our ability to rein as king in south east Asia and the withdrawal from it just makes it so much easier on China.
Lol trade tariffs on steel and Al? Just slap a “Made in Mexico” and change the route. Import tax for solar? Hahaha even after tax Chinese solar panel is STILL cheaper than local ones in America, and we can always slap a “Made in Texas” sticker on it as they’re shipped to California. If that doesn’t work, we’ll find another way.
The Chinese are not afraid of cheating and lying in order to get a good deal. Liar and cheaters? To quote Trump: “This makes me very smart.”
They probably realize that poor people cant afford to buy peanuts at like $10 for a handful already so its not a market worth going after.
The best explanation I can think of is to explain what China is trying to do today.
China is trying very hard to be a food seller and not a buyer. They are investing heavily in agriculture and recently bought Syngenta. This make sense because as far as their trade goes they spend on food and make money just about everywhere else. If they can become self reliant with food they can start to negotiate further in their favor.
My guess is when it comes to nuts they either can produce most of them on their own or have other sources. Peanuts however they don't have an alternative so they aren't tarifing them.
Same with sorghum. It's a crop that the US doesn't really produce much of in the first place and can be found elsewhere. Corn and soybeans are the big crops in the US as far as grain. However China already exports corn so they don't buy it from us. Instead Japan, Taiwan, and Korea buy it. All strong allies who will continue to buy.
China however imports a shit ton of soybeans. Like 75% of the global imports of soy is China. So they could hurt the US there but the thing is that the US produces a large enough portion of soy that they really couldn't do without us. So they won't touch it.
I don’t understand how so many people on this sub can think a trade war is good for a capitalist based economy.
Trade war has already been happening for a long time and China has been winning because the US refuses to act. China steals our intellectual property and makes it extremely hard for our businesses to access their markets... and we have done nothing for decades now...except roll over and submit.
This is silly. If Trump wanted to hurt China he should have signed on to TPP which fights Chinese economic influence together with trade partners as an alliance.
Getting into a 1v1 trade war is just silly. You're just not going to win when you hit products that can't be bought as cheaply anywhere else in the world, hurting American consumers and companies in the process while the Chinese hit American commodities that they can just buy from somewhere else for more or less the same price.
China has been winning because the US refuses to act.
The US practically can't act. The WTO treats China with kid gloves and gives them special powers because they're a "developing nation". The US can't do shit.
US has been able to impose tariffs on China because they are dumping products. Also the US is able to impose higher tariffs on China until they are ranked as a develop country. Also China is not developed their GDP per capita is still to low (there are over a billion people).
So because they have a massive underclass and expand their population like rabbits we have to treat them with kid gloves? No, I think not.
As per the rules of the WTO, a US controlled organization? Yes. Those are the fucking rules we wrote.
Seriously, it's hilarious how people just see "Trump" an automatically assume everything he does is just flat out insane and unethical. China has been bending over the world for years now.
Most of the things he suggests are insane or unethical, though. In this case he was right about China not being a good trading partner but his way of trying to some the problem is idiotic. Escalating a trade war hurts everybody and won't lead to China opening up trade. Not to mention Trump's being so untrustworthy makes the prospects of any real concessions almost non-existent.
Fool me once, shame on me. Fool me for the 287369th time.
The world has been letting China do it because they profit from it, not because they are idiots.
Yeah... why are you acting like the status quo doesn’t benefit the US?
If conservatives have such a problem with Chinese trade, why do they continue buying shit from China?
They have no choice. China destroyed the US solar panel industry a few years ago, and has been actively working on trying to get the semiconductor industry as well.
China destroyed the US solar panel industry a few years ago
China built up an industry in which U.S Government actively called a FRAUD. I know at least one Solar Panel maker basically moved to China cause the CCP made him felt like a human being.
That is bullshit. China subsidized local solar panel producers and allowed them to sell at a loss for prices that ran US producers out of business, which was their entire plan.
Yeah, most were mad because they could not beat the subsidized solar panels from China.
Almost zero regulations regarding production also cuts down on price as well.
This whole thing pretending the Chinese government is benevolent is a joke. I know the US Government isn't, and I know most of our politicians are corrupt, however at least they still have to pretend they care and such.
You realize that's what the US has been doing to with agricultural subsidies to the rest of the world for decades right? Latin American farmers have been put completely out of business due to this. Soda is basically the same price as water because the corn syrup used in it is so artificially cheapened by subsidies. Really its ironic that China is targeting grain; it's the biggest example of US hypocrisy on this issue.
And you know what would have been a good solution for that? If LatAm countries had placed trade tariffs in American grain imports to keep domestic producers price competitive.
I suggest you read up on the history of the WTO (and NAFTA). Latin American countries are essentially powerless to do just that. This is pure hypocrisy from America's standpoint (though tbf I guarantee Trump is minimally aware of trade relations with Latin America).
If conservatives have such a problem with Chinese trade, why do they continue buying shit from China?
If liberals have such a problem with climate change why do they continue buying shit from China?
I don’t.
uhh... most staunch conservatives I know only buy American made goods and hate on Chinese goods all the time.
Can't say I share the same experience. They shit on Chinese goods but buy them nonetheless. I bought a $120 laundry basket and mentioned that it's 100% American made. Shit'll never break, I'll own it for life. But among my 'staunch conservative' family, they scoff and say they'd never spend that much on a laundry basket. So they buy some $25 plastic thing made in China from Walmart.
Its incredibly hard to get a product 100% made in the USA. You have to account that the materials or assembling parts etc., Can be made or put together in china shipped here and under certain conditions/modifications the company has the right to say 100% made in china. Are there a few products, yes. But there are things you cant possibly buy that are 100% american.
You’re exactly right. Americans can’t stop themselves from buying cheaper goods produced in China all the while shouting at each other to buy american.
China will continue to win because they're a command economy with more everything.
I think the EU buys more stuff from them than America.
I think your massively overestimating Chinese tariffs impacts on us corporations while under estimating China's massive advantage-lower wages.
China doesn't need tariffs to lower the costs of goods to America and fight a trade War. Where average per capita income is only $15,000 and they have five times the population, that means they have an infinite supply of cheap labor.
China can choose to slow its growth slightly and pump out even cheaper Goods. The amount of American Goods that are going to go to China and manage to compete against Chinese Goods is pretty low and what good to make it to China are going to get copied and replaced to a large degree.
The more money our exports make in China the more likely China will be to aggressively replace those exports using there labor advantage.
I think your belief that knocking down The tariffs is going to change anything is little more than wishful thinking. China can adjust its industry and pricing in ways that America can't imagine being able to do. No matter what system we put in place they have a pretty high likelihood of being able to adapt to it, because they can just make Goods a lot cheaper and everybody wants cheap Goods.
It's kind of like heroin, you could tell people not to import heroin, but they really want heroin so they do it anyway.
Because capitalism requires free trade. The tariffs against us are being fought, thus bringing the trade back into balance.
No, just because China lifts tarrifs doesn't mean that American companies can compete in China and it doesn't mean there's any benefit to American workers.
Chinas per capita income is only $15,000 while America's is $58,000. labor is most often the most expensive proposition in creating Goods or providing services. With or without tariffs you're going to have a very hard time competing with a nation with comparable industrial capacity that and a massively lower cost of living.
Their workers can afford to work much much cheaper than Americans.
Nothing about the free market can fix that other than lots of time.
Sure it is. They tarriff the shit out of all our products, steal IP through state sponsored programs, manipulate their currency, and so on and so on. Everyone just is jumping on the pro-China side because they are liberals and hate Trump. It’s like they desperately want their country to fail to ensure they pay a little less for a shitty tablet.
Who gives a shit who started what? The discussion should be about what we can do to improve our economy and trade relationship moving forward. The goal is to get them to open up, not to make everything more expensive for both of us, just slightly worse for the Chinese.
Trumps obsession is about doing better than China. He doesn't seem to care about whether we actually improve overall.
Pretty sure a huge trade imbalance due to China's currency manipulation and other tactics would be called 'bad' by any economist that isn't Chinese.
We've been losing a trade war for about 20 years, getting raped while we sleep.
Do you want to compete for low paying manufacturing jobs?
I sure as shit don’t.
We could have those jobs, or we can invest in education and have the design and service jobs that are better for our population and make the US a hub for innovation.
Your choice.
Do you want to compete for low paying manufacturing jobs?
Me? No. People I know who aren't capable of entering the knowledge economy but want something better than part-time service industry work? Hell yeah they do.
Get out of your rich urban bubble every once in a while, meet the people in "those" parts of the country.
That sounds nice, but over 90% of people are not innovators, less than half go to college, but they all need jobs. So yes, we need to manufacture our own stuff, or at least attain a balance with China.
Well the innovations are often stolen and then produced more cheaply with no punishment for stealing the IP... That makes innovating much less profitable.
Trade deficits are not inherently bad.
Generally, talking about the trade deficit as an economic indicator is a very effective shibboleth for the economically illiterate. It's just not really that important.
Deficit and debt have fuck all to do with a trade deficit. And developing markets grow faster than developed markets, that's how economic growth works. Jesus Christ, do they not teach economics in high school anymore?
No, it's because China has five times more people and close to the same GDP as the US. They're per capita income is about $15,000 purses $58,000 in the United States and that means they only need about 1/4 of the income that Americans need AND Chinese are more efficient and more open to minimalism, they eat better diets and they probably have a better work ethic. I think the fact their socialist and have good work ethic is also a pretty big overall Advantage as long as you can keep your standard of living up in your people happy I guess. That allows them to act unilaterally as a nation and coordinate different markets in a much more precise manner than a capitalist Nation can.
In most business the cost of Labor is a pretty significant part of any product or service and when you can reduce labor cost by 75% you can make some pretty massive savings.
That's China's real Advantage, they are very industrialized and scientifically Advanced Nation for their low per capita income. How exactly they choose to distribute that wealth is up to them.
Who exactly is the “economy” - the GDP has little effect on the average citizen. Flooding the country with cheap labor will increase GDP and drive down quality of life as well.
Some people are just so excited to speak Chinese and build their social credit score.
Their cheap labor Advantage is just going to kill most gains you think you can make.
When trying to tariff China we lose more jobs then we create because most Chinese cannot afford our goods so the volume of goods that we are selling is small and the markets China can potentially impact are huge, for America.
On top of that I need some like China wouldn't implode even if it lost a couple hundred billion dollars off of its trade Revenue. It wouldn't panic and freak out like the United States would. Trying is not going to have a big run on the stock market because it loses a fraction of trade. On the other hand Americans would be looking at high retail goods for years until a new cheap labor Hub could be established.
The way to fight back isn't to impose tariffs. China will always win that game because the Chinese government isn't accountable to itd people like the US. The way to combat it, is to form trade agreements with other nations a lesson Chinas influence on those nations...something that TPP would have done.
I don’t think people really disagree with the concept of TPP, I think people were upset at the amount of power it gave corporate interests and little interest it had in protecting average Americans.
The only argument is to destabilize their economy even at the cost of ours because their regime is much more unstable and only kept power due to China's economic miracle, which has been slowing down and underperforming official Communist Party projections the last few years
The loser in a trade war is the side that is the net exporter. Short term, both sides will feel some pain, but that will be relatively short lived on the net importer side as domestic industry rebuilds absent lopsided competition from foreign companies who don't have costs associated with paying workers a fair wage, providing a safe working environment, or environmental protection.
The United States has never lost a war and we will win this Trade War
Trade wars usually don't have winners.
Someone always win, just not us poor folks.
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