【国外评论】如何赢得与中国的贸易战 [美国媒体]


How to Win a Trade War With China


Hint: Don’t fight it.


Donald Trump is right—the United States is not in a trade war with China.


At least, not yet. As the rhetoric has flown back and forth between Washington and Beijing, breathless news coverage has made it seem as though the war of tariffs has already begun. It has not—hardly any new duties have been levied. At most, the world is in its July 1914 moment, with the clouds of trade war gathering but shots not yet fired. We’ll know soon enough whether that is indeed the correct historical analogy. For now, the war is just words, and it would be best for the planet if that’s as far as it goes, because the only way to win a trade war is not to fight it.


For many, the line between words and actions has dissolved into nothingness. Beginning with Trump’s early March Twitter bravado (“trade wars are good, and easy to win”), continuing with the announcement of tariffs first against steel and aluminum, and then against approximately $50 billion in imports from China, and then on Thursday with a possible further round on $100 billion more, financial markets have sold off sharply with each new salvo, keying off everything from tweets to detailed lists published by first the U.S. government and then by the Chinese government of exactly which products would be subject to what duties.


Here’s a reality check: The announcement of levies against global steel and aluminum imports in early March led to the implementation of those levies on March 23, except that a full 50 percent of all U.S. steel imports (from Brazil, South Korea, Mexico, Canada and others) were then exempted from those tariffs. China then announced retaliatory tariffs as high as 25 percent on $3 billion of U.S. goods. Here too, the reporting has often been fuzzy: 25 percent tariffs on $3 billion of goods amounts to $750 million. What has actually happened? The U.S. is levying perhaps an additional $5 billion of tariffs on global steel and aluminum, which China is responding with less than $1 billion of its own. As a proportion of the nearly $19 trillion U.S. economy, that amounts to less than 0.0003 percent. As a proportion of the combined U.S. and Chinese economies, the number is insignificant.


Even the larger figures recently threatened, on $50 billion of Chinese goods including consumer items such as flat screen televisions—and China’s proposed retaliation on an equivalent dollar amount of U.S. exports including pork and soybeans—represent perhaps $25 billion tax on a reciprocal trade relationship that last year amounted to nearly $700 billion. Let’s say that goes even higher based on recent escalating rhetoric and threats. The numbers are still modest in the greater scheme. If this is July 1914, it is a July where the third cousin once-removed of the Archduke of Austria-Hungary was assassinated, three battalions of Austrian and Serbian troops were dispatched to the border and the rest of the continent enjoyed its summer holidays.



The words just now are a shadow of the actions that most of us rightly fear, and it is vital that we all take a deep breath and make a concerted effort to distinguish threats, bluster and modest action from a global trade war that echoes the retrenchment of the 1930s. The infamous Smoot-Hawley Act of 1930 levied duties of close to 60 percent on nearly 20,000 products, leading U.S. trade with the world to plunge nearly 75 percent. That was a trade war. What we are seeing today might be the first signs of one, but we are a long way from real conflict.



That makes it an opportune time not to go any further. It may be, of course, that the Trump White House has in this arena found an ideal outlet for its tendency to speak loudly and carry a small stick. China’s response to the threat of broad tariffs has been to immediately threaten its own measures, while agreeing that now is the time to revise many past practices. One of the main goals of these announced tariffs is to retaliate against China for years of forced intellectual property transfer and dubious requirements that companies setting up production lines or business in China must have a joint venture partner with a significant stake and then transfer IP to that partner.


While China released its own list of possible tariffs, high-level government officials have also signaled their willingness to review its past mercantile trade practices.


Thus, it might be that, as new economic adviser Larry Kudlow said several times this week, there will be no tariffs, and hence no trade war. If indeed that is how the next few months unfold (and by law it will be months before any of the nonsteel and aluminum tariffs are actually put in place), then the White House will have succeeded in using the threat of tariffs as an effective tool to force some changes in the U.S.-Chinese bilateral economic relationship. That undoubtedly will be treated as a victory.


And yet, ending years of Chinese infringement of American intellectual property will not do much to ensure U.S. competitiveness or prosperity in the years to come. Nor will a somewhat more open Chinese market for American goods. China is becoming a domestic economic powerhouse, making much of what it needs for itself and spending tens of billions on artificial intelligence research, clean energy innovation and next-generation telecommunications, along with the trillions it intends to invest in global and domestic infrastructure. U.S. tariffs may annoy China, and they might dent the $700 billion in U.S.-China trade, but the endgame is not a glorious recreation of the 1950s with America a global powerhouse and the rest of the world struggling to catch up.


Trade statistics are highly problematic—we tend to fixate on the hundreds of billions of dollars of U.S deficits, when in fact a large percentage of that is U.S. companies assembling items nominally “made in China” and then selling them in America. The iPhone is perhaps the best example. It is treated as a U.S. import from China at its announced import price of more than $200, but as many economists have shown, only a fraction of that goes to China. The rest is distributed among global suppliers and Apple itself, but arcane “country of origin rules” make it seem otherwise. That is true for almost all products others than commodities and agricultural goods. Our current trade numbers reflect supply chains of the 1950s but how goods are actually made in the 21st century.


That is in part why China’s possible tariffs against U.S. commodities could hurt more than U.S. tariffs against Chinese goods: Our pork and soybeans are basically all-American, whereas a goodly portion of Chinese imports have parts from countries around the world sourced by American companies domiciled in the U.S.


The final problem with the tariffs is that China is the fastest-growing export market for American goods and perhaps the largest potential market for U.S. services. Those services include Chinese tourism to the United States and Chinese students studying here, whose economic ripple effects are surely under-reported (a Chinese student paying rent shows up in no trade number, for instance). And those numbers don’t include China investing tens of billions in the U.S. to buy companies with its surplus dollars, nor its trillion-dollar investment in U.S. bonds.


All of those promising, fast-growing economic avenues are threatened not just by U.S. tariffs but by a plethora of White House policies that make the United States less welcoming to foreign capital and business. Those include more onerous restrictions on student visas and more limitations on foreign investment, such as the recently nixed $100 billion semiconductor deal, which would have seen Qualcomm acquired by a Singapore company with deep business in China. Yes, as the administration is fond of reminding, the United States remains a global market like no other, but with multiple economic centers emerging, the U.S. is not nearly as central as it was. Foreign countries and businesses have more options and more markets than ever, and the more friction the U.S. creates, the more attractive those options become.


Starting a trade war with a series of pallid actions is, therefore, the ultimate mistake. It interferes with one of the fastest-growing import and export markets in the world for the United States without generating nearly enough actual revenue to make a difference except to the already vulnerable domestic American industries and consumers that are purportedly protected. It does little to halt China’s future trajectory as a domestic innovator with its own intellectual property that relies less on the United States than in the past, and punishes China for acts already committed that cannot be retroactively reversed.


Trump’s hot rhetoric may prove successful in the very modest sense of preventing some of the past abuses. Given the changed nature of China’s economy, that won’t matter nearly as much going forward even if the abuses continue, but some adjustment on China’s part would at least restore some level of trust between the two countries. That would certainly be for the best. It would also be a small step for such a large threat, compared with the much greater harm that might result. If, on the other hand, we do plunge into an actual trade war, the U.S. is unlikely to emerge stronger and China is unlikely to weaken. The only way for Trump to win his trade war is if it is never fought.


Zachary Karabell is head of global strategy at Envestnet and author of The Leading Indicators: A Short History of the Numbers That Rule Our World. He is a contributing editor at  Politico Magazine.

Neal Levine · University of Toledo · 20h +11
Tell that we are not in a tradecwar with China? Right. Explain that one to the stock market. Explain that one to many people’s retirement that have lost billions of dollars because of this incompetent abd stupid game of Trump’s. Tell that to Iowa, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan and Wisconsin Farmers who grow soy beans that there is no trade war. Oh by the way, there is no winning in a trade war. We are losing already.


Tammy McKinnon · Florida State University · 19h +4
Even as President Trump imposes tariffs on billions of dollars in Chinese goods to balance the trade playing field, voters here continue to view China as an economic threat and think the U.S. government has been too easy on it. 
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 73% of Likely U.S. Voters consider China a bigger threat to the United States economically than militarily. Only 13% say China’s a bigger military threat, and just as many (14%) are undecided.
http://www.rasmussenreports.com/ ... ugh_enough_on_china
This should NOT be debatable. China is cheating and it is all by design (read my post above)
https://morningconsult.com/2018/ ... -reviews-americans/


Neal Levine · University of Toledo · 18h +7
Tammy McKinnon and China hold 1/3 of our debt. Really? It is not as simple as you want it to be. Sorry


Robin F. Korving · Eigenaar/owner at Korving Media, Communicatie & Training · 18h +8
Since when does public opinion equal fact? Small wonder most believe tariffs are the way to go, Trump and others have been spewing anti China and tariff rhetoric for two years. Meanwhile people that actually know what they are talking about say the exact opposite.


Brian Olafson · 17h
Neal Levine I have seen various figures for China/US debt so am no longer sure about a correct figure. Last one I saw said it was $1 trillion.

回Neal Levine,在我见过的中国/美国债务的各种数据里,我不确定这图的真实性。我看到的最后一张图是1兆美元。

Jim Parker · Ventura College · 17h +1
Tammy the U.S. has been on the loosing end of trade with China ever since China jumped into the world trade market.China has the most manufacturing of CHEAP items in the world.This is how China is fueling their military build up.If the U.S. said they were going to be limiting trade with China that would be an extremley large blow to China's economy.Tariffs are actually nothing to China as they just increase their products prices.The U.S. has its farmers worried due to the tariffs on U.S. agriculture products.The question is can China survive without these agricultural products and if so how long ??


Vikisha Waldkirch · University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee · 17h +3
Jim Parker china can purchase several of the items from others like Brazil and Argentina. I believe based on Chinese history, they have been preparing for a trade war for a long time. They are prepared to endure the consequences of the trade war. The US are not.


Kevin Lenihan · Clark University · 16h +2
We have been losing all along. That's Trump's point. And the only way to change that is to risk some harball. What would your approach be, begging the Chinese to "come to their senses and play fair!" See how far that gets you.


Scott Henricks · Mound, Minnesota · 16h +4
Tammy McKinnon Go back to Florida State and take a econ 101 class and bring the 60% of respondents who think trade wars are the way to resolve this issue. You have a Koolaid swillers understanding of econ.
The way you fix a trade probelm is through TRADE DEALS like TPP that set the rules that people have to operate under. You have American companies like the one I work for continue to grow our exports to China, you don't get in a trade war that harms American companies exports.
Turn off Fox Noise and learn something beyond what your spoon fed.


David Clodfelder · Purdue University · 16h +2
Nice to see you defending China and their stealing $300 billion from our economy each year. You liberal tree stumps are very predictable and simply stupid !


Elizabeth Smith · 13h +1
Neal Levine You would be shocked or perhaps not, to know that the bulk of the people do not know that, when I post that same exact thing on another site, many blasted me saying I didn't know what I was talking about...LOL I was left speechless.


James T. Lalos · Works at Self-Employed · 11h
If you trend out the stockmarket over the past 10 years the Dow should end 2018 at about 25,200. It was 26,600 this past January, some 11 months before the end of the year--way overvalued. If we get to 25,200, the "Trump" stock trend is nothing more than the Obama stock trend. If the Dow is less than 25,200 at year's end, then Trumponomics have indeed failed relative to the stock market.


Paul Minot · Psychiatrist at Maine General Health · 11h
Tammy McKinnon I have no doubt that this is what a majority of people believe. The problem is that those folks have absolutely zero understanding of the global economy. Neither do I, but at least I KNOW how ignorant I am. If Trump follows the polling numbers and dives into a trade war to "punish" China, it's likely we are all going to get a very painful education.


Emil Kaneti · 9h
Neal Levine China holds about 15% of our debt not 1/3 but your point is well taken. How did China acquire our debt? By running trade surpluses for many many years


Robert Jackson · 9h
Neal Levine Incorrect. China holds 7.2% of US debt followed by Japan at 7%. 65% of US debt is held in the US.


Elizabeth Pengson · 8h
Tammy McKinnon 
|actually,China can survive without USA.. they have been dealing with other countries/continents to do tradfde for ages.. even countries like Switzerland which doesn't do trade with US have made deal with china.. meanwhile.. for US products.. china is our biggest market.. & it is with tha thug epopulation 1.2 plus billion.. 
the bottomline of t his fiasco.. don;t mess with people who practically invented global trade.. as they did with the SILK ROAD. from BC period.. this is what they know the best..


Phil Van Schepen · 3h
Emil Kaneti after you all comments here are just a waste of time. Congrats on intelligent discourse. 
The primary losers in a trade war would be agricultural providers.
The question is do we let farmers suffer to enforce intellectual property rights for manufacturers.
Macro vs micro.
Chinese influence on the stock market fluctuations are short term and therefore not a concern in the overall picture.
China cannot allow the US economy to tank as they hold so much of our debt. 
Intellectual property in the long run is more important than pork or corn.

Emil Kaneti你这里的所有评论只是浪费时间。祝贺你有很好理解力。贸易战的主要输家将是农产品供应者。问题是,我们是否要让农民为制造商争取知识产权而受苦。从宏观与微观来看。中国对股市影响力是短期的,因此在总体上不受关注。中国不能让美国经济陷入困境,因为他们持有我们这么多的债务。从长远来看,知识产权比猪肉或玉米更重要。

Jean Cassidy · UC Berkeley · 3h
Scott Henricks Thanks. Everyone seems to forget that we had a deal that would have allowed us to put pressure on China's trade deals with the help of neighboring countries -TPP. Trump took us out of it.

Scott Henricks,谢谢。似乎每个人都忘了,我们有一个协议,将允许美国针对中国的贸易向周边国家提供帮助——通过TPP施加压力。特朗普把我们带歪了。

Michael McKibbon · 19h +7


Rebecca Hargens · 17h +10
Tammy, manufacturers in this country rely HEAVILY on components made in China. That is what has reduced the costs of just about everything. You want a computer with all parts made in the USA? Get ready to pay $3000 or more. You want a car with all parts made in the USA? You might want to start saving because your YUGO is about to cost what a Maserati does right now.
Trump has handed you a line and you took it, sinker and all. 
With $25/hour jobs being replaced with $11/hour jobs, and the cost of living not going down accordingly, this country will become China. Where we work for $5 hour and generations of family live under the same roof - not because they want to, but because they HAVE to. No one will be able to afford anything. The gap between the haves and have nots will become a gigantic chasm. 
Trump has already cost me a lot of money in my 401k. A lot. And there are millions out there who just lost a chunk of their retirement and have no way of making it up now. 
I second Michael's motion.


Ed Peska · Solon High School · 17h
Rebecca Hargens ...Look at those wages you cite. Now explain why they are so high here, compared to China. The reason is, unions and the "collective bargaining" power of their members. IF unions did not have as much influence as they do, perhaps wages would not be so high, and instead of "needing" China to produce items for us, we could keep those jobs here instead.


Michael Jimenez · University of Texas at San Antonio · 16h +3
With the market down 11% in the last two months, “Trump’s market” has averaged 10% growth in the past 16 months. 
Obama’s stock market averaged more than 14% annually over 8 years.
Look up S&P 500 annual returns.


Vikisha Waldkirch · University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee · 16h +1
Tammy McKinnon the things that China as done per your examples , are they exclusively China? Hasnt the US done the same thing to other nations, i.e CUBA.

Tammy ,那些你举的中国例子的事情,他们是存在于中国?美国到其他国家没有做同样的事情吗,比如古巴。

Scott Henricks · Mound, Minnesota · 16h +4
Tammy McKinnon Stock market went up under Trump on the promise of large corporate tax cuts. Later this year you will see what the cost of those tax cuts are and Republican spending spree will increase the deficit 80% this year alone and the deficit will be back over a trillion a year by next year.
Grats to your side, you got deficit back over a trillion a year and you didn't even need to crash the economy to do it. Well done idiot.
PS Trump inherited a record market, something you clowns seem to ignore.


James Berry · Oregon State University · 14h
Ed Peska And people working for low wages would be unable to buy them.


Lee Archer · 2h
Marc Raymond Marc Raymond as a matter of fact they did. Before collective bargaining and Henry Ford, American workers did not earn enough to buy the cars they were building. It wasn’t until Ford gave out $5/day wages ,( which compare to the prevailing 2.50/day wages was a humongous pay difference) that the workers could afford the cars they were building. So to bring back the jobs from China and build them at an affordable price, companies/shareholders will need to take a pay cut(ie less profit). Do you think that will happen? If not, then the price of cars will 
skyrocket like they did when they were first manufactured and most people will not be able to afford them again.


Mike Cronin · USNA · 19h +1
So how do we stop the 500 billion a year drain on our economy. Sure there many who benefit from this situation, but the country as a whole loses badly. The cheap stuff we get to buy is like an addictive drug that destroys the economy.
Since we can’t control our budget deficit, we then borrow back the money we have sent to China, another element in our determined self destruction.
Thinking of our self as a world power and leader while this goes on is delusional.


Steven Litvintchouk · Columbia University in the City of New York · 18h +2
Some things can't be fixed.
Businesses are flocking to China because their middle class is now bigger than America's. Business goes where the consumers are. And the Chinese middle class has more purchasing power relative to their cost of living than Americans do.
We absolutely have to stand up to Chinese abuses of the trade system. But after we've done all that, China will still be a major economic superpower.
Asia isn't going to magically go away no matter what America does.


Brian Olafson · 17h +5
First off the $500 billion is Trumps number and as per usual it is wrong. The correct number is closer to $350billion. Second, that does not mean the US is losing $350 billion to China each year. The overall economic impact is significantly more complicated than the nominal trade deficit.


Steven DeAmaral · Hankuk University of Foreign Studies · 14h +1
It doesn't destroy the economy. The article says it pretty well: trade balance is an arcane measure of who is "winning" in trade.


Steven Litvintchouk · Columbia University in the City of New York · 18h +4
Notice how the author of this article had no alternative suggestions as to what to do about Chinese abuses of the trade system, such as theft of intellectual property.
I dislike tariffs. But I'm enough of a realist to acknowledge that so far, nothing else has worked.
The time to turn the other cheek and ignore China's abuses is over. If you don't like tariffs, suggest some other response to China that would work.


Scott Henricks · Mound, Minnesota · 16h +6
TPP would have been a good start. Continue to support alternative energy research so we can develop better technology then the other guy. At the end of the day the best technology that can be mass produced wins the battle, not tariffs. Fund the EXIM bank to support more US exports, China is certainly funding their version of the same bank.
The clown in the White House shoots the country foot and then whines about how much the foot hurts.
Do you want more ideas because I could go all day.


Ch Hoffman · Host of "Breakfast with Charles Hoffman" .. at A cereal comedy · 2m
if you weren't an "I love Trump even if he's a fukkin' moron ideologue", you'd realize that there is no "China cheats at everything" issue at all. China has a lower standard of living, and any product made in China will be priced lower when labor costs are a major component.
Don't even try to rationalize the rantings of your hero, the Pervert-in-Chief; it's not worth the effort


Rebecca Hargens · 17h +3
WE ARE IN A TRADE WAR WITH CHINA (not Brazil, SK, Mexico, etc.). Trump will kill this country. Cost of products here in the USA will skyrocket because we rely on Chinese made components.


Marc Raymond · Philadelphia, Pennsylvania · 14h +1
We're in 20 trillion dollars negative, we own nothing, we are selling our country away peice by peice to China........ And your solution is the status quo? What kind of liberal are you exactly? Lol


James Sullivan · Gonzaga University · 10h
It will all be worth it if we can put Walmart to the sword


Brian Olafson · 17h +1
I doubt Congress will let Trump advance his position any further. If they do they are as dumb as many think. What Trump has done so far is clumsy but not all that bad. The trade deficit, the real one, with China needs to be addressed as does the issue of intellectual property. Also, the article cites a $700 billion trade deficit which is factually wrong as the real number if about half that.


James Lee · Owner at Self-Employed · 16h
Why scared? This is the exact reason why China keeps on stealing trade secrets and become a national security threat. 
I say take china on. They have more to lose than us. 
Why is it company have to pass knowledge transfer to do business in China?


Kevin Lenihan · Clark University · 16h +1
One more thing: the goal of 1930's tariffs was protectionism. The goal of Trump's tariffs is to obtain a better deal. The hope is that the tariffs are temporary, a tool to create the necessary leverage to get a better deal. It might not work, but it would help if liberals at least can understand the difference between 1930s tariffs and what Trump is attempting. God, does everything have to be explained to Lefties?


Rolando Lucero II · ITSLP · 13h
sure, China will get a better deal


Kevin Lenihan · Clark University · 13h
Rolando Lucero II You base that statement on what?


Dominik Schenk · Pittsburg State University · 12h
Trump is too f***ing stupid to make a better deal. His reputation is a fraud
God, does everything have to be explained to the righties?


Kevin Lenihan · Clark University · 11h
Dominik Schenk He might be too stupid. But who on the Left...or anywhere...has made a good deal for us with the Chinese? Did Obama even try?


James Sullivan · Gonzaga University · 10h
If Trump didn't lie all the time more people would trust him.


Douglas Lindsey · Colorado Mesa University · 16h
Any way you look at it China is winning the Trade War with US, the question really is how to we fight back?


Florence J. Juarez · 10h
"ending years of Chinese infringement of American intellectual property will not do much to ensure U.S. competitiveness or prosperity in the years to come."
No the author is just stating fact... something the poor Trumptards cannot understand. You cannot put the genie back in the bottle as much as you would like. The only way out of the pot is invest in automation / innovate. Stop wishing the 50s would come back.


Walter Ziobro · 15h
No need for tariffs. The tax cut, which allowed US companies to repatriate their foreign earnings with lower taxes, is a much better approach. Let's let that have its full effect, first.


Christopher Jones · Colorado Springs, Colorado · 14h
Qualcomm not going to broadcom is not really the worst, they did it for the wrong reasons, but blocking that deal WAS a good idea for maintaining a US company in a leadership position. Broadcom doesn't do R&D, they buy successful companies and then coast on their market segment dominance. Qualcomm actually DOES do R&D and that is a benefit for us as a country.


Humberto Effio · 31m
Today is power to control commodities and areas consolidated countries and their resources the winners today will. Be Australia. Argentina.brazil.countries with food. The USA power with Europe will impose more tariff to Russia Iran n.korea .japan will return to be second 
Economy with investing in resources already in place .chile Bolivia Peru
Mexico. Will be supply all to USA and Canada.

