Weibo user named “Dr. Xie 88” (谢博士88) posted an infographic that says men outnumber women by 33 million in China and commented (in Chinese):
This is appalling. Considering there are millions of Chinese men who can’t find a spouse if the authorities continue introducing large numbers of foreign students to the country or advocating interracial marriages between Chinese women and foreign men this will be a crime against the Chinese race. They will leave behind a historical monument of shame.
Dr. Xie 88 declares in his bio that his mission is to “defend China’s cultural excellence stop the impact of extremist religions on China’s peaceful evolution and promote the positive influence of Chinese culture on human progress.”
His post quickly had Weibo users talking — more than 2000 comments so far — with many arguing over who should be blamed for the millions of men unable to find wives in China.
“This post made me crack up. He would like to break women’s legs and make them blind so that they are forced to search for men in piles of trash. Women are the last ones to blame for these men being single. Your future wife might have already been buried when she was born.”
“The only solution to this problem is to create preferential policies for families with daughters and for women when it comes to employment reproduction and education. Otherwise even a 20-child policy won’t make a difference. No woman with brains would like to marry a misogynist and become a breeding machine.”
“This won’t work. The surplus 30 million single men are trash. They won’t find wives even if there are no foreigners in China.”
“This is so hilarious. You just stop imports to protect the market if you can’t compete with others. Are you domestic crap films? Hhhhh”
“They should fight a war among themselves. The problem will be solved if these losers can just die.”
“Another example of the ‘breeding to save the nation’ theory.”
Predictably there are some people who came to Xie’s defense.
“The reality is actually worse. Since women usually live longer than men the gender ratio imbalance among marriage-age men and women is even greater. However without offering any favorable policies to improve the situation the country promotes international marriages and encourages Chinese women to marry foreign men. This is very much like the obsession of the one-child policy in its essence. They want to reduce the population of Han ethnicity by letting people of ethnic minorities have more children and introducing migrants.”
As always those who call out sexist remarks on Weibo are slammed as “feminist bitches” by women-haters.
“What happened in the past four hours? Feminist bitches flooded in?”
Dr. Xie 88 himself refused to change his mind.
“This post has gone viral and attracted a lot of nasty comments. According to these people millions of single males don’t deserve wives and they should bear (the results of the one-child policy) which was made before they were born. Also for those who brought up the issue of gender inequality in China do they know that in many Western countries women have to change their last names after marriage?”
–]-ipa 11 指标 4小时前*
Translated summary of angry peasants;
I'm a pathetic loser or violent asshole my parents and their neighbors aborted too many daughter's I won't get a chick. It's the laowais fault.
Edit: there are more people in Chinese jail's than the number of foreigners in China. It evens itself out I would say there is no problem.
Edit2: https://qz.com/857156/uganda-is-worried-about-the-number-of-chinese-men-marrying-their-women/
[–]enxiongenxiongUnited States 6 指标 8小时前
Some of those comments are funny. The crap domestic films one made me laugh.
[–]BlazeMiskulinUnited States 9 指标 8小时前
Just curious: Why did you choose to give this person more publicity?
[–]mr-wienerAustralia 8 指标 8小时前
Why do people go to zoos?
[–]BillyBattsShinebox 25 指标 8小时前
To throw rocks at kangaroos and pluck the tail feathers out of peacocks
[–]mr-wienerAustralia 7 指标 8小时前
Sorry I meant why do westerners go to zoos... Well played though.
[–]BlazeMiskulinUnited States 1 指标 8小时前
Generally not to give more publicity to people we disagree with or despise.
[–]mr-wienerAustralia 1 指标 7小时前
You must go to different zoos than me...
Any publicity of this thinking doesn't do the cause of tradition Chinese male-chauvinism any favors.
[–]cuteshooter 3 指标 6小时前
That's why I'm careful and take taxis on any rare outside excursuons with the ladies. Stay safe!
[–]uNhoLeee 5 指标 4小时前
millions of single males don’t deserve wives
nice choice of words 'deserve'. welcome to the real world - where you aren't 'entitled to' don't 'deserve' shit because you have to work for it.
poor kid victim-blaming society and others for his problems. in fact he sounds like my gf you know voicing his problems out aloud. probably has a lot of estrogen. might be easier life if he considers becoming a woman.
oolongvanilla2 points·3 days ago
Exactly. Living breathing human beings are not prizes to be deserved.
I also notice how he ignores the existence of foreign women in China. Certainly he's not going to be winning over any women at all with his sorry incel attitude but there are many foreign women open to relationships with Chinese men - At least they're open to the ones who can leave the rude archaic chauvinist countryside attitudes at the door.
[–]aerowindwalkerUnited States 1 指标 8小时前
[–]ShenzhenMuscleDaddy 1 指标 39 分钟前
Phew! So the trick is just to avoid putting a ring on it right?
[–]Reza_JafariRussia 1 指标 7 分钟前
In other words trolls being trolls
[–]aghicantthinkofaname 0 指标 7小时前
Exciting news
[–]wobbly_au -4 指标 5小时前
Its a very real problem how is he trolling?
His views are just very protectionists kind of like how China taxes imports to protect domestic production.
Its a very political way to look at a very private question.. But its very far from trolling...
[–]-ipa 11 指标 4小时前*
There are around 320.000 western foreigners in China. Most of them students and some expats. This is 0.02 percent of the population and barely one percent of the 30 million which will forever be alone.
Not really a problem I would say. The issue was made by the families themselves not the expats and students. Don't blame those who follow nature's path.
I know a guy who fits the 30 million plays games the whole day a very hateful person hates women shows no respect at all towards them and ignore every single opinion brought up by female co-workers dismisses it with "woman don't know what they talk about" he does the same for foreigners he might as well be that troll!
oolongvanilla 5 points·3 days ago·edited 3 days ago
As a gay male I can also tell you that there are a lot of gay men in sham marriages to unsuspecting straight women. It's getting a bit better with the younger generation of gay men and women who prefer secretly-arranged mutually-consented marriages between a gay man and a lesbian (形婚) as a way to keep up appearances without fooling anyone but you'd be surprised how many guys still think it's okay to decieve a straight woman into a loveless marriage.
It's a shame that these nationalist incels prefer to blame foreigners for every problem instead of the sexist face-saving traditional culture that led so many parents to abort female fetuses leads gay men to marry straight women and despite a huge gender imbalance still degrades women unmarried over a certain age by declaring them "leftovers".
Also check out this asshole's response to his many detractors:
*According to these people millions of single males don’t deserve wives *
Deserve? Human beings are not prizes in a raffle. Maybe he could reflect on his own attitudes toward women to figure out why no one wants him.
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