中国聪明战略:“使用”而不“拥有”土地 [美国媒体]

2010年,G7七国财长会议在加拿大Nunavut举行,Nunavut——加拿大一个在北极圈里面的省份,仅仅只有三万因纽特人居住。加拿大对北极地区省份的“北方策略”是前总理Stephen Harper任期内的核心,而产生的影响是,对海岸警卫队进行扩充,修建新的破冰船,军事物流中心通过西北地区,常态化的无人飞机监视以及执行秘密行动的一队雪地车队-代号为Loki......


In 2010, Canada hosted the G7 finance ministers in Nunavut, the country's frigid Arctic province that is home to a mere 30,000 Inuit people. Canada's "Northern Strategy" for the Arctic was a centerpiece of former Prime Minister Stephen Harper's tenure, resulting in a larger coast guard, new icebreakers, military logistics centers across the Northwest Territories, regular drone surveillance flights and a fleet of stealth snowmobiles code-named Loki. When asked why Canada was placing such strategic emphasis on the Arctic, Harper responded with a simple phrase: "Use it or lose it."

2010年,G7七国财长会议在加拿大Nunavut举行,Nunavut——加拿大一个在北极圈里面的省份,仅仅只有三万因纽特人居住。加拿大对北极地区省份的“北方策略”是前总理Stephen Harper任期内的核心,而产生的影响是,对海岸警卫队进行扩充,修建新的破冰船,军事物流中心通过西北地区,常态化的无人飞机监视以及执行秘密行动的一队雪地车队-代号为Loki。当问及加拿大为何要将如此战略重点摆在北极地区省份上面,Harper只回了句简短的话:“利用它,或失去它。”


There is no better expression to capture great power maneuvering in the 21st century, especially when it comes to China. In contrast to the legalistic and nation-based approaches that dominate Western thinking, China views the world almost entirely through the lens of supply chains. As Chinese growth and consumption surged in the 1990s, it became a huge importer of raw materials from countries that the West began to ignore as the Cold War ended. The saying "Power abhors a vacuum" is itself a synonym for "Use it or lose it." China is now the top trade partner of 124 countries, more than twice as many as the United States (52 countries). China sees New Zealand as a food supplier, Australia as an iron ore and natural gas exporter, Zambia as a metals hub and Tanzania as a shipping hub. The Argentine scholar Mariano Turzi calls his country a "soybean republic" in light of the shift in its agribusiness to serve Chinese demand. Supply and demand is the governing law of the 21st century, not sovereignty.

在21世纪,对于大国的各种操纵手段,的确没有更好的表达方式,尤其是当我们谈及中国。与遵守法律、以国家本位来思考问题的西方思想形成对比的是,中国看待世界的方式几乎全部是通过供应链的镜头完成的。当中国的经济增长及消费在1990年代如浪潮般涌来的时候,中国就成为了一个从世界各国进口原材料的巨型进口商,这些国家在冷战结束后受到西方的忽视。老话说“权利不喜真空”,其意思与“利用它,或失去它。”其实一样。中国现在是124个国家的头号贸易伙伴,是美国的两倍(后者是52个国家)。中国将新西兰视为食物供应商,澳大利亚视为铁矿石及天然气出口商,赞比亚视为金属来源中心,坦桑尼亚视为航运中心。阿根廷学者Mariano Turz则称其国家是“大豆共和国”,因其国内的农业经济都转变为服务中国人的需求了。21世纪的铁打通律是供给与需求,而不是主权。


Lohani • 10 hours ago
Seems the 15th century Chinese and the 17th century Dutch had the same idea.
It was based on mutual benefits, not on aggression and subjugation.
The subjugation model we have today, a.k.a. "regime changes", is very deadly.
Is the death toll in Syria reaching 300,000 yet? It has been 5+ years, what has been achieved with this subjugation tactic, besides death and destruction?


Lohani • 11 hours ago
If this "use it or lose it" model benefits both parties and attract investments to areas of great needs, I see nothing wrong with it.
Why insists on subjugating others?



GLI0213 • 16 hours ago
China is CLAIMING the sea. It undermines and infringes the archipelagic islands and waters, let alone the EEZ of other countries. China is violating international laws particularly the UNCLOS. The 9-line claim is illegal thus making those artificial islands illegal as well. The saying "use it or lose it" does not correlate to China's 9-line illegal claim this is absolutely different.


Lohani  GLI0213 • 11 hours ago
Has ANY nation's maritime freedom been threatened at all in the more than 7 decades that the Chinese Nationalist Government ( as opposed to the current Chinese government) made the 9 line claim based on history??? NO, not at all.



Benjamin Moodie  Lohani • 7 hours ago
Yes it has. My brother-in-law is a Filipino fisherman whose livelihood has been stolen by Chinese incursion just a few miles offshore of the Luzon coastline. Do not try to lie to me that no one has been effected by Chinese blatant and aggressive unilateral incursion into sovereign EEZ's of other countries. That is a bald faced lie.


GLI0213  Lohani • 10 hours ago
Laws and history are two separate entities. Histories are not accurate, they can be manipulated or doctored the Chinese way to serve the best interest of China. There are many conflicting history around the world, that's why laws were enacted as the world order. History cannot be the basis for the 9-line territorial claim because it violates international law.



Lohani  GLI0213 • 9 hours ago
The Ocean law is a recent product.
We cannot ignore thousands of years of human history because of a relatively recent law.
There are ways to authenticate historical claims.That is why we have academic disciplines called Archaeology and History.
Maritime freedom has NEVER been an issue in that part of the world since WWII. WE(America) made it up to justify militarizing the South China Sea. It is just a strategic step to dominate Asia ( Remember "the pivot to Asia"?)
The Filipinos have chosen to play political games, hiding behind our skirt and that of the Japanese. Not a pretty sight, for the Filipinos. Hiding behind someone's skirt is never a good thing, for humans or nations.
There are other choices of conflict resolutions.



Wakachik  Lohani • 4 hours ago
Your mentality really don't breakaway to those Chinese with mental deficiency!!! I think you should see your Psychiatrist very often and make sure that you still have your brain in your head not on your toes.!!!

 Wakachik  回复 Lohani 你居然不跟那些脑残的中国人划清界限!我建议你经常去看看精神病医生,确保你的脑瓜还长在脑袋里而不是脚趾上。
Lohani  Wakachik • an hour ago
Do you have anything intelligent to add to the discussion of the topic besides toes?

 Lohani  回复 Wakachik 你有什么符合人类智商水准的话要说吗?
GLI0213  Lohani • 9 hours ago
No, you don't understand we are now living in a civilized world with laws that should be followed. Many countries have history that were once occupied or discovered by other empires from Europe or other kingdoms, but they cannot claim these islands now. China is setting a wrong precedent claiming a territory because of history.
China must follow this]
Source: UNCLOS

GLI0213 回复 Lohani 不,你不懂,我们现在生活在文明社会,应当遵守法制。许许多多的国家都有被欧洲国家或王国发现或者占据的历史,但是它们不能声称对那些岛屿有主权。中国树了一个从历史出发宣扬主权的非常坏的先例。


Lohani  GLI0213 • 2 hours ago
Are you aware that UNCLOS, which came into effect in 1982, do not have jurisdiction on pre existing disputes?
That is just a legal point.
Like you, I want to see a non confrontational approach to the territorial disputes. Everyone can play politics, using whatever justification. But solutions come from honest negotiations, not posturing.

 Lohani  回复 GLI0213 你是否意识到了联合国海洋法会议是从1982年开始生效的,对于之前就存在的问题的解决根本毫无助益?这些只是法律上的观点。如你一样,我希望有一种无需正面冲突的方法来解决现在的领土纠纷。谁都能用各种理由来玩政治,但是解决问题需要诚恳的沟通,而不是惺惺作态。
Elvis • 18 hours ago
Ironic. China was isolated for decades because of Maoism, and therefore were concerned with only internal matters and repelling a possible Soviet invasion in the northeast. Due to the Western geopolitical imperative of turning China into a quasi-ally thereby surrounding the Soviet Union, and later Corporate America's need for cheap labor and new customers, the West brought China out of the cold and connected them into the global economy. Now China is a vital part of the global economy and to a great extent reliant on trade for its growth, thereby making it vulnerable to Western interference with trade which in turn forces China to secure its sea lines of communication via naval power, seaports, and so on.



Springfire • 15 hours ago
The author is talking about bullshit. Of course China owns all islands and features in South China Sea. As for China imports, this is normal trade. There is always a willing seller.
China is a lot of better than west who would invade/bomb/kill in order to impose their ideology.

Michael Ernst  Springfire • 12 hours ago
Springfire your such a dolt. No one except maybe you and a few of your troll brothers believe that China owns anything except the lands demarcated by international law. Regarding China vs the West you lose hands down and the reality of Mao's great leap forward, his cultural revolution and the millions that died by Chinese hands over whelms any death toll by the West since WWII!

Michael Ernst  回复 Springfire Springfire你真是个SB。除了你和你的那些整天逼逼的小伙伴,鬼才信中国对除了国际法限定的那几个岛屿之外的任何东西有主权。在中国VS西方的大战中你已经输得飞起,想想毛泽东搞的大跃进,文化大革命还有那些死在中国人手下的无数冤魂的数量加起来比二战后西方弄死的人加起来都多!


Lohani  Michael Ernst • 11 hours ago
Michael Ernst
Our "regime change" game is doing a very "good" job in mass killing. I expect you must be celebrating. Whenever WE KILL, it is "good", isn't it?
How many in Syria now? Is it approaching 300,000? Add that to the toll of the regime changed Iraq, Libya and all the others before. How many do we get?

 Lohani  回复 Michael Ernst 我们的“政权更迭”游戏在成堆杀人这件事上可真是“出类拔萃”。我想你肯定特别开心吧。当我们杀人的时候,我们是在“行善”,是不?叙利亚死了多少人了?到三十万了吗?再想想我们在伊拉克,利比亚还有其他国家造成的伤亡,现在我们搞死多少人了?

Lohani  Michael Ernst • 4 hours ago
It is NOT up to you or anybody else to decide facts.
History does NOT need YOUR admission to exist.
Who do you think you are???

 Lohani  回复 Michael Ernst 事实是无论你或者是其他的什么人都无法改变的。历史不以你的意志为转移。你以为自己是哪根葱啊?
Lohani  Michael Ernst • 11 hours ago
Amazing that you are still regurgitating things that are 40 years old.You are either suffering from mental illness of the fixation variety or you are grossly uninformed about today's world.
Have you read anything thing lately?
China is still the most populous nation on earth, as we type after the "calamities". Thus, the world is still lusting over its huge market.
If you bother to read AT ALL, the Chinese themselves have, for the first time in their history, left frequent famine behind.
Hunger is the worst form of human rights abuse. Ideology DOES NOT feed people. Many Indians are still hungry.

Lohani  回复 Michael Ernst 你居然还在捡别人四十年前就说过的老话。你要不就是有精神病,病态执拗,要不就是与时代严重脱节。你最近到底有没有读过任何东西啊?在你所谓的“灾难”之后,中国依然是世界人口第一大国。因此,这个世界仍然垂涎于这个巨大的市场。如果你根本不愿意动手查资料的话,对中国人而言,他们头一次在历史上摆脱了频发的饥荒。饥饿是最惨无人道的人权侵犯。意识形态不能当饭吃。很多印度人还饿着肚子。


Lohani  Michael Ernst • 10 hours ago
I would hold the smirk. America is the third locale for international money laundering, after Switzerland and Hong Kong. Read the report from ICIJ.
Your IGNORANCE is showing. Again.

 Lohani  回复 Michael Ernst 我就不笑话你了。美国是全世界第三大国际洗钱中心,仅次于瑞士和香港。读读国际调查记者联盟报告吧。你再一次显露出了你的无知。
Springfire  Michael Ernst • 8 hours ago
Why talk about since WW2, why not include WW2 when millions killed each other, eh?

Springfire  回复 Michael Ernst 为啥要从二战后开始算?你咋不说说二战中多少西方人在自相残杀呢,嗯?
