Do you agree China is the biggest threat to the U.S. long term, and why?
Tom McGregor, I lived in Beijing since Oct. 2010 我从2010年10月起就生活在北京
Answered May 14, 2018 • Author has 237 answers and 1.9m answer views
When viewing world history and analyzing the rise and fall of great empires, you notice patterns in socio-political behaviors. A mighty nation usually starts from obscurity overcoming all odds to raise its profile in power and economic progress. The citizens of a rising nation are tough and smart, striving to seek new opportunities and not allow failures to destroy them.
With the rise of the American Empire that seemed to be the case, since Americans took huge gambles to settle the Western regions of the country, establish New York as the world’s financial capital city, defeat Germany in World Wars I. and II., build massive infrastructure during the President Eisenhower Era and develop outstanding breakthroughs in the fields of science & technology.
American accomplishments stood tall as a shining beacon of greatness and hope for the world at large. But as with all empires , they do not and can not last forever. A new nation emerges to topple the powerhouse country, but when that happens, the empire that had been defeated had already entered a stage of inevitable and irreversible decline.
Great powers first get destroyed from within and when it’s weak another rising power can sweep in and rise to the top without much struggle. There was a time when Rome was the richest and most powerful city in the world, but a small horde of barbarians, known as Vandals, had conquered the city without much of a fight.
What happened? Well, the once great city of Rome no longer had stoic citizens willing to fight and sacrifice for the greater good of the community. Many Romans were leading corrupt and scandalous lives, attending parties where they would over-eat and rush to vomit at vomitorium, so they could keep on binge eating.
Roman emperors, such as Nero, Caligula and so many others, were pursuing debauchery while the citizens supported that. Sex-crazy parties were all the rage in many Roman households. Accordingly, the Romans, who were once stoics had transformed into libertines and when that happens, an empire will be doomed for failure.
So it seems a similar fate awaits the United States. When the US was founded and had risen to power, higher education in the nation stood unsurpassed. The Ivy League schools in New England, big state colleges, Catholic universities and so many institutes of higher education nationwide were well-respected places for learning and training the next generation of leaders and the workforce.
But what is happening in today’s American collegiate life? Well, we have students including Letitia Chai, a senior at Cornell University, who delivered her thesis presentation while stripping down to her underwear and 28 other students in the classroom had followed suit.
Well when you see such embarrassing incidents in the US occurring on a frequent basis, why should anyone be surprised if China or Russia may later exploit the opportunity to surpass America as the world’s next most powerful superpower?
但是今天的美国大学生活发生了什么变化?我们有这样的学生:康奈尔大学(Cornell University)的大四学生莱蒂夏•柴(Letitia Chai),她在发表了自己论文时脱下了内衣,班上其他28名学生也纷纷效仿。
Answered May 12, 2018
Dealing with China is inescapable. It is becoming more difficult and might get harder in the not too distant future.
A little piece of history…..
The U.S saw an opportunity in the Sino-Soviet split and rolled up its sleeves to invite China over for tea, U.S. presidents from Nixon onward have emphasized support for China’s continued economic emergence, on the theory that agetting-richer China is better for all concerned than a staying-poor one, even if this means that the center of the world economy will move toward China.
This was based on simplistic faith that if China became richer, it would turn into a liberal democracy. No one at that time had no idea whether or when that might occur—or whether China will in fact keep prospering.Unfortunately, U.S underestimated China,which paved the way for the Chinese to threaten America’s supremacy.
Present scenario
China has been asserting itself as a global power for well over a decade.
The Chinese are getting more confident employing its rising power and influence.Look at what’s going on:
1、Beijing is pushing for a central place on the world stage,has abolished term limits for its president Xi Jinping
2、Putting out nationalistic propaganda to its citizens in the form of film and television.
3、At the heart of this is the “Belt And Road Initiative”, a trillion-dollar project that seeks to connect countries across continents on trade, with China at its centre.(6000km sea route! NO KIDDING DRAGON!!)
4、China’s diplomacy is also quite strong and the dragon has over the years expanded foreign relations and political and military presence in her region. The best example -‘String of pearls’.It refers to the network of Chinese Military and commercial facilities and relationships along it’s sea-lines of communication, which extend from Chinese mainlandto Port Sudan. It has definitely challenged US’s influence in Asia ,while India also has strong concerns about it.China-Pakistan Economic Corridor is also a part of ‘String of pearls’. This again didn’t feel good to India as it will put the soul back into their foe (Pakistan—which is suffering with huge economic problems) plus India has concerns over the presence of Chinese forces in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan.
5、Japan also has concerns on this development as 90% of Japan’s oil flows through that very region. America, worked on Pivot to Asia Policy which China considers as the China containment policy.
6、Apart from String of Pearls, China has Russia and strategic relationship with Pakistan(again a nuclear power and Uncle Sam’s ex bff).
A “Cold War 2.0” is in the making,with China as a challenge to U.S’s lone superpower status quo.
Craig Stevenson
Answered May 12, 2018
There are two issues here….
do threats to US exist….
Is china the biggest of these that exist……
Relative to other countries around the world, the US has no threats.
So, let us talk of challenges and time-frxs.
Timefrxs, China challenge to the US has occurred, past tense.
Were we to be concerned by China, for what it could do, then we have seen challenges to occur already.
The US built the Bretton Woods system to beat the USSR. USSR fell.
The Bretton Woods system does not benefit the US (directly) and was paid for by the sweat, blood and treasure of the US people.
Bretton Woods consists of many layers of systems to enable global cooperation.
This from economics and finance to trade to management of global threats, diseases and work towards development.
Many successes can be found across this space; lengthening life-spans, rises in education, greater access to foodstuffs, healthcare, etc…
But the costs due weigh, and the US receives no direct benefits from this.
Previously, during Cold War, it was simply Europe and sext spots in East Asia (from Japan to Asian Tigers, Newly Industialized Economies), that were undergoing transformations, and the costs of providing the US dollar as the global reserve currency were not that onerous (although Japan was confronted with the Plaza accords in the 1980’s as China was in 2005; when they underwent currency ruation upward). But since the mid 2000’s, most countries around the world but especially in East Asia have been running up Asset Valuations, weakening their currencies and employing non-tariff barriers to trade, as has Germany, which has allowed them to recycle their domestic asset bloat to the US through the USA’s post-1998 financial openness which enabled “financial globalization”. Essentially, since that point the US has allowed mostly (but for sanctioned states, individuals and companies) unfettered access to the US market, so the industrial policies of other states to bloat asset prices, use them as collateral for creating loans out of thin air, and for structuring current account surpluses has led to bloated asset prices in the US, reduced interest rates globally, and has created a global pool of savings that is unstable, do to the fact that the underlying assets are unstable. China, itself, is a ponzi scheme, of government intervention freezing and raising asset values, so that they can continue to create savings, by using assets to “print money” with, by creating loans out of thin air against improperly valued asset prices that then get deposited in the banking system, raising savings. The vaunted Chinese saver is actually only 14% of savings, 86% of savings are government lixed industry and the government itself, printing money (asset printing/asset valuation falsities) into savings, savings that enable debt to cycle upwards and growth targets to be met. Easy enough. Anyone can do it, for a short period of time.
Problem is, this process in China has actually killed Global Development. They will lend to states for OBOR, or in Africa, but the receiving countries will have problems paying for the new infrastructure that China builds with Chinese contractors and Chinese Laborers. Further these projects are from loans from China and come with commitments to open to Chinese products (consumer goods and machinery). So these countries get infrastructure that can’t pay for itself, China gets interest on its loans, employs the great overcapacity that it has in its economy, and then doesn’t import anything of value from these countries. So these countries have investment bills they can’t pay and then have rising current account deficits. At present, eventually there will be issues related to default (Sri Lanka) and falling imports from China itself.
On the other hand China employs any number of anti-free trade industrial policies, and the CCP has great power in the economy, so there is muscle to these policies. Other countries need respond, so developers like Vietnam, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Kenya, even, Japan and South Korea mimic the policies to prevent loss of industries. This pushes them to create processes that work against development, and pushes everyone to slimmer margins, and less stable economies.
So, China has skewed the global economy and killed global development.
So that was a threat to the US, because the US built and paid for the system, until this very day. Before Bretton Woods, if you wanted to bring Cinnamon from Madagascar to France, you had to have the Navy that protected the Cargo. The US even protected enemies shipping for trade during the Cold War (and fed the Soviet unx through exports of Wheat from the 1960′s, until Carters’s embargo over Afghanistan in 1979, but that is another story).
But if things do not move, then the US could merely cut off access to the US financial system, we are already reindustrializing to North America and North America is self-sufficient in Natural Gas and Petroleum, with the US being the Saudi Arabia of Coal. So, a threat to the US…..China has been disastrous for the rest of the world, and a disappointment to the US.
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