华盛顿(法新社) - 美国总统奥巴马在此次可能使得沙特王室政府被起诉911袭击事件的国会立法的紧张局势下,于周二前往沙特。美国网友:我们政府最高层和一些其他部门掩盖了沙特在911的参与,而他们现在还疑惑地挠头,为什么人们对政府的信任掉到历史最低水平。
Washington (AFP) - US President Barack Obama heads to Saudi Arabia Tuesday amid tensions over congressional legislation which would potentially allow the royal government to be sued in American courts over the September 11, 2001 attacks.
华盛顿(法新社) - 美国总统奥巴马在此次可能使得沙特王室政府被起诉911袭击事件的国会立法的紧张局势下,于周二前往沙特。
The bipartisan bill has yet to make it to the Senate floor, but already it has triggered outrage in Riyadh and threatens to further poison the already strained ties between Washington and its longstanding Gulf ally.
The White House is desperate to scuttle the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, which would allow the families of loved ones killed in the 9/11 attacks to sue the Saudi government.
When asked Monday about the bill during an interview with CBS News, Obama said, "exactly, I'm opposed."
The bill would essentially waive the doctrine of sovereign immunity to say that "if you basically fund and sponsor terrorist attacks on American soil you can be liable for damages," said main co-sponsor Senator John Cornyn, the chamber's number two Republican.
此次法案将会从本质上搁置国家主权豁免,也就是说“如果你基本上被认定为支持赞助在美国本土的恐怖袭击,那么你将对产生的损失承担责任,”John Cornyn - 参议院共和党人二把手,本次法案的主要联合举荐人 - 如此说道。
Fifteen of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were Saudi citizens. But no official Saudi complicity in the Al-Qaeda attacks has been proven, and the kingdom has never been formally implicated.
Saudi Arabia has reportedly warned it could sell off several hundred billion dollars in American assets if Congress passes the measure.
tom12 hours ago
There seems to be something about 28-pages of the 9/11 report that were purposely hidden from the public and became classified that show Saudi involvement. Basically, a cover up at the highest levels of our government. And now Saudi Arabia is "threatening" to sell off 750 billion in US assets if they are ruled against by victims of the families killed that horrible day, 9/11. Got that….our own government is hiding the details of those involved with killing our our own citizens and attacking our country.
JaneyJaney5 hours ago
The world should also be sick & tired of Saudi Arabia & those Sunni Arab nations that keep funding those evil & cowardly ISIS Sunnis who had, only 10 days ago, sent a suicide bomber, a boy of of a out 15 or 16 years old to the town of Iskandariyah, about 30 miles south of Baghdad, to attack Iraqi children playing a soccer game in a field, killing 43, of which 29 were children! Those Sunni Arabs ,who fund ISIS, should be seen as demonic as the ISIS demons! Hope their Sunni Arab nations face a horrendous karmic fates for their involvement in killing innocent children!
MM11 hours ago
If the Saudis didn't do anything then they have nothing to hide and there shouldn't be a problem.
Release those papers...
NikkohNikkoh7 hours ago
The argument from the press secretary is very sound except for one thing,it is bankrupt when it comes to enforcement. Perhaps the secretary should look at the calendar to remind himself how many years have passed with no diplomatic solution. So if the congress were to pass this bill over his argument it is not because the congress did not give diplomacy a chance. In fact it is the failure of diplomacy by two presidents that forces the congress to pass this bill.
logologo4 hours ago
for the Saudis to threaten financial constraints, there is more to what the eye sees. Saudi Arabia is responsible for the actions of its people and those that carried out these attacks - Saudi royals or not. does Saudi law prevail over US law thus allowing its citizens to bomb the US and kill its people??? sue the #$%$ out of these people for much much more than they could recover from the sales of those bonds. if the notion is clear, being royal is a license to murder and with impunity
Everette REverette R3 hours ago
If Al Gore would have won the election instead of two oil men there would be an American flag flying over Saudi Arabia right now. Bin Laden's Saudi Arabian Royal family is who destroyed the World Trade Center and Bin Laden denied all involvement for weeks until the evidence against Saudi Arabia in these 28 pages emerged. That is when Bin Laden stepped up to the plate and took responsibility, probably with an agreement from W Bush that he would never be pursued from Bush's administration. W Bush wanted a reason to invade Iraq to take revenge against Saddam Hussein for several different reasons concerning Daddy H Bush and Cheney wanted Iraq's oil.
RemoRemo4 hours ago
For sure there were Saudi forces in support of 9/11. I can't fathom why. They have so much tied to the American economy that it's insane to attack us and bring their own value down. They want US Dollars in payment for their oil, not Saudi Riyals. Do they want all those $Billions to become worthless? Suppose they're successful in bringing down America? Their own penniless population will revolt. The dollars they horde to buy their lives would be worthless. Maybe America should change currency to "New Dollars" and only resident citizens can exchange the old currency.
LawrenceLawrence10 hours ago
It's no secret the Saudis were supporting the terrorists when they attempted the flight school training in San Diego. The whole intelligence community knows this as to the whole of the Congress and Senate. Declassify this documents. The US government has no business hiding anything from the people.
ExasperatedExasperated11 hours ago
Table the bill for the time being and de-classify the 28 pages. Let Americans read it, digest it and determine for themselves what its import is. Let Congress hear from their constituents what they think should be done with the bill and let them vote accordingly. If it is as damning as we are led to believe, Obama's veto will be meaningless as it will be easily overridden. Frankly, I would also like to hear from our purported "Presidential" candidates what their take on the 28 pages is and what they think should be done.
SorrentoSorrento10 hours ago
Obama: Release the 28 pages! We all know that Saudi was complicit in 9/11. You bowed to their royalty even tho they denigrate women, gays and non-muslims. In fairness, GW was also a --- kisser with them.
They need to stop telling us what and what not to pass in Congress. It is not of their friggin business. But you, Obama, are an apologist, muslim lover and I don't expect that from you.
You prefer muslim migrants and illegals to Americans and we are fed up.
anthonyanthony10 hours ago
About this time, you may be asking yourself just what in the he!! is a "pole turtle?"
Well, if you ever see a turtle sitting on top of a pole, a number of thoughts come to mind:
You know he didn't get up there by himself; he doesn't belong up there;, he doesn't know what to do while he's up there; and you just have to wonder what sort of #$%$ put him up there to begin with!
So that brings to mind the question as to whether our current president is like a pole turtle, do they have anything in common?
这一次,你也许会问自己他心里究竟在想什么! 他是“杆子上的龟”吗?
freddiefreddie11 hours ago
28 classified secret pages is all I need to know.
Quality Built Custom FurnitureQuality Built Custom Furniture11 hours ago
Screw Saudi Arabia. They dumped the price of oil to crush the frackers, they tried to organize a freeze to bost price because their plan did not work and they are at a deficit. They threaten to dump extra oil on the market and sell all US bonds. Theirs proof they helped with 9/11, maybe me need to bomb, I mean free the #$%$ out of them.
tomtom11 hours ago
A cover up of Saudi involvement in 9/11 at the highest level of our government and others. And then they wonder why and scratch their heads as to why trust in "the government" is at an all time low.
RichardRichard6 hours ago
No one cares about the money. If Saudi Arabia was responsible for the 911 attack on the USA, then the US should attack Saudi Arabia.
MichaelMichael5 hours ago
If you remember back to the time of 9/11 immediately afterwards there was a nation-wide freeze on air flights. Approx two days later the Saudi government was permitted to fly at least two plane-loads of people out of the United States...one Right Wing radio personality said that there were actually eight plane-loads of their people flown out.
SamSam1 hour ago
Here are questions:
1. Was Saudi Arabia was behind 9/11 attack?
2. If yes, how come we didn't arrest Saudi officials and bomb Saudi Arabia?
3. Why are we withholding the truth and why our leaders are so deferential to Saudi Kings?
larrylarry12 hours ago
If the Saudi's decide to they could "buy" the reléase of the Securities Transactions information held in Germany (refused to reléase today) which the murderers thought that they had destroyed in the Twin Towers on 9-11. This information will point directly to the mass murderers, AS IF YOU DIDN'T ALREADY KNOW). Follow the money.
TontoTonto9 hours ago
For a president who repeatedly lectures about corporate greed and money corrupting government, it seems blatantly hypocritical (though not surprising at this point) that his administration threatens to veto the measure if it passes all because the Saudis threatened to sell their assets. I guess Obama isn't anti corporate greed, he is just anti American corporate greed.
Also, remember when George W. Bush wanted to sell the Dubai Ports to the UAE, one of our few allies in the middle east, Obama opposed it based on nothing other than anti- Arab sentiments at the time. But hes ok with this, and accepting Syrian refugees into our country, without even knowing where they came from?
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