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Postage stamps unveiled earlier this week to mark the incoming Year of the Pig in February 2019 have led many social media users to question whether a loosening of family planning restrictions could be imminent.
The stamps show a parent pig couple and three piglets. On the surface it hardly appears to be a policy announcement. But users on the popular Sina Weibo microblog have pointed out that two years ago before the one-child policy was abolished China issued Year of the Monkey stamps featuring two baby monkeys.
And in recent months the Chinese government has been strongly encouraging couples to have more than one child. Local authorities have even been offering incentives such as tax breaks and education and housing subsidies.
State media have also been suggesting that change is on the horizon.
The China Times newspaper said in a recent editorial that the two-child policy is "not effectively increasing the national fertility rate".
The controversial one-child policy was first introduced in 1979 and finally abolished in late 2015. But parents have been slow to take advantage of the two-child policy that replaced it and many young Chinese say that they would struggle to afford having one child - let alone two or more.
Weibo user 'Shandong Mage' noted that the 1980 stamp featured a single monkey but that the 2016 stamp featured a mother and two baby monkeys and was released shortly before the one-child policy was scrapped.
China introduced its one-child policy in late 1979 to reduce the country's birth rate although it had already decreased significantly from 5.8 children per woman in 1970 to 2.7 in 1978.
'Sven_shi' shared a picture of the new stamp featuring the pig family saying: "I hope everyone can understand… this is not only to encourage people to have a second child but to have three children."
He said that some 25 million people came out of the labour market every year and became people "who need social security support".
His post which has been shared over 1000 times alludes to the challenge posed by China's ageing society. By 2050 more than a quarter of its 1.3bn population is expected to be over 65 years old.
The country's fertility rate is one of the lowest in the world and well below the rate of 2.1 children per woman required to replace the population across generations.
China also faces a worsening gender balance a hangover from the one-child policy when the country's traditional bias towards male children led to forced abortions and female infanticide. It's estimated that there are some 33 million more men than women currently in China.
Others say that a three-child policy would specifically impact women's careers and cite problems getting onto the housing ladder because of rising property prices.
'Tricats' says: "I can't afford a big house; a big house is not necessary... I can't afford a child so a child is not necessary."
"Nowadays it's become obvious that recruiters are avoiding hiring women who have not yet had children" says 'Quliulang Kehao'.
It's entirely possible that the stamps are not designed to signal a new three-child policy. In 2007 the last Year of the Pig stamps were released showing a family with five piglets.
But many believe China could actually go much further. Scholar He Yanfu told the China Times that there was "a 90% chance that a fully liberalised birth policy will be implemented next year".
但许多人认为,中国(在生育政策上)实际上会走得更远。学者He Yanfu对《中国时报》说:“明年实施完全自由化的生育政策的可能性为90%”。
kulio_forever 20 points·4 days ago
No one in China is having 3 kids other than rich psychos knocking up multiple Thai girls
waffledogofficial 15 points·4 days ago
Kids are too expensive nowadays. You gotta pay for English classes robotics classes math classes piano classes.... The classes never end
kulio_forever 6 points·4 days ago
Right. And the ones with money can afford them but don't want to deal with them including wifey not wanting to go through labor again
Then again those rich people never had any limitation on the number of kids they could have which means nothing changes here either.
cursedballon 1 point·4 days ago
Being a kid in China sounds tough.
i_reddit_too_mcuh 3 points·4 days ago(贴主)
Yea probably not gonna help a whole lot.
kulio_forever 3 points·4 days ago
[Countryside do]
Yeah and that's precisely the people the party doesn't want
i_reddit_too_mcuh 7 points·4 days ago
Interesting that:
The 1980 stamp had 1 monkey (the one-child policy started in 1979).
The 2016 stamp had a mother and 2 baby monkeys (the one-child policy was scrapped in late 2015).
The new stamp features 2 adult pigs and 3 piglets (3 child-policy coming?)
ting_bu_dong United States 6 points·4 days ago
"Please breed more consumers."
FileError214 2 points·4 days ago
I thought there wasn’t a lot of success with couples embracing the “two-child policy” why does anyone think many couples will want to have three kids?
PM-ME-YUAN China 7 points·4 days ago
What government idiots go about their day in Beijing and go "Yeah I think what China really needs is MORE people".
Mynameinletters 12 points·4 days ago
More young people. As many other countries China is facing the problem of an aging population.
bigwangbowski United States 7 points·4 days ago
We need to institute some culling of old people then.
我们需要搞点“Logan's Run”来淘汰些老年人。
(Logan's Run:《我不能死》讲述了西元2274年人类居住在由电脑控制的城市中,在这个城市中无优无虑,可自由毫无拘束的追求享乐,但到30岁时每一个人必须接受考验。是1976年上映的美国电影,这里应该是指大逃杀之类的游戏)
ratsta 1 point·4 days ago
Speaking as someone far closer to 50 than I'm comfortable with this is a post that I really can't 赞.
bigwangbowski United States 2 points·4 days ago
I was kidding too. I can't believe that got upvotes. These people are fucking savages.
twokindsofassholes United States 1 point·4 days ago
You are kinda joking but the one child policy was itself the easy solution to Mao's belief that more people is more power. China is going grey with not nearly enough young people to support it's aging population. Now what seems to be the easiest solution to having too many old people?
hapigood 3 points·4 days ago
China does need more people:
Currently ~40% of employee salary is paid into social security; this is already a large amount.
Already retired workers are being paid-out by these contributions coming in. There is a glut of workers in their 30s and 40s who will have been paying in (via employer or self-contribution if self-employed) significant amounts through their career.
PM-ME-YUAN China 11 points·4 days ago
[the Chinese population could drop to just above one billion by 2100.]
Oh dear that would be terrible!
BillyBattsShinebox 3 points·4 days ago
Infinite population growth worldwide is what we need for all eternity
netizenNo-1709 3 points·4 days ago
Is "Just above one billion" in 80 years a small number?
This number is still larger than sum of current EU+NA+Japan+Russia population.
i_reddit_too_mcuh -5 points·4 days ago
Huh? China is going to collapse any day now from lack of workers haven't you heard?
Not that I believe it but it gets posted as truth here and worldnews pretty often.
Farhandlir 1 point·4 days ago
Socialized retirement relies on steady birthrates so it simply doesn't work because you can't force people to breed. I personally don't expect to get anything from my government in two or three decades even though I have contributed to that nonsense.
MrsPandaBear 1 point·4 days ago
Most people have barely reacted to two child policy I can’t imagine expanding to a three child policy will have much affect. But it may hint at the government’s desperation at the aging demographic in China.
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