为什么印度总是什么都要和中国比?(二)难道不是只有美国才是中国的竞争对手吗? [美国媒体]


Why does India always try to compete with China in every aspect? Isn’t the US the only competition of China?


Asheesh Gupta, former Logistics 前物流从业人员
upxed Dec 14, 2017
China is the last country India wants to be compared with. But since China is a neighbor, outsiders do do a comparison just that they do it with Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc.
India very well knows China growth reports are first highly exaggerated and second, the model which China has followed for growth, ie. ‘growth at any cost’ is something will not fly in India very well, though there is a very small % of Indian community think that in China everything is green. I would like to enlighten them.
Delhi CM Shiela Dixit long time back proposed that for anybody to be able to work in Delhi, he needs a documentary approval from Delhi Govt, in simple words you can say a ‘work permit’. The idea and reason behind was that presently the whole unskilled labor come from neighboring states of UP, Bihar and Haryana and start doing low level works. Many of them do not get any job and get in crime related activities and other illegal work. This leads to an overpopulated Delhi, with no tax going to govt from such workers plus an enhanced crime rate. This is in fact inevitable for any cosmopolitan city.
When she proposed this idea, she was met with so much backslash with every politician that this idea did not fly.
But not in China. In China you need to register yourself in the city you are going to work and depending on the kind of permit you get, will decide first are you allowed or not and if yes then under what welfare system. Imagine, within your own country you need work permit or registration to be able to work in a city of your choice.
I am sure many Indians who sometime think that China is the model India should follow will immediately say no for such system to be implemented in India.
In China, govt can just take any decision. After Tiananmen square incident, govt passed a law for all the lawyers that taking case for the students involved or representing them in anyway is illegal.
The reason China is doing so good in manufacturing and industrialization because Chinese govt does not care for anybody when it comes to setting up industries and will just take over your land or force you in such a way to vacate it for upcoming industry such that you will have no choice.
“Will you not vacate, well !,, good luck in going to your house now.”
“Be thankful that we only tied you and not your whole family. Better move along next time when we come to demolish your house.”
In India, one DAM has not been completed since 1991 because India is a democracy and court does care what people think.
Had that been in China, all the activist would have been arrested, declared traitor, foreign media would have been totally barred from covering that place, and by now we would have had 1000s of manufacturing units running in that area.
I can keep going with such examples, in nutshell, China’s development model is such which not many countries would like to follow.




Dehua Liu
Dec 11, 2017
I have no interest to condemn whatever about you, I just state the truth about your country, a poorer country than sub Sahara area know nothing but brag tiny achievement. and ignore all his failure.


Asheesh Gupta
Dec 12, 2017
You cant even type a proper English and I know that language without even going to school.


Dehua Liu
Dec 12, 2017 • 1 upvote
So you mean Indian’s average wealth is higher than Sub sahara area? By the way, English is only a communication tool for me, I never feel pride of it. I guess your people feel a shame to speak your mother togune, any way, Your identity and your history is full of shame, I can understand that


Asheesh Gupta
Dec 12, 2017
Really. !! Really !!
How much Chinese love Westerners is a world known fact. Chinese girls are ready to kill to have a Western boyfriend. Chinese keep a Western name to be more like them. Chinese companies hire a Western guy for one day when they have any business meeting with other companies so that they cab show that they have white people in their company.
You thought I would not know them.
Dude , first look with in you, then talk.


Martin Andrews
Mar 24
Hmm your example sounds more like India.


Asheesh Gupta
Dec 12, 2017
Lol. You are nowhere near there where you can be compared with us.


Dehua Liu
Dec 12, 2017
I don’t know where is your position, anyway, I don’t care, Just talk as much as you like ,but don’t involve us,We cannot afford to be related with your country. Shame


Asheesh Gupta
Dec 12, 2017
Hey , but tell me do you eat dogs?


Dehua Liu
Dec 13, 2017
i love dog, You can feel as much as your old master did, We didn’t care your feelings, and we didn’t care your master’s feeling too.


Asheesh Gupta
Dec 13, 2017
And do you eat grass hopper too? I know people in China eat that.


Dehua Liu
Dec 16, 2017
Why your people have so low IQ?


Asheesh Gupta
Dec 16, 2017
Because we have high EQ.


Martin Andrews
Mar 24
Thats why you brag a lot.


Dehua Liu
Dec 16, 2017
that’s the reason you cannot do any real job, but didn’t prevent your bragging capability, right?


Asheesh Gupta
Dec 16, 2017
Lol. Who is ruling the IT in the world?


Dehua Liu
Dec 16, 2017 • 1 upvote
By the way, the whole India’s IT revenue is less than Shenzhen, every black monkey from your shit country come here to buy cheapest(and also worst quality) mobile phone component and go to assemble them in your shit country, then claim they are make in shit country, so your other overexcited monkey can buy them



Nishank Mishra, lives in India 生活在印度
Answered Apr 23, 2017
China and India both are ancient civilizations. Both these civilizations have faced many ups and downs in a history of atleast 5000 years.
We were luckily separated from each other by mighty Himalayas.
This separation allowed us to develop our own cultures, religions, empires .
Indians from ancient times have a habit of seeking, seeking spirituality, science, mathematics, politics etc. Indian civilization was much respected in China, Japan because of Buddhism. The word India literally translates as Heaven in Chinese and Japanese language.
However India was devastated in last 1000 years from constant invasions by Arabs, Turks and later by Europeans because of its diversity and lack of a strong united empire. However Chinese had a comparatively peaceful period, one may argue about Mongol invasions, but apart from Mongols and few other devastating invasions , China was luckily united.
Talking of India, today.
Indian youths are more interested in their neighbours, geopolitics and how can they ignore their ancient competition?
Indians like to take inspirations from China. their success stories, their Megapolis, their high speed rail networks.
If taking inspirations, comparing with others , learning from their mistakes is wrong, then we all humans at some point in our lives were surely obsessed with something.
My opinion :
While looking at China's success, I find India's democracy a piece of shit! (sorry for the language) , but that's how frustrated we get to see so many political parties fighting each other, appeasing minorities and what not! I am for a socialists government like China and at the same a strong Capitalist too. Unlike what India is today, a mixed economy!


Harry Yang, Thinker and Philosopher 思想家和哲学家
Answered Dec 11, 2017
It makes Indians happy when they compare India with China. If something makes people happy, people will get addicted quickly. Here is what Indians see when they compare two countries:
1、China is the largest dictatorship. India is the largest democracy.
2、Democracy is stable, while dictatorship can collapse at any moment due to myriad problems such as ghost cities, pollution, surplus men from “one-child policy”, huge debt, capital flight, leftover women, aging population, onset of AI and automation, etc.
3、India has freedom, people can defecate everywhere in the open while producing organic fertilizers which is counted toward GDP. On the other hand China has to exaggerate their GDP numbers.
4、India is ahead of China in space technology. India can launch 104 satellites by one rocket, while China can only manage 3. India has already sent a probe to Mars, while China is still dreaming about it.
5、India is ahead of China at least 18 years in aircraft carrier technology. India’s indigenous aircraft carrier Vikrant has been launched three times since 2011. China can only manage one launch this year, and cannot even come up with a name for the ship—a sign of trouble.
6、All India’s military hardware is superior to the Chinese counterpart, simply because India buys the best weapons the world has to offer. On the other hand, China can only have made-in-China stuff.
7、India can invade China at will such as in Doklam and demand China to withdraw, while China can only bark but cannot bite.
If I were an Indian, I would compare India with China every 8 minutes.



