多亏了川普,美国对中国的大豆销量下降了94% [美国媒体]


U.S. soybean sales to China down 94% thanks to Trump trade war


Zheshh• 7h
think its funny Canada selling its soystocks to China at inflated prices...and buying abnormally cheap US supply fordomestic use.
Thanks Trump!


nataxradiator • 7h
I wonder if they can buy American beans andresell them and still profit


coolmandan03 • 3h
China doesn't care where they come from.They just want X tons for Y price. You damn well bet Canada buys from US andsells to China as a middle man - just like Brazil


Joliet_Jake_Blues • 6h
Lol, ironically faking country of originpapers is all the rage in China.


Freezus18 • 5h
I guess trump was right! Canada isdestroying our agriculture...by taking advantage of our own presidents policy.


NYgeekguy • 5h
It's spelled "idiocy".


doughnutholio • 6h
Basically... Canada is winning?


purrslikeawalrus • 8h
I'm going to fuck your business overroyally, but I'll make it up to you by handing you somebody else's money sothat if my opposition gets in power and decides to cancel the payments, you canblame them for taking away your money and not me after I deliberately pricedyou out of the market.
And the kicker is: it will work.


Arthrawn • 6h
American society was founded on relocatingpeople from their land, giving that land for free to white settlers, oftenusing slave labor to work the free land or indentured servitude postreconstruction, providing robust subsidies to white families post WWII in theform of housing and education who then reaped the rewards of the speculativemarket increasing their wealth.


• •deadpool-1983 • 4h
Let's get them building roads and Bridgesagain.

