This is the Chinese mega city of Shenzhen,a gleaming monument to China’s economic miracle.In 1980 it was a town with around 60,000 residents.Now it’s China’s technological hub, with a population of over 12 million.Entrepreneurs, high-flying tech graduates and international companies flock here to join the tech revolution.Welcome to Shenzhen
Shenzhen sits north of Hong Kong in the Pearl River Delta.One of the most densely urbanised regions in the world.The area has an estimated population of 120 million people In 1980 Shenzhen was dedicated a Free Economic Zone - an experiment in market capitalism in Communist China.The effects were explosive. Shenzhen’s population skyrocketed in just over 30 years.But, it’s tech hardware that has put this city on the map.If Silicon Valley dreams it up, then this is where it’s made.
This is Huaqiangbei market - arguably the world’s largest electronics market.The market’s neon lit corridors stretch across multiple buildings and many floors.The stalls sell everything from the latest gadgets, to the tiniest screws.If you wanted to, you could buy all you need to build your own smartphone or 100,000 of them.
Because Shenzhen draws in workers from across China, its foods scene is just as varied as its population.If you’re looking for the full banquet experience,Shang Palace in the Shangri-La Hotel has got you covered.Their Dim Sum lunch is a feast for the eyes and the mouth.It’s a showcases of authentic Cantonese cuisine.Or try something a little more casual, such as Chinese Hot Pot.A simmering pot of soup stock is kept on your table and you put your choice of ingredients in.One of the most famous variations is flavoured which Sichuan pepper so watch out, it can pack a serious spicy punch.
So many India trolls showing up about every video about China lol
@vks_ Do you really think the population will decline while China is getting richer and richer? People from poor countries like India and Or South Asia will all go to China for jobs in the near future. Those foreign workers will take jobs that Chinese people don't want to do. Just see what happens in America now. Mexicans and black people are taking jobs that white people and Asians don't want to do in the US.People from poorer countries will have to learn Mandarin in order to get jobs in China, English is useless in China.
Heather Larson
@vks_ Lol. In the last 100 years, has there any african country rising up to superpower? There is something wrong with the mentality in Africa and South America and Middle East that clearly prevent them from becoming superpower.
@SSMART Enough to replace the population depression caused by the one child policy and increase in wealth? As a people get richer they statistically have less children. Even in the Western World where mass migration is a normal thing it usually isnt enough to stop the decline in population.
Salt Lake City Jared
nobody cares
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...