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What is a good weakness to mention on a job interview?


When I was graduating college I got interview tips from my dad who was heavily involved in the hiring process at his company for his department. His advice on this one which I’ve used ever since and has gone great was:


The whole “say a weakness that’s actually a positive” has been done to death and is such common knowledge that it’s no longer a clever “trick” and is now seen as avoiding the question. People want to see some self awareness obviously don’t bring something absolutely terrible up but mention a real flaw and most importantly what you’ve done to address or work with it.


Doesn't that just make this a bad question for an interview?


Well it depends how you measure good and bad. For low level positions they’re not looking to build a profile on you based on your literal answer they’re looking more for how you answer. Are you giving a lifeless robotic answer or are you giving a relatable human answer? Are you comfortable discussing things like this or does it make you panicky? Are you giving something canned or introspective?


And then for higher level positions you should have enough experience to actually know your weaknesses and this would get more field specific and relative. And at this point all the gimmicky answers would be a no go.


So essentially there’s more being uated during interviews than the literal answers given. Hope this helps a little? But yeah I hate the question too



"I take words too literally."
"Can you give an example?"


"What is your greatest weakness?" "Ummmm probably that I have no strengths"


Hearing the workaholic thing too is extremely offputting to me because it either means theyre a kissass or they will put in a ton of overtime and stress out everyone else (because they now have to keep up with that person putting in the time of TWO people) and then just ultimately burn out.


"I'm terrible at interviews."


"im bad at interviews. I guess I don't do them very often. I have typically stayed at previous jobs for a long time"



I got my current job after I said this. The interviewer asked me if I had any questions or concerns about the position. I said "I'm a quick and eager learner but I'll be honest I have absolutely no experience in this industry so training me will need to be from the ground up. Will that be an issue?"


This is probably the best one that isn't a thinly veiled humblebrag about being a perfectionist or TOO punctual. It's honest expected and something you are guaranteed to fix if you get the job.


This is the right answer. Then describe how past experiences can help you get over the learning curve with your inexperience.


Show enough self awareness to know your actual weaknesses and mention how you're working to reduce their impact on your life.


For example I have an issue with speaking compassionately. For a long time I believed brutal honesty was the best way to go about things but it often backfired and made people less willing to work with me because they respected me less and they thought I respected them less. My wife has helped me with this by for example when I say something and it's phrased badly she'll say "stop. Try it again." And I'll rephrase it to be more empathetic and kinder while still gettin across the information I want to communicate.


I work in healthcare and always say "Not speaking Spanish" and odds are the interviewer is also not fluent in Spanish so it comes across as not really a weakness. WIN WIN


EDIT: thank you for the various precious metals. I realize this advice can backfire. That’s why I said sometimes. There is also a way to phrase this that makes you sound better


I’m the same way. I’d be afraid to say this in an interview though because it could be interpreted as “not a team player”.
I wouldn’t say I’m not a team player but I do have a hard time working with a lazy team that does shitty work.


It's a pretty good answer - I've both used it and heard it in interviews and it always comes off as introspective and insightful as long as you say how you're planning to deal with this.


I once got a job partly because of my honest answer to this: I need to know why I am doing what I'm doing. I don't like being told to do something without an end-game in mind without knowing the reasoning behind it. When I work I need something to aim at. Some employers don't like this because they like their employees to be cogs in a machine they control. I don't like those jobs and I don't want them. The place I was applying to was not that kind of workplace and they liked my answer. Ended up being a great job where my boss valued my input and trusted me to take the reins on a variety of tasks.



"Being vague."
"Can you elaborate?"


“Terrible handwriting is my biggest weakness” “How so?” “You’ll never know what I wrote down. It looks like a blind man wrote”


I was asked this during an interview with Uber and I was completely caught off guard — I ended up fumbling and saying something along the lines of “I cannot ride a unicycle” for which I immediately regretted...


"My biggest weakness is that sometimes in interviews I have absolutely no idea how to answer some of the questions."

