台湾现在真实的政治气氛是怎样的(2019)?(上) [美国媒体]


What is the real political atmosphere like in Taiwan now (2019)?


Kang-Lin Cheng, studied at University of California, Irvine (2012)
by Lin Han-shih, Used to work at Taipei Economic and Cultural Center Office.
I just got back from a one week trip to Taiwan a few hours ago. I have to say… other than my previous trip to Taiwan two years ago (which was to attend a funeral), this was the most depressing trip to Taiwan I’ve ever taken. The most depressing one was caused by personal circumstances, but the second most depressing one was caused very likely by political circumstances.


白沙滩 in Pingtung. A lovely beach, but notice how there’s not a single tourist.


In addition, I’m sad to report that this is the first time I’ve ever received horrible service in Taiwan. I’ve had clerks in Seven Eleven completely ignore me and not saying anything (in Taiwan, it is customary for clerks to say 欢迎光临 every time someone enters, and 谢谢光临 every time someone leaves). When I asked for directions, I’ve had people grumpily pointed in the general vicinity of my destination without uttering a single word. None of this had ever happened before to me in Taiwan.


Even Taipei, things were colder. It’s hard to describe it without being there, but people in general didn’t seem as friendly as I remembered. There were less smiles, less pleasantries, and overall less human emotions this time around than any of my other visits. There’s a saying in Taiwan, “the best scenery in Taiwan are the people”, but this is starting to change. The stoicism and the indifference felt like they came from the people not knowing what to believe in anymore.


Yin Cao
including Kang-Lin Cheng
Economy is the foundation of everything.
I am more skeptical of Ko than of Han. But no matter who gets to be the president, both will be more leaning to Mainland than Tsai.
I am more afraid of DPP’s future, to be honest. Can’t the people of Taiwan see there is no economical future with DPP?
It baffles me.

