《流浪地球》imdb最新影评 [美国媒体]

imdb影评:主要人物很糟糕。我只是在这里直言不讳:主要角色很糟糕。 主要角色——哥哥和妹妹,是无拘无束的,一维的。 这位妹妹花了90%的时间哭泣或者喊叫某人拯救她。 这位哥哥傲慢,显然是一个“天才”,但似乎没有任何救赎品质......

Liu Lang Di Qiu (2019) User Reviews


The main characters suck.
jasonshuhezhang11 February 2019
I'm just going to be blunt here: The main characters suck. The main protagonists, a brother and a sister, are depthless and one dimensional. The sister literally spends 90% of her lines crying or shouting for someone to save her. The brother is arrogant and apparently a "genius", yet seems to have no redeeming qualities. Overall, the story and CGI are decent, but the characters leave much to be desired.

我只是在这里直言不讳:主要角色很糟糕。 主要角色——哥哥和妹妹,是无拘无束的,一维的。 这位妹妹花了90%的时间哭泣或者喊叫某人拯救她。 这位哥哥傲慢,显然是一个“天才”,但似乎没有任何救赎品质。 总的来说,故事和CGI是不错的,但角色还有很多不足之处

andychao 11 February 2019
A whole new start for Chinese sci-fi movies. A truly hollywood-standard blockbuster.

中国科幻电影的全新开端。 真正的好莱坞标准大片。

Amazing SF movie in Chinese Movie History
xiexing-73849 11 February 2019
The film was not perfect, but it was very touching after watching it. There are several points. First of all, Movie turned the Earth into a huge spaceship that could carry 3.5 billion people to the new world. And what about the movie Farewell Atlantis? How many people have been rescued around the world? Secondly, tens of thousands of teams be ordered to rescued about 2,000 burning planet engines. In the movie, this is called "Saturated Rescue". And finally, the hero and his team did nothing. In the past Hollywood movies, hero always hero, hero can do anything. The last, the great spirit of sacrifice. Sacrifices are everywhere in movies. This may not be politically correct, but if one day the human being face the danger of extinction? someone must come out, for humanbeing.

this movie made me want to review it
kueijames11 February 2019
I cried from beginning to the end. what more do you want

我从头到尾哭了。 你还想要什么?

Absolutely worth watching!
jerryding-5644211 February 2019
This moving really has left me a great impression by the whole scene that earth moves through the universe by various advanced facilities. It's so authentic and astonishing. Incidentally, the soundtrack is so amazing. It's composed by Chinese well-known composer, A Kun. He used many elements of electronic music to produce a sense of future.

这部电影确实给我留下了深刻的印象,即地球通过各种先进设施在宇宙中移动。 它是如此真实和令人惊讶。 顺便说一句,配乐令人惊喜,它由中国作曲家阿坤创作, 他利用电子音乐的许多元素来产生未来感。

A fresh feeling
stevelaojiang11 February 2019
Forget about the logic flaws about this huge project , it's really astoning


Great, Chinese science fiction movies, after 30 years, have finally produced such a wonderful and moving film.
y-5358811 February 2019
Until 30years,Fantastic,Great, Chinese science fiction movies, after 30 years, have finally produced such a wonderful and moving film.


Finally A Great Rescue Doesn't Rely On The Chosen One
adrain9110 February 2019
Pretty decent. There are some flaws but it did include some maverick perspectives.

相当好。 有一些缺陷,但确实包括一些特立独行的观点。
