美国指控前CIA特工为中国从事间谍活动 [美国媒体]



The New York Times reported last year that starting in 2010, to the end of2012, the Chinese killed "at least a dozen" sources the CIA hadinside China and imprisoned six or more others (AFP Photo/SAUL LOEB)


Washington (AFP) - The US Justice Department announced Tuesday it had indicteda former CIA operative for spying for China, in a case that could be tied tothe dramatic collapse of the CIA's China network eight years ago.


Three years after he left the CIA in 2007, Jerry Chun Shing Leetook money from Chinese intelligence officers in exchange for information"relating to the national defense of the United States," the JusticeDepartment said.
Lee, 53, a naturalizedUS citizen who was at the time resident in Hong Kong, was given informationrequests by the Chinese agents and hid the cash payments he received.


He was arrested in January. According to a warrant made public at the time, FBIagents had discovered in Lee's luggage, during a court-authorized search in2012, notebooks with the names, contacts and other details on covert CIAemployees and informants.


In voluntary interviews with FBI agents in 2012, Lee, who spent 14 years at theCIA, admitted preparing a classified document for the Chinese agents. Butnearly six years elapsed before he was arrested.


Lee was charged Tuesday with one count of conspiracy to gather or delivernational defense information to aid a foreign government, and two counts ofunlawfully retaining documents related to the national defense.

Officials have not saidwhy it took so long to bring charges against Lee, nor detailed what materialshe gave to the Chinese agents.


But the case takes place amid widespread concern in the US intelligencecommunity that Beijing has been able to cripple their operations in China.
The New York Times reported last year that starting in 2010, to the end of2012, the Chinese killed "at least a dozen" sources the CIA hadinside China and imprisoned six or more others.


A hunt for a "mole" in the agency led to one person, a "formeroperative" now living elsewhere in Asia, the Times said. But there was notenough information to arrest him. But others in the agency blamed sloppy workand not a mole, the Times added.


Another success story onthe Chinese fifth column. When are we going to stop playing nice with theseguys?


"Naturalized"- - - Key word........


Dona Dulcinealast
Remember when thepresident told the people of another country that he was one of them?


Basically the UnitedStates should STOP placing Chinamen (foreign born and first generation) in GSposition.


"In voluntaryinterviews with FBI agents in 2012, Lee, who spent 14 years at the CIA,admitted preparing a classified document for the Chinese. But nearly six yearselapsed before he was arrested by agents. " Was it because the presidenthad said, "Stand down!"?


As has been demonstratedrepeatedly, none of America's agencies charged with our domestic/internationaldefense, is anything but inept and incompetent vetting and overseeing itsagents. Leadership, preoccupied with a political agenda, has been/is stunninglylax in their duties, putting all our secrets and our very security atinestimable risk, much to the delight of such adversaries as China, Russia,Iran, ISIS, and others. It's astonishing, what with the obvious threats,America STILL has not done anything of significance to protect/defend our vitalservices, such as the electrical grid, shipping ports, airports, reservoirs,dams, and on and on, from both direct, physical attacks and the ever-increasingcyber ones. Too many in the employ of government are far more intent uponself-enrichment than they are in protecting us and the nation.


While the left is cryingabout Russian collusion, China continues to ruffle through our intelligence andbend us over in trade. Maybe we should stop worrying about the East Europeancountry who has its back to the wall, with no moves to make, and more on theAsian fledgling superpower currently colonizing Africa?


Spying is the secondoldest profession.


R U KIddinglast
This is one reason wehave the death penalty. Lee loses because Trump is most likely to use it...


Obama and Hillary, alongwith the FBI/DOJ, spied on republican candidates. Why aren't they beingcharged?


On Obama's watch!


Jameslast month
Make an example. He'sprobably a registered democrat.


Is this a joke? Doesn'tCIA keep eye on everything at all times?


Maybe CIA should notplace foreign nationals in those roles within CIA that demand high levels ofsecurity.....


That's what greed does,forget patriotism, Ethics, commitments, etc this is what the Plutocracy systemof government does. As you can see in many of the people in the currentadministration, no integrity.


I guess the CIA'spension plan is not all that good.


Jerry Chun Shing Lee wasa naturalized citizen of the US. When are defense companies and the CIA goingto learn?


Chinese worship moneyonly. This is proof.


Why CIA hires thesetypes of people?
Is there a shortage of American born citizens?


It's obvious that CIAwas using Lee to funnel "controlled information" to China, no otherreason to let him remain free for so long after discovering his deceit! Nowit's time for Mr. Lee to pay the piper, life with no parole or death would beon table, but he will probably be traded for a U.S. agent instead!


Read the last sentence:It looks more like he is just a scapegoat for sloppy work done by people whogot promoted and are in higher places now.


Dragon Dawnlast
"US charges formerCIA agent with spying for China"
/// Looks like Lee acted out his true patriotism to his motherland, for worldpeace perhaps. A nobel peace prize potential? After all, most of the worldafter WW2 was started by USA and none by China. facts told.

“美国指控前中央情报局特工为中国进行间谍活动”看来,李俊成对他的祖国表现出了真正的爱国主义,也许是为了世界和平。他有得诺贝尔和平奖的潜力?毕竟,事实告诉我们, 二战后的世界大部分(麻烦)是由美国引起的,而没有一个是由中国引起的。

"...But nearly sixyears elapsed before he was arrested..."
Likely because the Clinton family used the donations from the PRC to influencethe investigation and delay it.


why wasn't hillarycharged with unlawfully retaining national defense documents - this isprecisely one of the criminal actions of Clinton. She retained on her serverand in her email, classified KH 11 satellite platform imagery of N Korean nukefacilities. Why has she not be charged? Why is she not in jail?


CHINA is the largestespionage agent against America, but the progressive propaganda only wants tomention fake Russian collusion.


Tao Shenglast
The CIA is supposed tobe the top "intelligence" agency in America. It is assume they knowhow to vet recruits, that they are 90-100% sure they will not turn traitor.
The NSA was no different. Supposed to be the top security agency for the wholenation, yet, they couldn't vet Snowden. Rather they had Snowden turningRussian, so to speak.


There's a huge chinesetrojan horse inside USA who destroy the country from the inside


Years ago when I wasstationed in West Berlin during the Cold War, we had a guy in my unit whoseemed to have lots of cash on hand. Bragged he had a rich aunt that left himtons of money. Really? You have that much of it to just throw around? Everybodywho knew him seemed uneasy about him. He was spying for the KGB & his EastGerman handler worked for AAFEs,the company that runs the military commissaries & PX. So for Mr. Lee to bedoing what he was doing, his bosses really had to be brain dead not to noticeanything funny.

