波音更关心川普对中国的敌意,而不是他对取消空军一号订单的威胁 [美国媒体]




While President-elect Donald Trump tweeted that the U.S. Air Force should cancel its order with Boeing aircraft because the project's cost had spiraled - Boeing executives say they are far more worried about his antagonism toward China.


Earlier this week Trump set off a firestorm when he called out Boeing for the '$4 billion' cost of two new Air Force One jets saying the aerospace company had to bring the price down.


The tweet followed veiled criticism from Boeing about the incoming administration and the company's share price fell.


However the main concern among current and former Boeing executives is China. 


'The vulnerability to China is pretty clear' one former senior Boeing executive told CNN.



Supreme_Court Washington DC United States 21 hours ago
Americans know Trump is on America`s side. Which side is Boeing on again?


PPerkins Abq United States 15 hours ago
Yes but how much did Boeing get paid then to "help" ww2? See it's not help if they are hired and paid to do it! I'm going to assume the contract looked similar to the air force 1 contracts of today. More than likely they hosed us then too! And if we where overcharged than it really isn't help at all.


MikeF1 Auckland New Zealand 9 hours ago
Only the side of profits and share holders.


bangbang toronto Canada 21 hours ago
I'm not a fan of trump but I do like the fact that finally there is someone willing to stand up to china - it's about time!



Diane F. Oliver New York City 21 hours ago
What about exports?


AlbertTatlock Manchester United Kingdom 19 hours ago
What has China done wrong that the US needs to stand up to them? - all they've really done is embrace capitalism not their fault that they are so successful at it


expat815 oregon coast 21 hours ago
Boeing should be worried ! Boeing sub contractors buy from China for Boeing components and also Russia ! Work that should be made in the USA !


janebug 922 unx United States 21 hours ago
Yah! And what about that Chinese steel Trump used???


Supreme_Court Washington DC United States 21 hours ago
Solution: relocate Boeing and Apple to China; surely their intellectual property will be well respected and protected there - NOT.



Her Bearness Trump City United States 8 hours ago
Sup.Ct.: I have a JD. And you?


Her Bearness Trump City United States 8 hours ago
Sup.Ct.: does my JD count? And your education?


yfb Vancouver 20 hours ago
Trump amd other sane people realize that China is already in a trade war with the US and is winning by the tune of $500 billion a year plus all the IP they steal.


TheGnostic Vitoria Spain 16 hours ago
The 'vulnerability' was caused by Boeing not Trump. They agreed to set up a manufacturing-assembly operation in Chiina in return for sales. And so now Chiina is busy learning how to duplicate Boeing technology and undercut their prices. Sorry but if you will give away your technology to the far east and continually educate their students in your own universities you will reap a poor harvest in the future. In Medi Venice it was a capital criime to give away their glass manufacturing secrets to outsiders.



TheGnostic Vitoria Spain 16 hours ago
Sorry my mistake it is an Airbus assembly line. But the Europeans are just as stupiid sometimes. Witness all the far east students gobbling up western ideas and technology at Oxford and Cambridge.


SaltyT Washington dc United States 14 hours ago
Another idiot and uneducated Trump suppporter. Do you really think Boeing of 100 yrs in business would give top proprietary secrets away?? Could it be China is engineers are not stupid and eventually gain knowledge about aerospace and aircraft to make their own one day? Like other well to do nations? Research what Boeing has there! A small manufacturing plant to cut cost for the planes they ordered. Thet are putting the lefs on not the heart and siuld of the plane together! !The problem with Trump and his suppoerts ...all talk no brains


Brian Boru Clontarf Ireland 21 hours ago
What are they babbling about? Failing to kow tow like Obozo isn't antagonistic.



PortTabacco Inland Empire United States 20 hours ago
Donald Trump did not start any problem with China. China is the nation starting something.


Boots The Cat Tonganoxie United States 19 hours ago
Except insulting China for months during the campaign. And now offending it with stupid calls with Taiwan.


SAMSUNG for 2017 Vacationing in Manila Philippines 21 hours ago
If US can work well with China and the nearby countries like the Philippines or Taiwan in a harmony I see a positive sign on economic growth.


Belltoller Ocala Leicester United States 20 hours ago
What an awesome idea. Continue to import the cheap crap that has caused American jobs to be outsourced and employs millions of Chinese Children. Great idea. That will keep the punters at Walmart and Harbor Freight happy. In the meantime you are still paying the cost of underemployed Americans. Boeing don't care about the USA. Just the bottom line. They will screw the country and not even blx.



Sally82 Sherwood United States 18 hours ago
Yours is the most educated knowledgeable comment on this feed.


AnAmericanAbroad Somewhereintheworld 17 hours ago
Something tells me that the days of being China's little bit&# are over!


Buckeye Forever Tampa United States 14 hours ago


LaughingATu Norfolk 20 hours ago
We are hemorrhaging a $500 billion trade loss with China every year along with billions worth of technology that has taken China from the ox and cart to U.S. trade rival in less than 25 years. We cannot continue to allow out industries to relocate to China in order to cut environmental and occupational red tape and sell their products back to witless Americans always willing to create even more environmental and occupational red tape.
