延迟的代价:美国海军将挑战中国主权声明 [美国媒体]


The Price of Delay: US Navy To ChallengeChinese Claims


WASHINGTON: After five months of hints, declarations, mixedmessages, and dithering,the US is reportedlyset to challengeChineseclaims in the South China Sea.


But the months of signaling will cost us.What might have been a low-key “freedom of navigation operation” — sailing,flying,or training in disputed areas to set a legal precedent for access — maywell get a lot more complicated because of the buildup.


“[I’m] still waiting to see it before Ibelieve it,” one Senate staffersaid. (The Pentagon declined to comment when we asked for confirmation). “It’slong overdue, and the long delay has made it a bigger deal than it actuallyis.”


“I do think we have paid a price [fordelaying], mostly in terms of confusing everybody aboutwhy freedomof navigation operations take place,” said Bonnie Glaser,director of the China Power Project at the Center for Strategic &International Studies, who recently returned from her latest trip toChina. “There are many people that I have spoken to in China who view thisas a challenge to Chinese sovereignty, which it is not, or who viewit as a provocation, which it also is not.”


“People in official positions” in China arereportedly saying that the People’s Liberation Army should open fire at USforces if they enter the 12 nautical mile zone around artificial islands in theSouth China Sea, said retired Navy Commander Bryan Clark.(Under international law, such manmade landmasses do not confersovereignty on those who build them). World War III is not going tohappen, happily, he said, but the bellicose talk showshowmuch pressure Chinese policymakers are under.

据报道,中国的一些官员称如果美军进入中国南海人造岛屿12海里范围内的话解放军就应该向他们开火,退休海军指挥官Bryan Clark如是说。(在国际法下,这样的人造岛屿并不能让建岛者享有岛屿的主权)。他说,第三次世界大战不会发生,但是中国官员的这些好战言论表明了中国政策制定者所面临的压力有多大。

“TheObama administration has put themselves in a worse positionstrategically,” said Clark, now at the Center forStrategic and Budgetary Assessments. “It was all because the US delayed.”Normal freedom of navigation operations are quiet exercises in setting legalprecedents — we can sail through this area, we can fly here, we can conductoperations — but five months of public uncertainty has made this one a bigdeal, he said.


“The US could have done much better by simplydoing the exercise without saying anything about it, and China could haveresponded probably at a much lower level,” Clark told me.Now, “it forces China to react in order to save face [and] be able to argue totheir people they didn’t take this lying down.”


Roger Roger • a day ago
I am sure that this was discussed duringXi's visit. The US will press the issue and China will balk after much protestand may even call for some serious South China Sea negotiations. Like thePresident said it is for the nations of the region to decide. We just need toencourage the participants. This is not a casual stroll through the area I betthat there is a massive unseen and unreported show of force guaranteeing thesafety of the Lassen and the two accompanying aircraft. The Navy does not wanta repeat of the Pueblo crises or the near crises when a Chinese fightercollided with a US P 3 early in the Bush Administration nor do the Chinese.China's current economic situation would not well tolerate a decline in exportsto the US of even a few per cent. Sounds like pretty good timing to me butObama will never get credit for it unless something goes wrong. God bless oursailors and keep them safe.


BW • 17 hours ago
Sailing a warship within 12 NM isn't achallenge of sovereignty; it's called innocent passage. It's what the Chinesedid off Alaska.

If we want to challenge sovereignty, let'shave our ships conduct operations which are prohibited under the right ofinnocent passage. In other words, don't just sail past. Have the ship circlethe feature, conduct a gunnery shoot from within 12 miles (seaward of course),launch a helo from the ship and have it fly over...or even land on...thereclaimed feature. We have the best damn Navy in the world - let's stop actinglike a ballerina and flex our muscles a bit!



No Sailing Here Please  BW • 8 hours ago
But ripping off the north American plains(land) from the Red Injun Nations was never something innocent !!! Neitherinnocent was the forced transfer of South Pacific islanders from their homes inthe Pacifc and/or the mass expulsion of natives from Diego Garcia.
Yet the best damn Navy in the world has thegall to whine about those tiny unihabited islets in the South China Sea.
The best way to deal with the whining is tohit back in Afghanistan; whine that the US-installed drug-powered fake puppetregime in Kabul is illegitimate.


Tim • 5 hours ago
Not sure if US still can have 38 billionChinese order for Boeing aircraft.


KLD • 14 hours ago
I wonder how much more 'ole Obama and hisadministration will do to embarrass the United States in the eyes of the worldbefore his term is up?


Change60 • 14 hours ago
"Center for a New AmericanSecurity.", this group is the farm team for the Obama Administration. Theyfaithfully back whatever the administration is doing because the Obama Adminfunds them with studies and hires their people. Keep that in mind whenconsidering their ideas.
Obama's purposes are quite clear. Donothing to get the US involved in any sort of military rivalry with China orRussia. Keep a lid on US defense spending. Shrink the US sphere of influence.


harley art.us • 16 hours ago
Don't be surprised when the Chinese andRussians set up camp off our shores including the Gulf of Mexico...China andRussia have the Means to counter anyone...the days of us the USA Making All TheCalls Is Over With...We had better Focus on Our Border With Narco Mexico/South America..WeHad Better Use Deadly Force on Our Narco Mexican Border to Protect the USA FromNarco Gangs Flowing into the USA...They are Here and Probably waiting fororders...these South American Narco Gangs are Trained By White Militants andthey Have a Mission...Wake Up America or Die In Your Sleep..


Born-in-Nairobi • a day ago
This brazen action by the U.S. Navy issimilar to the reckless actions of the U.S. Navy during the 1980s when italleged that the Gulf of Sidra was not recognised as Libyan waters. The result? Several bloody hell bombing / shooting incidents. The U.S. never learnsanything useful. Must be due to the caveman mentality pervading the Navy.
Now, should the Chinese Navy step forwardand state that the U.S. occupation of Diego Garcia ( located south of India'scoast) is not recognised (i.e. illegal) and therefore it has the right to sailround and round the island ? No ? ? ?


Jeepslave Born-in-Nairobi • 4 hours ago
People who yell the loudest oftentimes havethe weakest argument


Michael Rich  Born-in-Nairobi • 18 hours ago
Diego Garcia is not a man built island,it's an actual territory recognized by international law; unlike the Chinesebuilt islands.
Oh yeah the US Navy is soooo stupid, godhelp us if we abide by international law, OH THE HUMANITY.

