陆慷就特朗普、南海及贸易问题答记者问~的网友评论 [美国媒体]

NBC记者Richard Engel在采访中多次提及特朗普团队在相关问题上对中国的敌视行为,并几次引导话题想借陆慷之口讽刺特朗普。但陆慷在采访中冷静客观的回复了他的一系列问题,其专业的外交官风范和深入浅出的叙述让众多YouTube网友点赞。

背景:NBC记者Richard Engel在采访中多次提及特朗普团队在相关问题上对中国的敌视行为,并几次引导话题想借陆慷之口讽刺特朗普。但陆慷在采访中冷静客观的回复了他的一系列问题,其专业的外交官风范和深入浅出的叙述让众多YouTube网友点赞。原视频时长30分钟,点击过100万,评论近6000条。

DJ Rossi Mossi1周前
I posted a comment about 4 or 5 days ago saying. Richard its TPP not TTP. And I got about 70 likes. Some mofo removed it! Unbelievable. So I'm gonna repeat it again. Richard its TPP not TTP

我在四五天之前在另一个视频里评论说:Richard, (奥巴马他们谈的那个协定)叫TPP而不是TTP。那个评论被赞了70次,然后就给删掉了!难以置信。所以我要重复一次,Richard, (奥巴马他们谈的那个协定)叫TPP而不是TTP

Marcelo Rivero1周前
China should be proud on how Lu Kang conducted himself in this interview.


Rafael Camilo1周前
China has agreement in trade with USA.  China has outsmart USA just the same way Lu Kang has done to Mr Engel.   While USA has busy destroying, massacre in other countries, China being busy producing goods, cultivating good relation with other countries, and cooperating.  China is a good example of enrichment as a nation while USA is in downward trend.


This reporter's intentions of getting Lu Kang to say negative things about Trump were disgustingly evident


Jim Benn1周前
Lu Kang deserves a medal for not bitch-slapping this insolent, uneducated, pathetic, pretender.  I have not watched ANY television (including cable) news in over 30 years.  This reinforces my decision.


with reporters like this, China must think American's are the biggest dipshits in the world!


Danny Knapp1周前
I'm envious of the wise and diplomatic leadership of China.


Om Karki1周前
China is our neighbouring country....they r very peaceful with us ......China was very helpful during earthquake here in Nepal.......other country were just helping for political agenda but china is exceptional ..... Not able to use facebook n youtube  is not oppression....Not able to elect good leader having those tools is real oppression....China economics helped more than half billion people out of poverty in their life time.....thats real government for people ......


julie hughes1周前
This reporter is a joke. This is not journalism.  He is an idiot and makes America look bad. Fire Him!!! Fake journalism.  Idiot!!!!


Trevion W.2周前
aside from this instigating reporter, anyone else notice this dude's name is lu kang? you know just like the mortal kombat character?

先不提这个记者,有人注意到这个哥们儿的名字是lu kang吗?你懂的,跟《格斗之王》里那个角色一样?

Alex Miller1周前
I finally witnessed what the fuss is about main stream media. They put their ideas in the heads of the viewer. China had nothing negative to say anout our prsident, so the repotor says it for him  by reading quotes. But not the positive quarts. Only what can be viewed as negative.
And they wonder why we don't trust our media.


Wolf Lee1周前
like an adult talks with a child


Alyaa almansoori1周前
I didn't understand before why China always dont care about others countries .. they always do what best for china even if that mean other people get killed .. but when i read a few books of their history for the last 100 .. i dont blame them for what they doing now, they build their country from zero for soooo many years, no one helped them, so they dont feel that they should help others .. and i they dont have that feeling for people who is in war ..


        Lewis W3 天前
        read more


Once A Marine1周前
Lu Kang talks so calmly during his interview, can't help but like him. Now whats wrong with the interview dude with herpes on his lip?


Mingchen Zhang6 天前

Jacinto Mausoco6 天前
When did China invade other countries with evil intentions? When did they send troops or weapons to guard their foreign interests? They are unlike some other powerful countries who like to bully because they can


Archman.E6 天前
Dear uneducated supporters of President trump, 
please watch closely Lu Kang's response to each question (argument, evidence, and logic), then compare it with anything President Trump said in debate, rally or speech (or tweet). Hopefully you can learn something =)


MoHan Des6 天前
Lets be honest, just watching this Chinese politician compared to the politicians here in the States you can see the difference in the level of intelligence. This reporter is so far below this man, its embarrassing for the American media to be represented by him but then again its the American media hahaha Reality star as president ... YIKES!


The Overcast1周前
This guy is really TRYING to drag this minister into an emotional response.
What kind of interview is this?


esteban ruiz1周前
Lu Kang is his name?
This guy is too smart


Julie Turcios-Avila1周前
he's not only smart but also handsome.


JIN Jeremy1周前
