我正在为我在某大学教的商务英语课出期末试卷。这是我在永远离开中国前的最后一项任务。哎哟,这考卷我出得真是开心啊:) [美国媒体]



Section B: Business talk.
You will hear an interview. Listen and choose the best answer to each question. Then transfer the letter A B or C of your answer to your answer sheet. You will listen to it ONLY ONCE.


13. What happened in 2000?
A. The Lakers won the World Series
B. The dot-com bubble burst
C. All of the cats in Italy walked to Greece


14. What was wrong with the Internet companies?
A. They didn't have well thought-out business plans
B. They sold only the left shoe never the right
C. They failed to put conversheets on their TPS reports


15. Why was the market not ready for Internet shopping in 2000?
A. Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free
B. President Bush blocked Google and Facebook while he was president
C. Most people in 2000 did not have broadband Internet connections


16. What was the positive effect of the dot-com bubble brusting?
A. A gentleman never tells even when the internet is involved
B. It weeded out some of the weaker companies
C. It created a massive typhton. Dogs and cats slept together. Mass hysteria.



–]Xupc 32 指标 17小时前 
You should take your job seriously. Putting crap in the exam without any proper regard for learning outcomes etc and make the whole process a joke is a horrible thing to do no matter how crappy your work or the University is. I feel bad for your students.


[–]PristinePlankton 4 指标 10小时前 
OP is a foreign expert. He knows what he's doing.


[–]smasbut 2 指标 5小时前 
Foreign teachers aren’t allowed to fail students so why not make the exam a joke?


[–]HotWaterComrade 1 指标 5小时前 
Because then you are not a teacher. You are just a joke. People like him are the reason why educator is almost a derogatory term for foreigners.


[–]smasbut 3 指标 4小时前 
The reason foreign teachers are treated like a joke in China is because the majority of them are just hired to be white faces not legitimate educators.... There are no hiring standards beyond a degree and in a lot of training centres it’s pretty much impossible to get fired if you show up on time and not too hungover....


OP actually looks like he put more effort into this test than many ‘teachers’ would and actually used correct grammar unlike many of the ‘educators’ I’ve seen here.


[–]InfinitySparks 1 指标 16小时前 
You realize this is a listening comprehension test right? It's not like this is just completely random.


[–]interbang[S] -9 指标 16 小时前 
It does say “you will hear an interview” but idk maybe he just read the funny bits :-)


[–]parkyuman 7 指标 16 小时前 
Was there really something about Italian cats walking to Greece in the interview? I know you put some obvious wrong answers but they just seems completely off topic. I would write something at least kind of related.



[–]interbang[S] 0 指标 16 小时前 
The answers are deliberately off topic. It’s a very easy exam.


[–]Broomerang13 5 指标 16 小时前 
The sad part is you will probably still have at least one student do bad on it.


[–]Xupc 5 指标 6 小时前 
No. The sad part is that he still thinks that this is appropriate.


[–]interbang[S] 2 指标 4 小时前* 
The sad part is you have no sense of humor...
Dai e' uno scherzo...


[–]Broomerang13 2 指标 6 小时前 
This isn’t the whole test. If the whole thing was like this I would agree with you but he isn’t showing the whole thing. Just about every semester when I was in Uni at least one of my professors would have a joke question or two on the final. We also don’t know the level of his students which in turn could mean this is actually really hard for them. It’s an elective class but also semi mandatory so without knowing more information it is what it is.


[–]interbang[S] 2 指标 3 小时前 
And to further make a fairly funny joke unfunny and boring this test is not a big part of their grade. Most of their course grade is on their speaking test which is a mock business meeting where I observe them solving a business problem together (like raising profits for a car company etc) and then I give a grade for each student based on pronunciation fluency grammar and diction. This "listening test" is just a pain in the ass part of the course that they all have to do. I was told by the department that it's not important and I should make it "short and easy".


Also since some of you made this so serious: this test is also deliberately easy because it's a good way for me to see which students are paying attention. If a student is just marking random answers this is a great way to suss that out.


I'm also hoping for giggles. A lot of time you can suss out the more advanced students who are shy about speaking by telling jokes.
They also know ahead of time that it will be easy and they know to put more time and energy into preparing for the speaking test.



[–]ting_bu_dongUnited States 8 指标 12小时前 
What happened in 1989?
A) No thing
B) Nothings
C) Nothing

(译注:A)no thing错误用法,其中应加不定冠词“a”;B)nothings错误用法,nothing是不定代词,无单复数之分,C)为正确用法,此回复指在讽刺中国人的英语语法问题)

[–]interbang[S] 3 指标 12小时前 
17.What does Wendy Taylor need to do to correct the mistake?
She has to check the original purchase order and issue a new invoice
She doesn’t need no education. She doesn’t need no thought control


18.How long will it take Wendy Taylor to call Darren Bailey back?
If he’s lost he will look and he will find her. Time after time.
Wendy Taylor will call him back before 1:00pm It will take as long as it takes. Don’t rush her


19.What company does Wendy Taylor work for?
She works for Dunder Mifflin
She works for Winnie The Pooh Inc.
She works for Fenwick Plastics


20.Why is Darren Bailey overdue on two invoices?
He understands just a little. No comprende it’s a riddle
His office is very busy but he will authorize payment as soon as possible
He was in Tijuana eating barbecued iguana


[–]baozitou 1 指标 3小时前 
Yes there is going to be one weirdo who insist on politicizing everything. Look Ma how I'm superior to the Chinese for knowing 1989!
(Nah probably that's the only thing you know about China.)


[–]ting_bu_dongUnited States 3 指标 3 小时前 
Even not engaging in political statements is a political statement. It says "I believe that it is best for people to not make political statements."
Read your Aristotle. Man is a political animal. So everything is politics.
What a weirdo that guy.

[–]snicksnackwack 8 指标 8 小时前 
The indignant self-righteous responses here are hilarious.


[–]smasbut 5 指标 4 小时前 
Lot of bitter ‘educators’ here...



[–]PM-ME-YUAN 3 指标 3 小时前 
This is university level? But you can answer this without even hearing the recording because you just sext the one not stupid answer.


[–]interbang[S] 1 指标 3 小时前 
Yup. But the students who aren't listening to the recording probably don't have great English reading ability either...


[–]kainanliu 2 指标 6 小时前 
B A C B Did I get them right?


[–]frenzyattack 3 指标 1 小时前 
your listening comprehension is through the roof!


[–]interbang[S] 1 指标 6 小时前 


[–]duaki 2 指标 4小时前 
Unexpected office space there....on q14


[–]shinianhou 3 指标 17小时前 
This is so funny. And easy to pass the students should have no problem passing the exam.


[–]interbang[S] 7 指标 17小时前 
That was the idea. The class is like a "required elective" on top of a really massive course load so I just wanted to go easy on them for their last test with me.


[–]dtlv5813 1 指标 15小时前 
Wait. The dot com bubble bursted because of lack of broadband infrastructure? That is an interesting perspective. Though I'd think other factors are more relevant to the immediate demise of the bubble eg the fed.


[–]interbang[S] 3 指标 15小时前 
Yeah the recording they have to listen to isn't exactly... thorough.


[–]lvfeiliGermany 1 指标 56 分钟前 
The question/answer pairs do not imply this causality. 0 points for logic.


[–]Yildabaoth 4 指标 7小时前 
Wow you should at least be some serious alternative answers.
Very unprofessional.
