Japan's ruling party heavyweight to attend China's New Silk Road summit
TOKYO (Reuters) - The secretary-general of Japan's ruling party said on Tuesday he will attend China's New Silk Road summit in May, a sign Prime Minister Shinzo Abe wants to improve ties with Beijing amid tensions over North Korea's missile and nuclear programs.
But an adviser to Abe said Tokyo remained cautious about the China-backed Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), created at least in part as a way to fund the Silk Road plan.
MaribethMaribeth2 hours ago
Masahiko is wise. He is on top of his game. Sadly, can't be said the same with pathetic Germany's merkel. Selling her nation's tech companies. That woman is ridiculous. I bet Marine Le Pen can destroy her in politics. No reason why France should remain bound when it is FAR SUPERIOR than Germany.
One China 2017 WATNK7 hours ago
Where is my post? Japan did not get invited, how could this happen?
Jerald21 hours ago
Unless Japan wants to be one of US state, islsnd state.
wwguru12310 hours ago
To have better relations with China, Japan should stop citing the year 1875 to justify claim on the islands also claimed by China.
Unless the Chinese economy imploded, Japan will not escape eventual domination by China after another 20-40 years. Either the Japanese children or grand-children will face a far stronger China.
Japan is behaving both foolishly and irresponsibly to the generations of Japanese to come.
First, it is unethical to cite the year 1875 to make claims, since 1875 makes the start of Japanese aggression.
Second, it is foolish because the US gives Japan only administrative role to those islands, not sovereignty. That is, Japan is only an unpaid butler as it watches China grows and gains, with diminished economic benefits from trade with China due to anti-Japanese sentiment of the Chinese consumers.
Denise13 hours ago
Japan is powerless in stopping China's worldwide initiatives on infra structure development.
In USA alone, 4 cities have signed agreements with China's railway corp to build factories to manufacture city subways in Chicago, Boston, Phila, and LA that will employ about 1,000 US skilled workers with well paid jobs as factories are mostly automated.
aves19 hours ago
NO china melamine milk
BOYCOTT china made products
Yasushi23 hours ago
It would be great to foster ties between China and Japan. Most Japanese are manipulated through Media. Keep in mind that American had better stop playing nasty game. Stop holding the dangerous notion of white supremacy any more or I fall off the earth.
By the way American had better reflect on what you had done before criticizing about other nations. Asian might as well get together, making the world better place. The states almost always mess our beautiful earth up. It is laughable. Please don't leave next generations laughing stock.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...