在越南KO空手道黑带后,加拿大咏春拳手的下一个目标是中国MMA拳手 [美国媒体]

在警方破获了一场未遂的太极和MMA(注:Mixed Martial Arts,综合格斗)之间大规模的争斗几周后,另一种格斗风格和街霸风格之间的对决将在越南再度上演。虽然这两次事件发生地点相距千里,但是他们在某些方面非常相似:徐晓东因为在成都成功打败一名太极大师而名传千里。


Weeks after police busted an attempted Tai Chi versus MMA mass brawl another string of style vs. style street fights has occurred this time in Vietnam. And while the incidents took place thousands of miles from each other they share a common connection: Xu Xiaodong who recently went viral by knocking out a Tai Chi master in Chengdu.

在警方破获了一场未遂的太极和MMA(注:Mixed Martial Arts,综合格斗)之间大规模的争斗几周后,另一种格斗风格和街霸风格之间的对决将在越南再度上演。虽然这两次事件发生地点相距千里,但是他们在某些方面非常相似:徐晓东因为在成都成功打败一名太极大师而名传千里。

The fisticuffs that took place in Vietnam are thanks to Pierre Francois Flores of Montreal Quebec. He visited Hanoi this week hoping to prove the superiority of Wing Chun; a traditional Chinese martial art that dates from the 1800s. According to Flores’ Facebook page he has studied the self-defense system at Shaolin Wing Chun Nam Anh Kung Fu - école mére in Montreal.



As reported by Vietnamnet one reason why Flores decided to visit Vietnam was because of a ‘friendly’ fight offer from Vietnamese karate black belt Đoàn BN43;o Chau. “Please don’t take this as a challenge but a martial art exchange” said Chau as he and Flores spoke online and organized a time and place for their bout.


Though the karate master was a game opponent the much larger Flores was able to control the contest before knocking Chau out with a head kick/punch combo after about a minute. After facing off with one another in a bare-knuckle street fight Flores and Chau dined together along with other karate masters.


原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.com 翻译:翻译加工厂 转载请注明出处


jay 10 hours ago
I didn't see any Wing Chun. Sloppy. All he had was his weight behind him against a much smaller opponent.


Anh 9 hours ago
Even though this is nothing more thang a stupid no techniques fight you have to give kudos to the Vietnamese guy he's 60 yrs old and his opponent is 41 yrs old and out weighs him by 60 lbs.


performing 9 hours ago
Wang Chung? They were popular in the '80s weren't they?


John 9 hours ago
A stupid fight both are different weights

愚蠢的比赛啊, 比赛选手的重量都不同。

EntropyJ 8 hours ago
Dude's twice the size of the other guy! How in the hell is this a test of martial arts style? The little guy had some good moves but he couldn't make a dent in the big guy who has obviously been training for many years. A trained big guy is always going to beat a trained little guy.



Joe 10 hours ago
haha yes go to vietnam to fight a karate master because... wait karate's home is Japan? and to top it off it looks like you out weigh the guy by like 30-40%... how noble? Well was it at least entertaining? (nope)


Benji 8 hours ago
Flores studied under MASTER PO at the Chaolin Temple near the city of Zhengzhou in China's Henan Province. Grasshopper was on the run away from the mean Emperor. Having killed his nephew.

弗洛雷斯在河南郑州附近的少林寺师从阿宝大师学习功夫。Grasshopper逃离了卑劣的皇帝。杀死了他的侄子。(后半句话没看明白,查资料似乎出自于1972年的美剧《Kung Fu》)

Stan 11 hours ago
Soccer kicking a guy who is at least 30 lbs lighter. That is the real Wing Chun master!


Who 8 hours ago
I wonder how the Wing Chun guy would've done against someone trained in Aikido.


Robert 7 hours ago
Nothing impressive here except the big size advantage.



Ba 9 hours ago
Two "Fierce" men send "empowering message" about martial arts. Now lets see a real fight between Gal Gadot and Ben Affleck. Who would win that in a real fight? That's right ladies the boy from Boston.


Lari 7 hours ago
That reminded me of my sister when she get's mad and slap fights. The only place he trained in was watching karate movies in his living room.


G 8 hours ago
What was all the foot slapping about? Not impressed with the technique of either fighter.


wade 7 hours ago
It is pathetic that a man twice his size and you other people would judge that as any kind of representation of the arts of fighting. In point competition full contact aside I used to like to fight larger people because I was always faster to the hit. But this is ridiculous and this pecker-head is not as good as he thinks he is. Many his size can and will take him out...He is in for a rude surprise and awakening....Mark my words...I would be ashamed of myself budro. wade jones



Noodles 6 hours ago
Different ages different weight class seems fair. /s


Aerialone 6 hours ago
Not very impressive control and looked like a sparring match not a real fight. The last kick to the face of the Viet man showed lack of control. At least an apology was made and certainly deserved.


Dan 4 hours ago
bruised lee vs schmuck norris

李小龙 VS 查克.诺利斯(译注:空手道世界冠军,美国电影演员,动作片演员)

SummitSet 8 hours ago
Inigo Montoya: You are using Bonetti’s Defense against me ah? Man in Black: I thought it fitting considering the rocky terrain. Inigo: Naturally you must suspect me to attack with Capa Ferro? Man in Black: Naturally but I find that Thibault cancels out Capa Ferro. Don’t you? Inigo: Unless the enemy has studied his Agrippa… which I have.

Inigo Montoya:哈,你在用波尼狄的防卫术来防御我?
Man in Black(其实就是男主Wesley):我认为这适合现在的地形。
Inigo Montoya:你怀疑我会用Capa Ferro的技巧来攻击你?
男主:是的。但我发现Thibault的技巧可以防御Capa Ferro,不是吗?
Inigo Montoya:……除非敌人和我一样学习过Agrippa之剑术。
(译注:整段引用了电影《公主新娘》的对白,其中Capo Ferro,Thibault,Agrippa都是西方剑术史上着名的大师)


Mr.Henderson 7 hours ago
Everybody was kung-fu fighting Those kicks were slow as tutles In fact it was a little bit frightening But they fought with expert timing They were funky Vietnam men from funky Ha Noi They were chopping them up and they were chopping them down It's an ancient Chinese art and everybody knew their part From a feint into a slip and kicking from the hip Everybody was kung-fu fighting Those kicks were slow as my grandma In fact it was a little bit frightening But they fought with expert timing There was funky Billy Chin and little Sammy Chung He said here comes the big boss let's get it on We took a bow and made a stand started swinging with the hand The sudden motion made me skip now we're into a brand knew trip Everybody was kung-fu fighting Those…

这些人打来打去,但踢的和海龟一样慢。虽然看起来有点吓人,但都打得点到即止。这些从臭河内来的越南臭猴子,被一种众所周知的古中国技艺---声东击西---打得落花流水。这些人(搞怪的Billy Chin 和小个子 Sammy Chung)打来打去,但搞的和我祖母一样慢。虽然看起来有点吓人,但都打得点到即止。听说有大人物要来,我们都很高兴。最后我们互相鞠躬,但突然大幅挥动的手让我吓一大跳,现在的我们已经进入了新的境界。这些人打来打去,但。。。。。。。(感觉此人言语混乱)

RepubliCONsLIE 4 hours ago
In -any- fight... the first one to get in the "punch to the face" is the winner... regardless of style... (bam!)



Autzen 12 8 hours ago
Anyone with 6 weeks of Ju Jitsu under their belt would have won.


Porgie Tirebiter 7 hours ago
That fight was decided almost exclusively because of size and that the smaller 'karate' fighter used poor technique. Proves again what I've seen in every open tournament I've fought and competed in kata/forms in. Wing Chun and Kung Fu really only are functionally different in forms. When it becomes real...knuckles on knuckles the physics are the same for all forms. Except for stomping his front foot and doing the backward hands thing the Wing Chun fighter punched blocked and kicked like almost any other martial artist in a real fight.


Man With A Plan 6 hours ago
Not bragging but I personally could kick both their rear ends at the same timeif either of these two were legit Black belts I would seriously question where they received their credentials from I have BB in Karate Jujitsu as well as Taekwondo and I can tell you that neither fighter is worth a damn.What I just watched was laughable.



EMB 8 hours ago
I am a Karate man Karate man bruise on the inside.


Nas 7 hours ago
For all his bowing and "respect" to his opponent it sure seemed like he couldn't wait to KO the guy who was at least 100lbs smaller than him.


Something in PA 2 hours ago
Im dying laughing at these people on this site talking about the weight difference having no clue that Bruce Lee only typically weighed in at 135lbs...
