谷歌将投资中国电子商务巨头京东5.5亿美元 [美国媒体]


Google to invest $550 million in China e-commerce giant


Google has been increasing its presence in China in recent times, and today it has continued that push by agreeing to a strategic partnership with e-commerce firm which will see Google purchase $550 million of shares in the Chinese firm.


Google has made investments in China, released products there and opened up offices that include an AI hub, but now it is working with largely outside of China. In a joint release, the companies said they would "collaborate on a range of strategic initiatives, including joint development of retail solutions" in Europe, the U.S. and Southeast Asia.


The goal here is to merge's experience and technology in supply chain and logistics -- in China, it has opened warehouses that use robots rather than workers -- with Google's customer reach, data and marketing to produce new kinds of online retail.


Initially, that will see the duo team up to offer products for sale on the Google Shopping platform across the word, but it seems clear that the companies have other collaborations in mind for the future.

初步,京东产品将在谷歌购物的平台上进行全世界的销售,但是两家公司在未来还有其他方面的合作。 is valued at around $60 billion, based on its NASDAQ share price, and the company has partnerships with the likes of Walmart and it has invested heavily in automated warehouse technology, drones and other 'next-generation' retail and logisitics.


The move for a distribution platform like Google to back a service provider like is interesting since the company, through search and advertising, has relationships with a range of e-commerce firms including's arch rival Alibaba.


But it is a sign of the times for Google, which has already developed relationships with and its biggest backer Tencent, the $500 billion Chinese internet giant. All three companies have backed Go-Jek, the ride-hailing challenger in Southeast Asia, while Tencent and Google previously inked a patent sharing partnership and have co-invested in startups such as Chinese AI startup XtalPi.


john 22 hr ago
How is it a good idea to invest in equities in a communist country?


snoops 15 hr ago
Because Capitalists dont care if they r dealing with communists, terrorists or anyone else for that matter so long as they r making a profit from the deal. The almighty s dollar is their God, no room for morality or values here. Present US prez is living proof of that.


Jack S 22 hr ago
How much of its technology will it be forced to license to the Chinese in exchange for this? While I do not like Trump and have loads of criticism, US companies ARE getting unfairly treated when they try to sell in China. This is something that impacts us all and we should rally around, regardless of party.


Jack S 22 hr ago
@Stop, again, I do not like Trump. But that is not any reason to look the other way in regards to our policies with China. No, our businesses do not have to do business in China, it is their choice. But why should we have to put up with unfair treatment that impacts our economy, technological base, and opportunities for out kids? Let's do the same to Chinese companies - make them license out their technology here. After all, if they do not like it, they don't have to do business here.


Stop 22 hr ago
Companies don't have to do any business with China. It's their choice. Simple as that. All of Trump's stuff is still made in China, for example.


cup of tea 13 hr ago
How many US corps allowed to invest in China? How many China corps were allowed to invest in US? And you ask why there is trading imbalance


O.B. M 16 hr ago
Operated solely by robots...those tax breaks aren't creating jobs.


Anonymous 12 hr ago
These companies are going to fail in customer service !!!!! You cant have every one as your customer

