【龙腾网字幕组】美国最糟糕的12个居住地 [美国媒体]


【原题】12 of the Worst Places to Live in the U.S.




【网盘】链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1DWuRop-nLuHWRhNM8QQhBQ 密码: f3nb



Destination Tips,2016-6-17发布,122K粉丝


Yoel Rekts !
2 months ago
Fort pierce is the sister town to my town Port Saint Lucie and fort pierce is rated the worst city in Florida while Port Saint Lucie is rated #1 in Florida. How does this happen? Idk.


1 month ago
Half of the us looks like paradise the other like a shithole
you either extremely rich or extremely poor


The one you know
1 month ago
C'mon. Modesto but NOT Compton or East Los Angeles??? Give me a break. This is a BS list. Where the heck is San Bernardino??? It should be on here, too.

拜托。莫德斯托?没有康普顿?也没有东洛杉矶?得了吧。这名单在胡扯。圣贝纳迪诺怎么就不算了? 它也应该在名单里。

3 months ago
Stockton Motherfucker!


The one you know
1 month ago
Downtown Stockton is horrible. But many suburbs are actually very nice.


Greg Van Gaasbeek
1 month ago
They forgot about Baltimore


Tim Edmonds
1 month ago
Chicago & Detroit are both ran by LEFT wing. Take a tour using google street maps.


3 weeks ago
1. Detroit 底特律
2. Detroit
3. Detroit
4. Detroit
5. Detroit
6. Detroit
7. Detroit
8. Detroit
9. Detroit
10. Detroit
11. Detroit
12. Detroit

vacuum flask
3 weeks ago
This is beautiful America without its make-up…:)


BMW 2018
3 weeks ago
Can you guess the common denominator?


Urban Mezkal
4 days ago
Pathetic even after 250 yrs of Independence. Proud to be a Texan but not an American. That's why Texas seeks freedom from the USA. #RepublicOfTexas #Texans

#德克萨斯共和国# #德克萨斯人#

Hey.its. Kenna
11 months ago (edited)
Oh i live outside of St. Louis lol but I mean it's not that bad I haven't been shot or killed or tried to be killed


Derek Bryant
1 month ago
Cleveland native here, city gets worse and worse by the year. Ohio is a great place, dont get me wrong, but Cleveland, that's another story.


Mike Kallas
1 month ago
D.C. ,homeless on the steps of the white house.


Jeff Ebner
1 month ago
Amazing what Democrats can do to a city.


The Undefeated
1 month ago
That is the real shithole country right there


Amanda H
4 months ago
Chicago isnt on there? Hells kitchen?

芝加哥不在名单上? 地狱厨房呢?

【译注:地狱厨房(Hell's Kitchen),正式行政区名为克林顿(Clinton),又俗称为西中城(Midtown West),是美国纽约市曼哈顿岛西岸的一个地区。】

Maria Von Borstel
1 month ago
Well you forgot Las Vegas Nevada. ITS sooooo dangerous specially if you're a senior citizen. I cant go anywhere really when it gets dark.


Blatant Hypocrisy
1 month ago
What a sht show. On one side you can argue why should a country with so much wealth have so much decay and poverty. There is definitely a flaw with capitalism. However, that does not mean that socialism and communism is the answer. Are these disaster cities completely the result of the individuals who chose to live there? Is this an example of personal responsibility? It could be just a result of freedom. People are free to live in squalor as well as work hard and move to a better place.


Kungfu Panda
1 month ago
Democrats are proud of these places…..


Michael Gallegos
1 month ago
Hm. Democrat city after democrat city after democrat city. I wonder if there's a relation between these??


2 weeks ago
All these places deliver 95% of the Democratic vote. There is no political incentive to make any changes.

