土耳其签署了与莫斯科之间的首项重大军购协议——购买S-400防空导弹系统。周二土俄双方一同宣布了这一协议,此举可能会引起土耳其的北约盟友们的担忧。美国网友:美国在90年代曾经购买过S-300. S-300的首席设计师自己也赞同叶利钦批准的这个交易 . 而且他作证说(美国人复制S-300的技术)需要几十年时间 . 重点不在物质上而是在算法上.
Istanbul (AFP) - Turkey has signed a deal for its first major weapons purchase from Moscow to buy S-400 missile defence systems both sides announced Tuesday in an accord that could trouble Ankara's NATO allies.
The purchase of the surface-to-air missile defence batteries Ankara's most significant deal with a non-NATO supplier comes with Turkey in the throes of a crisis in relations with several Western states.
"Signatures have been made for the purchase of S-400s from Russia. A deposit has also been paid as far as I know" Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in comments published in several newspapers on Tuesday.
abidin 18 hours ago
Would someone please explain me how NATO allies reacted to Greece when they bought S - 300 missile from Russia years ago ? Every sovereign country has its right to follow an independent policy... ..
谁愿意给我解释下几年前希腊从俄罗斯购买S-300导弹的时候,北约的盟国们是怎么回应的吗? 每一个主权国家都有权实行独立自主的政策.....
Richard 18 hours ago
This is really going to make the US arms dealers angry. Possibly the next "regime change" we see will be in Turkey.
这真的是要惹毛美国的军火商们了. 也许我们看到的下一次的"政权更迭"将会发生在土耳其.
Tough 19 hours ago
So now let me get this straight NATO was used as a base for nukes (so first country that would've been bombed) NATO members are arming Kurdish terrorist group bombing Turkish cities and now Turkey should only buy weapons from NATO members to help their economies? What has NATO ever done for Turkey? Has NATO ever come to Turkey's defense? Turkish soldiers died in Korea for nothing. Turkey was a much stronger power before it joined NATO. It's time to leave this Christian alliance.
T 19 hours ago
Time for US to get out of Turkey...demand a Kurdish country free Cyprus make reparations to Armenians...sadly what needs to happen will not happen..lack of US leadership.
美国是时候该摆脱土耳其了......要求一个库尔德国家 (承认)塞浦路斯独立,对亚美尼亚人进行赔偿..........可悲的是该发生的不会发生.......美国还是缺乏领导力啊.
Michael Fernandez 18 hours ago
Turkey needs not to be in the Euro or NATO.
土耳其应该退出欧盟或北约 .
Bruce 18 hours ago
I'm confused. A NATO member buys a major defensive missile system from the exact country NATO was formed to protect themselves against? Who else but Russia would Turkey realistically expect to ever use the S-400 against? And guess how that would probably work out.
我很疑惑 一个北约成员国恰恰是从北约防范的国家手里购买防御导弹来保卫自己? 土耳其想用S-400对付的国家除了俄罗斯又还能有谁呢? 猜猜这又怎可能会有效?
Boris 18 hours ago
Looks like Turkey decided NATO is not important to them anymore.... Europeans give them cold shoulder and Americans are double-dealing behind their back. What's a country to do????
Madeski 18 hours ago
US will now start planning for 'Freedom and Democracy' in Turkey like they gave to Iraq Syria Yemen Afghanistan Egypt Libya etc for aligning with Russia.
美国是时候该在土耳其策划"自由和民主"了 就像他们对伊拉克、叙利亚、阿富汗、也门、埃及、利比亚等与俄罗斯联盟的国家一样。
tc h 18 hours ago
Erdogan says he's sorry that we shot down one of Russia's jets. How about if we buy something from you? Then we can be buddies and Russia's citizens will go to Turkey for vacations.
埃尔多安说对不起我们击落了一家俄罗斯飞机。如果我们从你那里买点东西怎么样 ? 然后我们就成了好友了,俄罗斯公民就又能去土耳其度假了。
vlad 19 hours ago
The US bought the S-300 in the 90's. The chief designer himself followed the approval of the deal to Yeltsin. And he proved that copying will take decades. The chip is not in the metal but in algorithms.
美国在90年代曾经购买过S-300. S-300的首席设计师自己也赞同叶利钦批准的这个交易 . 而且他作证说(美国人复制S-300的技术)需要几十年时间 . 重点不在物质上而是在算法上.
Alex 17 hours ago
Erdogan has decided that NATO is not that important to his country anymore. Can't blame him either.
埃尔多安很清楚北约对土耳其不再那么重要了. 也不能怪他 .
Buraydah 9 hours ago
Another Trump failure. Turkey is a NATO member who for first time prefers Russian weaponry to that of US.
这又是特朗普遭遇到的失败 . 土耳其是第一个选择俄罗斯武器而非美国的北约成员国.
Troll Hunter 15 hours ago
Time to kick Turkey out of NATO and permanently deep-six their European unx application.
John 17 hours ago
The arms race is on. Looks like Turkey is siding with Iran against the entire Arab world (up to 50 nations) and Israel. This war is going to be epic. Until Russia has to protect its investments in Syria China is going to have to protect its oilfields in Iran. The US is going to have to protect its investments in the Arab world and Israel. That's not even counting the Arab world has vowed to run Iran and its proxies out of Syria Lebanon Liberia Yemen Afghanistan and Iraq. Everywhere you look some Arab country is spending hundreds of billions on state of the art weaponry. Our media reports the sale. You have to go to middle east news sources to find out why they are buying hundreds of billions in high tech. weaponry.
军备竞赛在继续。看起来土耳其正站在伊朗一边,反对整个的阿拉伯世界(多达50个国家)和以色列。这场对抗将成为一段历史传奇。到俄罗斯不得不保护它在叙利亚的投入时,中国将不得不保护它在伊朗的油田,美国将不得不保护它在阿拉伯世界和以色列的投入。这甚至还没算上阿拉伯世界已经发出的誓言 — 要将伊朗及其代理人从叙利亚、黎巴嫩、利比亚、也门、阿富汗和伊拉克赶走。你到处都可以看到阿拉伯国家在斥巨资升级武器系统。我们的媒体常有这种交易的报道。你不得不求助于中东新闻源,来找出他们购买上千亿美元高科技武器系统的原因。
Mehmet 16 hours ago
Turkiye does not need an enemy when it has a friend like the us.
PathFinder ofWhatis 17 hours ago
The West is an unreliable and fickle supplier - except when it comes to arming the Occupation Apartheid Zio-fascist Israeli regime. The Zio-nzais have the Swamp Establishment dancing on puppet strings to the detriment of American citizens.
西方是个不可靠而且琢磨不定的(武器)供应方,除非它去武装那种搞占领区隔离制的锡安-法西斯主义以色列政权时。锡安-法西斯主义者在木偶提线上跳着釜底堆薪之舞损害着美国百姓的利益。(译者注:Swamp原指资本主义沼泽,drain the capitalist swamp指对资本主义釜底抽薪)
erdal 15 hours ago
The only reason Turkey decided to buy from Russia is the fact that neither US nor Europeans accepted to share defence missile technology with Turkey. They told Turkey take it or leave it and Turkey replied: S400:) If now they agree on that technology transfer immediate response of Turkey will be to cancel S400 contract. This is negotiation. You must show to other party how serious you are by action not by words. If you think Turkey is banana republic then go ahead with your old fantasies like organizing coups supporting Kurdish separatists etc
土耳其决心从俄罗斯购买(武器)的唯一原因是不论美国人还是欧洲人都不愿意与土耳其分享防空导弹技术。他们告诉土耳其要么接受要么放弃,土耳其回答说:S400 :) 如果现在他们同意做技术转让,土耳其的第一反应将会是取消 S400 合同。这就是谈判。你必须用行动而非语言向另一方展示出你是多么严肃认真。如果你认为土耳其是个贫穷小国,那么请继续进行你旧时的迷梦,比如组织支持库尔德分离主义者的政变等。
dos 17 hours ago
All the NATO countries will buy the Russian weapons soon.But Turkey will be the first.And nobody can do nothing to Turkey.It holds the Europe by the balls.
zababafool 17 hours ago
GOOD for them getting one of the BEST SYSTEM in the World !!
Djordje 11 hours ago
What did you expect ? You have tried to change goverment in Turkey by coup. It didn't work because russians send warning to Erdogan at right time so after that Putin and Erdogan became friends. And now Turkey (read Erdogan) knows he cannot trust NATO (majority of officers who were organizers of coup were from NATO base in Turkey) so they need some kind of another system to protect Turkey in case of even much worse situation with NATO. They have already bad relationships with U.S and Germany. But you should look at this from bright side. Probably Turkey and NATO will have warm relationships in future. Current tensions are only temporary. When U.S stop with support for Kurds everything will be fine. So NATO will have a possibility to test S400 which is good for NATO in future. for Russia it is good for now because they will got money they need under sanctions when they sell S400. So at the end everybody win.
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