有哪些发明你希望它从未诞生过?(系列一) [美国媒体]



What technology do you wish was never invented?


-------------译者:Skyline AJ-审核者:龙腾翻译总管------------

Emily Michele Intern at Discovery Lab Global (2017-present) Answered Jun 25


Foods are always being infused with flavors that they don’t actually possess. Basically someone in a laboratory develops compounds that taste a certain way and companies selling processed food add those compounds to their products in order to make those products more appealing to customers.


What about natural flavors you may ask? If they’re natural they must be coming from the real thing right? Wrong. Just because something has “natural vanilla flavor” doesn’t mean there’s actually vanilla in it. Just because something has “natural blueberry flavor” doesn’t mean it actually has blueberries in it. The only reason these flavors are “natural” is because they are derived from compounds in vanilla or blueberries. That is someone pinpointed which molecules were responsible for giving the real thing its flavor took the molecules out of the real thing (or replicated those molecules) and inserted them into a food that doesn’t contain the real thing.


Even if the food does contain the real thing the flavor is enhanced to unnatural proportions. This is thought to be part of what causes food addiction when it comes to processed foods. They are packed with so much more flavor than real food is that people start to . . . like them better.



At least you can solve this all by eating organic right? Wrong!


“Organic Natural Flavor.” They sure do put a lot of effort into making it sound appealing.


Even organic food contains “natural flavor” which as discussed above isn’t as natural as food companies would you to think. Even when you eat organic food you aren’t tasting the real thing; you are still getting some enhanced version of the real thing. The only way to avoid food flavoring is to not eat processed food at all which is nearly impossible to do.


The next time you go shopping—or even to your kitchen—pick up any box and look at the list of ingredients. With extremely few exceptions you will see some sort of “flavor” listed on there unless it is a box of fresh unprocessed fruits or vegetables. Flavors . . . are . . . everywhere.


And I hate them. They are lies. They do nothing other than make our food taste unnaturally intense and then when people eat unprocessed food it tastes boring in comparison so they stick with processed food which is generally more unhealthy (not necessarily due to flavoring but still true). And then the word “natural” is attached to some flavors to make it seem more wholesome when really it’s not. Flavors are flavors. No matter where they are derived from they are not a natural part of food and a good portion of the world’s population probably doesn’t even know how food naturally tastes.



Louis Vaught Took Classes on Sustainability Answered Jun 20
Hand dryers. They’re a terrible solution to a problem that doesn’t exist.


I’d bet that anyone who’s used a hand dryer (even the nicer ones) knows that they don’t work very well. Paper towels are faster to use and they do a better job drying your hands.


But did you know that hand dryers are less hygenic than paper towels? Studies show that the air around a normal hand dryer can have 20 times the germs around a paper towel dispenser. Cold hand dryers with powerful blowers like the Dyson Airblade are actually a lot worse.


The real argument that dryer companies make though is that paper towel waste is bad for the environment. That's only a little true; life-cycle assessments show that paper towels are actually less wasteful than warm-air dryers (although cold dryers like the Airblade use about 1/5 the energy).


Some people worry about the trees we have to cut down but paper towels are usually made from recycled wood pulp and they don’t need the really nasty binders or bleaches. The related problem of paper waste can be solved if we just put a bit of effort in; paper towels are easily biodegradable and can be composted. We don't need to cut down trees and no trash has to go to a landfill.


Long story short paper towels are a clean hygienic and sustainable bathroom solution and hand dryers are a completely unnecessary replacement that’s actively worse.


I’m tired of having soggy hands for no good reason.



Jalil Abdullayev works at KAIST Answered Aug 10
Vertical farming.


This bullshit technology has been growing in popularity recently. I can even see people hoping that one day we will feed the whole world with vertical farms. This is dead wrong.


Let me explain why vertical farming will never be able to provide even 10% of the worlds nutritional supply.


The idea behind vertical farming is that you can have many stacks of crops grown in closed environment that are exposed to artificial light. Isn’t it great? You can grow food regardless of space. You can have your crop grown nearby you city. And the light can be obtained from clean sources of energy such as solar panel (oh how great). There are even commercial farms that grow green leafs such as lettuce and sell it making profit.


Here is the problem. It does not work for most of the main crops. Lets check what the world’s arable land is used for:Land Use in Agriculture


Basically 90% of all arable land is used for grains pulses and oilseed. There is no shortage of arable land for lettuce or tomatoes since they occupy minuscule amount of land. Let’s for now focus on grains. The world produces about 2.5 billion tons of grains [1]. Typical grains have at best %1 photosynthetic efficiency. 1 kg of grain has about 5 kwh of energy in form of biomass. Another 5 kwh is for that part that is not eaten such as root and stalk. So to get 1kg of grain you need 1000 kwh of energy in form of light. 2.5 billion tons of grain if grown by vertical farming would require 2.5 million billion kwh of electricity. That is 500 times the USA consumption of electricity a year [2]. This is just a ridiculous amount of energy.


So for vertical farming to ever become viable the cost of kwh of electricity should go down from 5 cents today to 0.03 cents.


FAO Cereal Supply and Demand Brief
Electricity sector of the United States - Wikipedia
Disclaimer: Some people have pointed out that the answer does not fit the questions. And they are right. Sorry. Do I really wish it was never invented? No I don’t. It has its own limited use. I just wanted to explain why it would not work in large scale. Peace

粮农组织谷物供求简报(译注:. 联合国粮食与农业组织(Food and Agriculture Organization))


Sully Bushell studies at University High School (2020) Answered Jun 20


Yes hear me out.


When cars were popularized by Henry Ford they were only used by the rich. By the 50’s they had become commonplace. Every middle class family had one.


The road layout of Paris France.


The road layout of Phoenix Arizona.


Why so different?


Cars were popularized between the 1910’s and 1940’s in America. Phoenix had a population of 11314 when cars were introduced in the 1910’s. Paris had a larger population in 59 BC. By the 1910’s Paris had a population of 2.8 million people.


Because Phoenix was built during the rise of cars it was a city designed for cars. Built in nice grid shapes with a few skyscrapers in the middle and suburbs sprawling across the rest of the land. The introduction of freeways in the 1950’s further reinforced this.


Paris was built in a time of walking and those who wanted to get to work in the center of the city quickly had a lot of money. These people would pay for a home in the middle of the city to reduce their time getting to work.
What is the result of this?


In the center of the city all the wealth is accumulated. The rich live where all the people gather. The poor live on the outskirts of the city and farm.



Compare this with Phoenix:


The poorest people in Phoenix live in the center of the city. Rich people move out of the center of the city to avoid crime and poverty and therefore end up interacting economically with the city less. Instead of shopping at local supermarkets they shop at a box store outside of the city limits.


People who live in Phoenix live in an expensive suburban house that is too far away from work to be able to walk. These houses tend to look exactly the same which can have an effect on someone’s individuality.


The fact that these suburbs are unwalkable means that people will stay inside more socially isolated from others. In the city however people go out all the time to walk to the store or walk to a friend’s house.


In an unwalkable suburb a child can especially feel lonely as children are generally curious and not having people outside to look at and be curious about is a bit of a buzzkill.


Suburbs are also an unnecessary pressure on the environment. Using your car to take the freeway every day to work undoubtedly uses a lot more fuel than walking there.


I love cars but we could be at the same place we are at today without them. Our cities would just be nicer. We would use trains subways and ferries a lot more than we do now which is much less of a strain on the environment. Our cities would also be walkable and enjoyable.

