遇见二战中的真正纳粹是什么感觉? [美国媒体]



What is it like meeting a real Nazi from WWII?



Nick Schön I'm old so I've seen quite a lot of history. upxed Nov 7 
In the 1970’s I went to the Oktoberfest in Munich with my brother Dave. I’m a Brit and I was living in Germany at the time. Anyway we were sitting at these long tables they have in the huge tents there and I started chatting to an old guy next to me. He was really friendly and told me he was on some church visit to Munich and just popped in for 95 litres of beer as you do at the Fest.


So we started talking about religion and I told him that my dad was born in Vienna but had to go to London sharpish in 1938 because he was Jewish.


He was amazed. “So why are you here?” he asked me amazement in his voice “How can you ever forgive us?” I told him what brought me to Germany and said that the past was the past that I really just want to get on with my life and that I’m atheist and pragmatic.


He told me with tears running down his cheeks (he had had a lot to drink admittedly) that he had been an enthusiastic Nazi that he had said and thought some terrible things but had since found Jesus.


It was all getting a bit surreal and I didn’t want to get into a big God discussion especially with an ex-Nazi. I made our excuses but he asked for my address which for some reason I gave him. Dave said I was an idiot and that he was certain I’d get evangelists ringing my doorbell for the next year trying to convert me.


That didn’t happen. Instead the man sent me a small package with a beautiful and large opal in it. He wrote a note telling me he dealt in gems and that this opal would be a tiny gift to my wife and was a way to say sorry to us from him.


I met a few other old people who must have been Nazis in the war. None ever brought the past up but the guy in the beer tent did and I’ll always remember his incredulity at me being there and his tears.



Brian Mead upxed Nov 2
When I was in Germany I got to know an old man. One day he told me that he once upon time could have never imagined taking an American for a friend. I asked him why and he said that our countries had once upon a time being enemies. After a bit more talking and probing I learned that he had been a member of the Schutzstaffel.


I did my best to remain calm and talk to him as he seemed nice and reasonable. He told me that his childhood had been marked by national feelings of deep humiliation and despair. Hitler’s mesage had been like a narcotic. He said that he had believed in Hitler just as everyone else had. Democracy hadn’t worked; Democracy had instead pushed them into this mess — from their Kaiser to the British-French democracies forcing their ruin and their own democracy not helping anything at all. Hitler was seductive and easy to follow. He told people what they wanted to hear. He joined the SS when he was old enough in 1942. He missed the initial Blitzkrieg and spend much of the war in Norway as an occupier. He saw action for a few weeks in France late in 1944 until he was wounded fragments taking off two fingers from his right hand and that got him sent home.


He said that after the war he still wanted Hitler. He still didn’t believe in Democracy. He still hated the Jews. It took until the 1960’s for the success of the Bundesrespublic Deutschland for him to come around and uate his life. The thing that changed it was a conversation with a British veteran who had told him that everyone had had a bad time of it and not just Germany had rationining instability poverty and so on. They swapped stories of being two people just on opposed sides of a bad part of history. The prosperity of the BRD also helped to sell him on democracy but it wasn’t until the reunification of Germany that he came to really believe that freedom and democracy would ultimately work; he thought the Deutsches Democratische Republic was going to win because it had a top-down system that enforced everyone to be in line. The Cold War ending with liberal democracies triumphing was the final nail in the coffin of his lingering sympathies for Fascism.


The diversity of modern Germany taught him that different peoples can live together and be richer for it. I asked him if he would be willing to give it up for a world where Hitler had won. He laughed and said only if he got to keep the kebabs. It was frankly horrifying meeting someone who was a genuine Nazi but I’m glad I did. He also didn’t understand Holocaust denial given that the Nazis who were tried never denied what they did.


All in all he regrets having been a Nazi but the situation he lived in and the propaganda of the time made it very hard to not be one and he views his time as a genuine Nazi as a painful chapter in his life he is glad is behind him.



Eric Crutchlow former Principal Security Engineer at Anomali (2016-2017) Answered Nov 1
My father was in the US Army during WWII and served in the European theater of war. After the war he was stationed for a time in Heidelberg where he had a German civilian secretary. They fell in love got married and years later two sons with me the youngest. So WWII history has been a big interest of mine.


I’ve met several former Nazi’s including Ferry Porsche (my mother worked at Porsche HQ in NJ for awhile). They all were people and having not known their past it would be hard for me to know they had been Nazi’s. They were not the ‘super humans’ as Hitler and the party propaganda claimed. But the truth (as I see it) is worse.


During the Holocaust the man behind the organization of the logistics was Aldof Eichmann. He initially escaped justice but was later captured by the Israeli Mossad and brought to Jerusalem for trial. Witnesses were brought in including Yehiel De-Nur a survivor and author. You can see the recording of the event on Youtube:


Mr. De-Nur’s testimony starts at about the 2:00 minute mark but what is key is what happens at the 8:55 mark. Mr. De-Nur faints. Everyone felt this was due to facing the monster Eichmann. And that belief stood for years.


In 1983 I watched the 60 Minutes segment on Mr. De-Nur and he explained what really happened. From Mr. De-Nur’s Wikipedia page:


‘[Mr. De-Nur] explained to Wallace all at once he realized Eichmann was not the god-like army officer who had sent so many to their deaths. This Eichmann was an ordinary man. "I was afraid about myself" said Dinur. "... I saw that I am capable to do this. I am ... exactly like he." ‘


Yehiel De-Nur - Wikipedia


This really hit me like a bolt of lightning.


So what is it like to meet a former Nazi? It’s like meeting anyone we know. We are all capable of evil but let’s work for the good.



Martin Mcclure FFL 01 Small Gun Store Owner (2011-present) Answered Oct 30
Back in the early 80’s I was an US Army armor crewman stationed in Augsburg Germany. I liked to wander around the town and see parts that didn't include the regular GI watering holes.


One night I was walking around and heard a lot of laughter coming from a small guesthaus (bar) Upon entering I saw a good sized group of older men drinking and singing and having a good time.

They all stopped and looked at me when I walked in it was of course obvious that I was an American soldier.


Turns out it was a German WW2 armor reunion and once they found out I too was an armor crewman we all decided to put the past behind us and enjoy the fellowship that being in that line of work brings no matter the country.


Several had missing arms and legs one had part of his face missing and wore a white mask. We drank they sang old war songs…. They told me war stories a couple were in armor in SS units many had old black and white pictures of themselves back during the war in their uniforms. I met one that had been at Stalingrad and survived to make it back to Germany.. about 5000 made it back out of 90000 that surrendered… Quite an accomplishment.


They were very factual about their beliefs none felt they owed an apology for their actions they fought bled and died for their country just like any other soldier would do.


I tend not to judge people by their beliefs because they are usually brought on by the environment that they were raised in. All I know is they treated me well that night I didn't have to buy a drink and I was a honorary kamerad of theirs for a few short hours.


Interesting note none of them seemed to have too high a regard for A. Hitler. Probably because he caused the loss of the war and nobody likes a loser.


Not an evening I will forget any time soon.



Tina Owens lived in Been in Hawaii Since 1985 Big Island Since 1993 Answered Oct 31
When I was a child and after my father died my mother moved us to Florida where her parents lived. She didn’t have any friends to speak of. This was in the mid-sixties.


On the same street about two blocks away lived a girl my age. We became friends but she always had something of an attitude I didn’t really like. However my mom became really good friends with the girl’s mother so we were together a lot. She was a lovely woman from Ecuador and didn’t speak much English. Her name was Yolanda and she and my mom became really tight.


My friend didn’t like her new Ecuadorian mom. Apparently there had been a number of moms. I think there were eight or ten kids all together and they all hated their father who was German.

我朋友不喜欢她的新厄瓜多尔妈妈。显然她有很多妈妈。我想总共有8到10个孩子,他们都憎恨他们的父亲 —— 一个德国人。

Eventually all the kids took off; some were old enough to get jobs and the others went with them. Or went somewhere. They couldn’t wait to get out of that house.


A year or so later Yolanda had a little boy. One day she asked if I could babysit for the boy because some friends of theirs from Ecuador were visiting and they wanted to go out to dinner. I was pretty young (I think I was fourteen at that time) but since my mom was just down the street she thought it would be okay.


I met the visiting couple he a German with something very creepy about him and she naturally was South American.


They came home considerably later than they had told me and my mom was worried and phoned every hour. When they did come home the two men were very very drunk. They were arguing about something in German while their wives tried to shut them up. Suddenly the visitor started stamping around the house and giving the Nazi salute and screaming “Heil Hitler!!”


I was young but I knew what that meant. I had met not one Nazi but two and still very much believers. Later on I learned about the high-ranking Nazis escaping to South America.


They offered to drive me home but I called my mom and she came to get me. It was the last time we had anything to do with them. Although I was sorry for Yolanda.

