U.S. spy satellites have captured images of Chinese ships illegally selling oil to North Korea vessels on the West Sea 30 times in the past three months, according to a South Korean newspaper.
Ship-to-ship trades with North Korea on the high seas are forbidden under United Nations sanctions adopted in September. The U.S. Treasury Department also placed six North Korean shipping companies on a sanctions list on November 21.
But according to South Korea’s The Chosun Ilbo, satellites have captured large Chinese and North Korean ships gathering side by side and trading oil. The high-quality spy satellites even show the names of the vessels.
One satellite picture, reportedly taken on October 19, shows a ship called Ryesonggang 1 trading the commodity with a Chinese vessel.
Chinese and North Korean vessels attempt to conduct a ship-to-ship transfer of oil, according to this photo reportedly taken from a U.S. spy satellite on October 19. The spy satellite captured images of Chinese ships secretly selling oil to the pariah state 30 times in the past three months. U.S. Treasury
A South Korean government source told The Chosun Ilbo: “We need to focus on the fact that the illicit trade started after a U.N. Security Council resolution in September drastically capped North Korea’s imports of refined petroleum products.”
The covert trading began shortly after the sanctions were introduced to limit North Korea’s oil supply, in a bid to stop Kim Jong Un from further expanding the country’s nuclear and missile defense systems.
China is North Korea’s main source of fuel. On Tuesday, Chinese customs data claimed that November marked the second consecutive month Beijing did not send gasoline or diesel to North Korea. The data suggested China was going above and beyond the sanctions imposed by the U.N. to cap oil supplies to North Korea.
It is unclear whether the Chinese government is giving permission for these illegal deals to occur, but the large quantities of oil being traded makes it unlikely that officials are oblivious to the West Sea transactions.
China’s Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying dismissed the reports on Wednesday. She told local press that she was not aware of The Chosun Ilbo article and then reminded the public that only ships on the Security Council list are completely banned from trade, The Financial Times reported.
“I want to ask you if these ships are on the list of the U.N. Security Council,” she said.
“If they are not on the list, then how can we be sure that they are violating Security Council resolutions? If there is solid evidence that Chinese persons have violated the Security Council resolution, then we will deal with this according to the law.”
2 days ago
China sells them oil and Russia sells them rocket enginesfor their missiles. Is anyone surprised?
2 days ago
trusting the Chinese is like trusting the Russians.Hello? Wake up!
3 days ago
Did anyone really expect the Chinese to obey the sanctions?
2 days ago
We had better take care of our own business as theChinese, Russians, and Saudi's are not our friends. Balance the budget, becomeenergy independent, secure our borders!
2 days ago
And some people think the United nations is worth keepingaround
John Doe
2 days ago
F* China!!! they are invading us, Canada. They are buyinghouses everywhere without living in it. They are invading California. We haveto do something. If not, by the year 2050, California will be Chinese's state.Seriously.
3 days ago
China and Russia have agreed to sanctions on NK only in amove so they can monopolize all oil, and other trade sales to NK and profitgreater. It is nothing more than fraud by them both. That's why China andRussia both say they will not allow a embargo by the USA. which is militaryenforcement. They are nothing but criminal countries profiting off sanctions.
3 days ago
We went into Iraq.
We went into syria,and stuck our noses into Ukraine.
2 days ago
China is our enemy, block ALL imports from China- do notUS Corporations who sell in China dictate policy, we need NOTHINg from China =all cheap garbage products.
3 days ago
Bring manufacturing back to America.
3 days ago
If the photo was taken October 19, why Trump has not doneanything for more than 2 months? 2 possible explanations: 1. Trumpadministration is working with China as a conspiracy. 2. This is fake news asusual, anything published by Newsweek is pretty much garbage.
2 days ago
I don't believe anything NEWSWEAK writes.
3 days ago
Who are we to tell China what to do with their oil? Sure,we are having issues with NK, but we don't have the right to tell any countrywhat to do. We meddle way too much into other countries business and government
3 days ago
No problem. Let the Chinese vessel sail clear thentorpedo the NK ship. Blame it on Russia
3 days ago
Noooo. This I don’t believe..... next you’re going totell me the Chinese helped develope their nuclear program
3 days ago
And the Leftist morons will still blame Trump.
3 days ago
Can not trust a communist country. China and Russia arethe two biggest countries that cannot ever be worthy of the truth. The U.S istrailing behind them too because of Obama and crooked Hillary. Why isn'tHillary Clinton not locked up. She's the biggest communist this country knows.Every word that comes out of her mouth is a lie. Can trust someone like it...ohI'm sorry..her.
2 days ago
China is a border country to N. Korea. Russia is a bordercountry to N. Korea. Both have been patrons of N. Korea since the 1940's. WhenMcArthur blustered about a 6-12 weeks long war that would devastate N. Korea in1950, China and Russia proved him wrong. Nothing has changed. China and Russiastill are patrons of N. Korea's military. Until Trump deals with China andRussia no amount of bluster and posturing will result in any different outcomethan what McArthur got; 186,000 US casualties, 5,000 MIA and a stalemate.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...