特朗普毁掉了墨西哥对美国的看法:民意调查 [美国媒体]




Decades ofgoodwill between the United States and Mexico have flipped in just thelast two years, with the majority of Mexicans now viewing the U.S. unfavorably,according to a new poll.


In 2015, 66percent of Mexicans had a favorable view of the U.S. while just 29 percent heldan unfavorable view. Those numbers have inverted since then, with 65 percent ofMexicans viewing the U.S. unfavorably and only 30 percent maintaining favorableviews, according to a new poll conducted by the Mexican-based firm Buendia& Laredo, the Chicago Council of Foreign Affairs and the Woodrow WilsonInternational Center for Scholars released on Wednesday.


The shift inperception tracks with the rise of Donald Trump from political neophyte topresident. "No doubt much of this pessimism is related to Mexicanimpressions of President Trump and his policies," the Chicago Councilreport on the poll said.

随着唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)的崛起,人们对他的看法发生了转变。“毫无疑问,这种悲观情绪很大程度上与墨西哥对特朗普总统及其政策的印象有关,”芝加哥委员会的民意调查报告称。

On June 16, 2015,Trump famously launched his candidacy for president by disparaging Mexicanimmigrants: "They are not our friend, believe me,” Trump said. “WhenMexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best... They’re bringingdrugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are goodpeople.”
He has continuallyclaimed Mexico will pay for a wall along the U.S. southern border, with hislatest reiteration coming via Twitter early Thursday.


"The Wall isthe Wall, it has never changed or evolved from the first day I conceived of it,"he wrote—one day after The New York Times reported White House chief of staffJohn Kelly had told lawmakers that he explained to Trump why a border wall wasimpractical and unnecessary.


Kelly's commentsdid not appear to have a lasting impact. "The Wall will be paid for,directly or indirectly, or through longer term reimbursement, by Mexico, whichhas a ridiculous $71 billion dollar trade surplus with the U.S. The $20 billiondollar Wall is 'peanuts' compared to what Mexico makes from the U.S. NAFTA is abad joke!" Trump tweeted.


Mexican PresidentEnrique Peña Nieto has consistently dismissed the idea of his countrypaying for the U.S. border wall. Trump asked Nieto to stop publicly sayingMexico wouldn't pay for the wall when the two leaders spoke in January 2017.


"But myposition has been and will continue to be very firm saying that Mexico cannotpay for that wall," Nieto said in the private conversation, transcripts ofwhich were later released.


"But youcannot say that to the press. The press is going to go with that and I cannotlive with that," responded Trump. Trump threatened that if Mexico refusedto pay for it directly than he would impose tariffs on Mexican exports.


Trump's rhetoricand Nieto's opposition to it does not appear to have colored most U.S.citizens' views of Mexico, the poll found. U.S. citizens rated Mexico51 out of 100, with 0 being very unfavorable and 100 being very favorable—thesame score it received in 2016 and an increase from an all time low of 43 in2013.


The poll alsoshowed that Mexicans who are familiar with Trump overwhelmingly carry negativeopinions of the U.S. Of the 85 percent of Mexicans who said they knew or hadheard of Trump, 89 percent had a negative opinion of the United States.


Mexico is far fromthe only country whose view of the U.S. has soured recently. In June, a Pew Research poll tracking 37 countries found that theU.S.'s favorability rating had significantly improved in only one nation:Russia.

墨西哥远不是唯一一个在最近对美国的看法恶化的国家。今年6月,皮尤研究中心(Pew Research)对37个国家进行的一项调查发现,只有一个国家:俄罗斯,对美国的好感度有明显的改善。