Analysis ofthe Chinese J-20 stealth fighter
As an advanced multirole stealthfighter, the J-20 stealth fighter can fulfill both air-to-air and air-to-groundcombat roles for the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) and theaviation branch of the People’s Liberation Army Navy (referred to as eitherNaval Aviation or the PLAN-AF). According to PLAAF Senior Colonel ShenJinke, the J-20 will enhance the overall combat capability of China’s airforce.
Highlights of sn analysis from ChinaPower Team. “Does China’s J-20 rival other stealth fighters?” China Power.February 15, 2017. Updated December 12, 2017. Accessed December 14, 2017. chinapower.csis.org/china-chengdu-j-20/
广告:来自China Power Team的热点分析“中国的J-20对其他隐形战机构成了挑战吗?”chinapower.csis.org/china-chengdu-j-20/
The United States is the only countrywith a fully operational fifth-generation fighter. Several other countriesincluding Russia, India, and Japan are currently in the process of developingtheir own advanced stealth fighters that fit this classification.
The J-20 is one of two stealthfighters being simultaneously developed in China. The other aircraft is theShenyang FC-31, a smaller multirole stealth fighter that is being developed bythe Shenyang Aircraft Corporation and could potentially be commerciallyexported to other countries. The two Chinese stealth fighters may have beendesigned to complement each other in a similar manner to the planned deploymentof the F-22 and F-35 by the United States. At present, China and the U.S. arethe only two countries that have concurrent stealth fighter programs.
On September 28, 2017, it wasannounced that the J-20 has been officially commissioned into service, but theaircraft is unlikely to be fully operational until 2018 or 2019.
Closer in size to the US F-22
Early reports over-estimated theJ-20’s length at approximately 23 meters (m), but satellite imagery hasreliably shown the J-20 to be between 20.3 and 20.5 meters long – making itcomparable in size to both its American and Russian counterparts.
It has been reported that the J-20 isexpected to feature a Maximum Takeoff Weight (MTOW) of 34,000 – 37,000kilograms. By comparison, the F-22 has an MTOW of 38,000 kilograms, and theT-50 has an MTOW between 35,000 – 37,000 kilograms. Some analysts have suggested,however, that it is unlikely for the J-20 to have a lower MTOW than the F-22.
The J-20 contains two lateral baysfor small air-to-air missiles and a larger bay under the fuselage for a varietyof missiles and surface attack weapons. This is similar to the weapons bayconfiguration of the F-22.
Advanced electronics
The J-20 carries a variety ofadvanced electronic systems.
– active electronically scanned array
– a chin mounted infrared/electro-optic search and track sensor
– a passive electro-optical detection system that will provide 360° sphericalcoverage around the aircraft.
These systems are expected to becomparable to those found inside the F-35.
The J-20 is likely to field anadvanced communications suite that will enable it to datalink with friendlyplatforms in service and platforms under development, such as the Divine Eagleairborne early warning drone.
China plans to upgrade the J-20 inthe coming years with the Chinese-made WS-15 engine, which would provide theJ-20 with sustained supersonic travel (supercruise). This new engine may rivalthe cutting-edge Pratt & Whitney F119 engine currently used by the F-22.Compared to the older engines, the WS-15 would enable the J-20 to travelfurther while consuming less fuel and fly faster for longer periods of time. Itis unknown when the WS-15 will be put online; in the interim, it has beenreported that China has outfitted the newer models of the J-20 with the WS-10engine. The domestically built WS-10 is less powerful than the WS-15, butadvanced versions of the WS-10 are capable of achieving low supercruise. Othercountries with advanced militaries, such as the U.S., Russia, and many Europeancountries, all have fighter aircraft with supercruise capability.
J-20 Stealth a work in progress
Analysis shows the J-20 has achievedsome Low Observable design goals for enhanced stealth. Such a design allows theJ-20 to bypass radar and electronic countermeasures with low to zerovisibility. However, some aspects of the aircraft, such as the round nozzle ofearlier models (the WS-15 may have a stealthier design) may work against itsstealth capabilities.
Advanced versions of the WS-10 engineare reported to feature sawtooth serrations around its edges that are designedto redirect radar away from the nozzles. In contrast, the F-22’s Pratt &Whitney F119 engines have square nozzles, which greatly improves stealth.
Mass Production and cost
The J-20 has now entered low-rateinitial production (LRIP), the small-quantity testing phase prior to massproduction. Estimates of J-20 cost ranging from $30 million to up to $120million. The F-22 had a per-unit cost of $143 million while the T-50 isestimated to cost less than $100 million. China capable of mass-producing theJ-20. Higher-end estimates indicate that several hundred J-20s will be producedto replace older fighters.
She's kind of an ugly duckling withthose canards.
2楼Mark Stewart
What I wanted to know is the expectedkill ratio. How many J20 to how many F22.
Kill ratio is so yesterday. Nowadays,it is about system of systems. Each plane has a role to play in this system.How good the system works determines if you are going to win or lose. Contextis also very important. If we are fighting on China's backyard, it will be verydifferent to if we are fighting them far from their homeland.
Raptor1回复 reservoir_dogs
Seeing as ALL major forces will be,or already are, using network systems and operate on some scale of the systemof systems concept, and since networks are meant to be hacked, slashed, andcorrupted, kill ratio is anything BUT "so yesterday". One of thegoals of the system of systems concept you refer to is to essentially increase"kill ratio" - IF your network (system) works properly (A big IF inmy book), it should impart survivability and lethality that your assets may nothave on their own, so up goes the kill ratio.
The next major war will likely be a network, war - The winner will bring theopposing "systems" down, and the resulting kill ratio will be THEdeciding factor as to when and how things end. The US doesn't seem to be toowell prepared for it, IMHO - There's this general assumption that things likeF-35s and "automated" systems will always have the advantage of thatnetwork. One only has to consider the enormous amount of data stolen from our"secure", "networked wonder"-35 to understand theimplications of a hacked airborne or ship-borne network.
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Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...