恐怖至极:新研究称香蕉可能(接近)灭绝 [美国媒体]


Horror of horrors: bananas may be going(close to) extinct, new study says


Eat all the bananas you can now becausesoon, there won’t be any left. And it won’t be because you ate them all. It’llbe because they’ve gone … extinct. In the worst food newssince the Great Avocado Shortage (which appears to happen every year), a new study in PLOSPathogens claims that a virus named Tropical Race 4 is about tokickstart the bananapocalypse.


In what must be the worst case of deja vuin food history, this projected banana extinction is actually the second tohappen in this century. In the 1960s, the Gros Michel variety of bananas were all the rage,until disaster struck. Panamadisease, caused by Tropical Race, essentially wiped out the entire crop of theGros Michel. To give you a sense of the fungus’ virulence, once-leadingbanana producer Taiwannow exports just 2 percent of what it did 50 years ago.


more of the same 12 hours ago
I have several different varieties ofbananas that grow on my beach here in costa rica and two of them are actuallysweeter and tastier than the cavendish but they do not produce as much and theydo not handle shipping as well. I even have some with seeds but it takes timeto breed a new variety that is resistant AND has all the other attributes wethink we need. The same thing is now beginning to happen to the palm oil plantthat took the place of the failing banana industry here. Monocultures are nevergood.


tony the grouch 8 hours ago
I've been hearing this for a number ofyears now. Many discussions. Including a suggestion that the banana is probablythe most genetically modified food plant in existence, just from cross breedingattempts rather than more modern methods.
Bananas are not seedless, but their seeds are rather tiny and not every bananain a hand or bunch will have seeds in it.
A number of years ago (1990's?), This Old House visited a plantation on Hawaii, and showed afairly large number of different varieties they developed. There were severalnew varieties they were trying to cultivate in commercially viable numbers thatwere expected to be resistant to any of the known older banana diseases. Butbecause of the nature of the banana, the work involved in obtaining seeds,establishing a viable population of a new variety is very time consuming.


Commenter 12 hours ago
The reporter should make up her mindwhether it's a fungus or a virus.


red nig 10 hours ago
OK, but what about 1,200+ named varietiesgrown in Asia, where the banana is native?It's certainly doing fine there. But, hybrids and GMO varieties aren't. Forthat matter, most GMO varieties of plants seem to have a lot more healthproblems than open pollinated relatives. Go to Asia,get seeds from bananas that are resistant to the disease, and start from there.Most varieties of bananas have seeds, but not hybrids. I think I can wait. LetPenn J hog all he wants. BTW, bananas are used to fatten livestock in Asia :)


Steve 8hours ago
Bananas are not seedless. The seeds arevery small and usually not noticeable unless you cut the banana into smallpieces. The seeds will germinate and grow plants. I have done so with thesupermarket variety several times.


Dan 6hours ago
Headline is misleading. Bananas aren'tgoing (almost) extinct, just one particular cultivar of them, and even that,only maybe.


RandomDood 27 minutes ago
My favorite snack is a banana, 6 fignewtons, and a glass of milk. Has bee since the 60's. In fact, I think that'swhat I'll have for breakfast, today.


Wants Peace 7 hours ago
Bananas are a cross breed of two differentmusa plants, then they are cultivated with cuttings, cloned, is how this isusually described, they rarely appear in the wild, as it is a cross pollinationaccident that causes them to grow in the first place. So to start again meanswe might get the yummy bananas that we ate in the 50's and 60's again. Dependson the success of the breeders, horticulture, another amazing endeavor ofmankind.


Bob 8hours ago
I read a story a little over 10 years agothat the Cavendish Banana was going extinct within 5 years. Guess what.


NEW YORK CITY 6 hours ago
By the time bananas go extinct, I will beunderground dead for 200 years so I do not care. 
And if bananas go extinct one place they won't run out of it, the Caribbean Island.

