美国是自由之地?别再吹拉! [美国媒体]


Let's stop pretending that America is the land of liberty


作者:Ryan Cooper

Illustration | Image courtesy Derek Bacon/Corbis
December 4, 2015

Mass shootings havebecome so common in America that even dark jokes about the sheer mechanicalroutine of it all now seem stale. One part of the public safety debate thatwill always be around, however, is arguing about the supposed tradeoff betweenfreedom and security.


@drvox is bearingarms the only civil liberty you'd give up on hope of security? Privacy? Freemovement? Speech? The Press?
— Timothy P Carney (@TPCarney) December 2, 2015

“公民拥有持枪自由,你会为此放弃安全、隐私、活动自由、演讲和新闻自由吗?——提摩西P卡尼2015年12月2日(注:Timothy P Carney 美国批评家)

In some hypotheticalsensible country, one could have a debate about whether some crime control or securitymeasure might be worth the potential infringement on our liberties. But theUnited States is not a sensible country informed by a grounded understanding ofliberty or security. We long ago shredded most of our important constitutionalprotections without the slightest evidence that they made anyone safer.


Let's take a quicktour through recent history and see how fundamental liberties areholding up in the new century.


Privacy and personal security. The Fourth Amendment protects people from "unreasonable search and seizure," and plainlyforbids general warrants (and by extension, dragnetsurveillance). As is now well known, the NSA operated a dragnet program onbasically all electronic communication for over a decade. True, a reform billdid pass earlier this year, but sharp note that it's written broadlyenough that the great majority of the government dragnet machine isalmost certainly still operating. Massive warrantless spying is still happeningevery day.


Baldlyunconstitutional seizures are a routine part of police business in America,through so-called "civil asset forfeiture."These require merely an assertion from law enforcement that the property wasobtained through crime. It's extremely difficult to get one's property back,and the practice has been rising sharply of late — so much so that the total value ofseized property exceededthat lost from burglaries last year for the first time.


Due process. The Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, andFourteenth Amendments protect people from being punished by the state without afair legal proceeding. For certain groups of Americans — Muslim-Americanextremists living abroad, minorities, and poor people, among others — due process is thin to nonexistent. Such people can be shotto death, thrownin solitary confinement, or imprisonedfor years, or assassinated without any due processwhatsoever, and rarely if ever will any law enforcement official be made toaccount for their actions.

法定诉讼。第五,第六,第七,和第十四条修正案,保护人们免受不公正法律程序的处罚。但对于某些美国群体--穆斯林,海外美国极端分子,少数种族,穷人和一些个别人,诉讼过程几乎没有. 这些人有可能被枪毙,扔进监狱或被监禁数年,又或是跳过诉讼程序被暗杀,极少有执法官员会对他们的作为作出解释。

Freedom of speech. Thisone is doing better than due process, but has still eroded significantly. Steven Salaita recently won$875,000 fromthe University of Illinois when a job offer was rescinded because the school'spresident disagreed with his political views on Palestine.Ted Cruz, meanwhile, promises that he will strip federal fundsfrom any university that supports the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctionsmovement.

言论自由。这个可比法定诉讼做的要强不少,但却日渐恶化。Steven Salaita最近在伊利诺伊大学争取到了一份年薪为875000美元工作,却因该校校长不同意他的巴勒斯坦的政治观点而遭辞退。特德克鲁兹,许诺要剃掉所有大学中支持抵制,剥夺、制裁的联邦基金,而遭到同样对待。

General atrocities. TheEighth Amendment, in addition to international treaties and U.S. law,absolutely bans torture. Yet the entire top echelon of the Bush administrationconstructed and operated a tortureprogram, even destroyed the evidence thereof, andpaid no price. The leading presidential candidate of one of our two politicalparties now openlyadvocates for torture's return — even if it is totally useless for interrogation.


Americaalso imprisons a greaterfraction of its population than any other country,by a substantial margin. There are three-quarters of a million people in jailsalone — and 62percent ofthemhave been convicted of no crime.


Doesthat sound like a land of liberty?


Now, itis true that just about anyone can buy huge, powerful guns and enormous pilesof ammunition in this country. Heck, even people on our insane, Kafkaesqueterror watch list canstillbuy guns. That's freedom of a sort, though it comes atanincomprehensible cost — and is largely worthless for those who'd rather not own a gun(roughly 68 percent ofthe population).


For fartoo many Americans, the Constitution and the idea of "freedom" aremere fetish objects, basically uncoupled from any analytical conception ofpolitical liberty.


Theremay be reasons to oppose any and all gun control, but a diminution of generalliberty is not among them.

