日本削弱了自己的和平主义立场 [美国媒体]


Japan CurtailsIts Pacifist Stance


Seven decadesafter its surrender ended World War II, Japan took its most significant stepaway from the pacifist foreign policy that shaped 70 years of its post-warhistory.


Japanese PrimeMinister Shinzo Abe spent considerable effort to push a bill reinterpretingArticle 9 of the country’s constitution through the Diet, Japan’slegislature. On Thursday, legislators brawled when opposition politicians tried to physicallyblock a vote on the legislation. It passed Friday after three days ofraucous debate in the House of Councillors, the upper house of the Japaneseparliament, marking a historic shift in the nation’s approach to internationalaffairs.


alphadog16 • a dayago
Bravo Japan.Pacifism only leads to the other guy taking your stuff.


SamuelStephens  alphadog16 · 19 hours ago
Except no one has beentaking Japan's stuff and they have been doing quite well for themselves. Thereality is Japan doesn't need to change its constitution or military to defendthose islands, if that is what you are referring to.


rab12  Samuel Stephens · 19 hours ago
Because the USmilitary is in Japan. Time for Japan to take a more active role with theirmilitary.


SamuelStephens  rab12 · 18 hours ago
Why does Japanhave to take a more "active" role? What is needed beyondself-defense, of which Japan already has a force for that?


FireWraith  Samuel Stephens • 8 hours ago
For one, under theprevious rules, North Korea could hypothetically be shooting at US, SouthKorean, and other ships, airliners, etc, in the waters around Japan, but aslong as they didn't touch Japan itself, the Japanese Air/Naval forces would bepowerless to do anything about it, even if the USA/ROK/etc asked them to.
The idea ofcollective self-defense is that everyone involved defends everyone else,because we're stronger together than separate. Part of that idea, also, is thatby banding together, you can deter someone from starting a war in the firstplace, because they know that attacking one is the same as attacking all ofthem.


SamuelStephens  FireWraith • 7 hours ago
But what I thinkyou need to understand is the Japanese populace do not see it this way. Theyhave experienced peace without the deaths of servicemen and militarized peacekeepingefforts. In other words, the Japanese people really don't want to get involvedin any sort of military conflict, be it for the US, its allies, or otherwise. Ithink the country's own experience during WWII, along with observing thepointless loss for life for no real gain its allies engaged in with the War onTerror, was demonstrative enough there is little fruit to bare in joining in.


Terry "Deathto Equality" Xu  alphadog16 · 13hours ago
No country shouldbe pacifist, not even my enemies


Worry · a day ago
Actually, China isinfinitely more likely to cause problems in the region than Japan. Also,Japan's actions reflect the reality of fading American power in the region. Ina decade or so, the United States will become an irrelevancy in the PacificRim.


TexasStomp · a dayago
Well at least onecountry is exhibiting a policy of self preservation. Too dam bad the West haslost the plot and is too busy placating and apologizing to every shiteholewarring nation to muster the will to survive the tsunami of ME invaders whosefirst act is to occupy any nation whose borders they can storm and thenimmediately start making demands that everyone defer to them and their twistedreligion, at gun point if needs be.


Potthai Lang • aday ago
Losing 4 kurilislands to Russia until now over 70 years still cannot take back.
Most uselesscountry in the world with most number of cowards.
Lost in WWII afterate 2 American atom bombs. And became USA's guarding dog in Asia.
On top of that,losing kuril islands ( 4 island ) to the Russia. Very very useless people.Still can't get them back after more than 70 years.
Luckily I am notJapanese or I will have to perform ' harakiri ' so I don't bring shames to myancestors.


marathag • a dayago
Congrats, China!You got a nation to rearm that everyone thought would never happen


Bill Hornbeck • aday ago
The US should armJapan with as many nukes as the North Koreans, that may get the Chineseattention


SamuelStephens  Bill Hornbeck • 19 hours ago
Thankfully USnuclear weapons are not permitted in Japan, even just for transportation.


Bill Hornbeck  Samuel Stephens • 19 hours ago
not yet....


SamuelStephens  Bill Hornbeck • 19 hours ago
But doubtfullyever in the foreseeable future. It's an incredibly unpopular idea among most ofthe populace even though a few right-wing nationalists have thought it over.


brightlight  Bill Hornbeck • 14 hours ago
We don't need toarm them. Japan is less than six months, a year at the most, from a deliverablenuclear weapon the moment they start. They have plenty of know how andplutonium as is.
Rumors for yearshave been that they have stockpiled all the hardware needed for a bomb butnever put it together. Or even in the same buildings. That way they canhonestly say they have to nuclear devices.

