reddit讨论一张朝鲜战争期间的空袭区域图 [美国媒体]


The Korean War Armistice was signed July 27, 1953. Here's a map showing aerial bombings during the war. [OC]


My grandfather was among the British troops who where sent to fight in the Korean war. He was a attached to an American engineering regiment as a minesweeper. He didn't tell me much about it, but what he did say was that winter was the worst he ever experienced. The ground was frozen as hard as concrete and bodies couldn't be burried. I'm told there's a picture of him on the boat back to his base in Hong Kong at the end of the war. He was skin and bones as he like many others had dysentery.


I wonder what effect the hard ground had on the mines?


This is a fantastic question. I’d assume it would make the blast more directional, as the explosion wouldn’t be able to expand the surrounding material as much, but that’s just a guess.


Do you know of anyone being injured/killed by one?


Yes but not during the winter. I know of some close calls but none involving injuries as a direct result. The real danger is during the Monsoon season of July through August when it never stops raining. The ground table becomes saturated with water and the mines pop out and float away. They then resettle and sink in a new place thereby making the existing minefield maps useless. Engineers and EOD spend a great deal of time and effort locating these mines and removing or remapping them. In the Infantry we employed directional above ground mines called "Claymore Mines" that we set up during ambush patrols then remove them when the patrol was completed. The DMZ as a whole is off limits to the civilian population so the military personnel are the ones in real danger.


I asked my grandfather about Korea when I was younger and he said "It's just like anywhere you know, just really cold." I later found out my grandmother still got some type of government aid check because he got frostbite in his foot.


From the books I read, it was swamp-ass hot in the summer and freezing cold in the winter. Not sure if that's Korea in general or just happened to be more extreme weather for those few years during the war


As far as I can see 100,000 British troops served in The Korean War- not sure that classifies as a few.
My uncle served there with The Argyll & Southern Highlanders. The only memory I have of any of his anecdotes is that he said something along the lines of, “If the RAF flew overhead the Chinese ducked for cover- if the Americans flew overhead EVERYBODY took cover”


That's a joke the germans made in ww2 iirc


I'm kind of surprised they could see the symbols on the wings - wouldn't jets be flying too fast to be able to tell?


Vehicle identification based on shape is an important training point in the military. Airborn or otherwise.


Also sound is different


I imagine they used different models. Sound and look different.


It's just a commonly repeated joke from the war.


My buddies that were in Iraq and Afghanistan still tell that joke.


Well, looks like the joke flew over my head, too.


So it seems like some bombs were indeed dropped in China. My grandfather was sent to fight the war shortly after to fight your grandfathers, he lost most of his comrades, he said it was the toughest war he fought (of 5). Chinese soldiers' casualty was 10x higher than the UN armies, but Mao said they better fight in Korea and keep Korea as the buffer zone before the war zone spreads to China even further. People afraid it would become ww3 if not pushing the frontline away from China.


People afraid it would become ww3 if not pushing the frontline away from China.
It might have become WWIII had Truman not recalled MacArthur and relieved him of command.


Wikipedia says he was in the military from 1903-1964. Wow.


His active service ended effectively in 1951ish, but he was a Field Marshall and they technically serve for life. Hence 1903-1964 on wikipedia. ~50 years is still pretty impressive, though you gotta be in army long time to become chief of staff.


Imagine what the world would have looked like today had Truman followed MacArthur's suggestions of using nukes against China.


Nukes are great until the other side has them. Reason number one why there hasn’t been one used since World War Two.


Very interesting thanks for the link. Just spent over 30 minutes reading about the relief of Arthur and the battle of Inchon. Im somewhat confused though, Truman relieved MacArthur because he wanted to use atomic bombs but did MacArthur have the power to launch American atomic bombs without the president’s consent? Why couldnt Truman just deny this and keep his military genius? Was there something else MacArthur was doing?


My grandfather fought in the Korean War as well for China just after he fought all the way from the northern part to the southern part during the war against Japan. He was given the choice to participate or just live his life when war was nearby. He chose to fight, but my grandmother chose to stay. They were both had a ‘higher’ rank in the military than most soldiers, idk if going to NK to aid them was voluntarily or not. However he went there with his military unit consisting out of a few hundred men, but only dozens came back, including himself.


My grandpa had a similar deal, he fought civil war and ww2 before going to Korea, then went to the north boarder for years as Russia became the biggest threat, then came back to be a military hospital director before retired. He considered the US soldiers to be most difficult to fight against, and S-Koreans to be the easiest. About 2/3 of the wedding guests attended my grandparents' wedding didn't walk out alive from the war.
He told my mom about one lost battle, thousands died and only a few initially survived which included himself. To make the way back, he wanted to run during the day and sleep among corpses at night, while the rest attempted to do the opposite. He disagreed with the rest and decided to split because US troops patrolled the field at night but only S-Koreans during day time. They would be dead on sight if seen by US patrols but could easily kill a way out against Koreans. Days later he made his way to the closest Chinese base, but he never saw the others.



My uncle was a Marine at the Chosen Reservoir. His best story was pulling guard at an OP surrounded by dozens of dead Chinese. The temperatures plummeted that night and as the corpses froze solid, they occasionally sat up or shifted position. He said that freaked him out a bit.


My marine grandfather was there too. He referred to the Frozen Chosen. I never know what he meant when he said the Chinese soldiers "froze while standing at attention," but I think this finally answers a question that I never got to ask.
He had some horrific memories of that war, and only shared a few of them.


My family is from the Chinese side. My grandfather was too young and great grandfather too ill to fight in the Korean War, but I was told by a passed down story that not only were the dead bodies freezing, but at a few points in the war the Chinese troops had to stay perfectly still in the dead of winter to minimize aircraft detection.
Normally this would be ok given modern supplies, but these soldiers literally ate cold raw potatoes and wore severely inadequate clothing. It was said that after holding position for days the soldiers would be ordered to move and they would discover that most of the battalions were dead, frozen solid, and some were alive but had legs that didn’t work anymore.
Not sure if there is evidence for this but sometimes Americans would launch an attack on a Chinese position, bombard and charge up to no resistance, to discover that all the soldiers fearlessly holding their ground were in fact all frozen solid


