I think the Chinese are indeed absolutely obsessed withfood.
If you were to narrow down even further, I would saySouthern Chinese are really obsessed with food. Particularly the Cantonesepeople, who largely have a reputation for insane food obsession and oftenregarded as the best regional cuisine in China.
Why? My own theory is that Chinese people repress feelingsof joy and enjoyment in most things in life. It is not culturally acceptablefor Chinese to uninhibitedly enjoy the sensual pleasures of the world. Thereare ancestors to worship, parents to be filial to, kids to tiger mom, coworkersto backstab, neighbors to judge etc. Sex, sport, music are all rather inhibitedcompared to other cultures.
In my own experience, my Hong Kong family would be rathercynical and pragmatic with most things except when it came to food. In foodthey could allow the full range of emotions and desires to be expressed. Whereto eat, and then what to eat were debated and critiqued to a level I have notseen in Americans. So I think of food as sort of a release valve for pent uppsychological pressures. Actually this tendency may be Asian in general.
Kegon Teng Kok
The primacy of the stomach in Chinese culture is nothing tosneeze at. Chinese people throughout history and all over the world have placeda great deal of importance on eating, food, and taste.
We conquer demons by eating them up, or feeding them certainthings. Every festival has a special food or foods associated with it. Whileall people love food, Chinese people may be said to take it to another level.This applies to Chinese people whether or not they grew up in China.
Chinese cuisine is extremely rich and varied, especially forthe regions along the coast where there is an abundance of seafood and importedfood items.
Daniel Roy
To add to the other answers, I would like to add that Istarted to eat Chinese food daily only around age 30, when I got married to mycurrent wife, who is Chinese. This is about 15 years ago. Since then, I havepretty much become addicted to Chinese food, that I like soooooooo much! I alsofind myself drooling while thinking about a meal at a Chinese restaurant. Imiss my pre-marriage food very rarely (I miss spaghetti and hamburgers once ina while). But most of the time I'm completely obsessed with (Chinese) food.
Clara Vickery
Yes they really live to eat,as the old Chinese saying goes: Food is god for the people. They share the food and their many friendship is built on the basis of good food.
Joe Bush
Yes, and someone told me a story about food: there's an insect attack in a forest. So the guards of the forest start to catchthis kind of insects to protect the forest. One day, a man fried the baby of the insect, and found it's delicious.All the people start to look for the insects and finally eat them all. There's no insect attack anymore
Well, when British greet each other, they talk aboutweather.
But this is Chinese way to great each other.
“Hi, have you eaten yet?”
“Oh yes. What do you want for dinner?”
“I haven't dicide yet.”
“I happen to know a good restaurant nearby.”
“Let's try it ~”
That's how a friendship starts in China.
Jwe Wae
Yes .Lots of Chinese people like talking about food. a fewof them are fascinated with cooking .Most of Chinese people think food plays animportant role in everyday life .Probably it seems like a kind of habit.
There is an old proverb says that food is the basic for thepeople. Besides, In culture of Chinese interpersonal communication, Everythingcan be solved by sharing a dinner.
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Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...