中国领导的亚投行开张了 [美国媒体]


China-led Asian infrastructure bank opensfor business


BEIJING (AP) — A Chinese-led bank intendedto finance railways and other cargo links throughout Asia opened for businessat a ceremony led by President Xi Jinping.


Representatives of 57 member countries ofthe Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank attended the ceremony Saturday, atwhich China pledged $50 million to a special fund to prepare less developedcountries for infrastructure projects.


SwineFlew2 2 hours ago
My Mother Russia will have another sourceof investment and diplomatic engagement.
No more diplomatic isolation.


st 2hours ago
TRUMP said, “ Company's ( ex. APPLE, Ford,BOEING Airplanes, INTEL ) either Bring Back the JOBS to America or be Taxed at35% on these manufacture products being brought to US. 
++ People would pay No IRS Taxes for the first $ 55,000 you earned ….Trump as abusiness man with skills which Created Jobs with FREE College or Training


Tony 1hour ago
AIIB is China government taking the Chinesepeople's money and giving it away for free to other countries to buy buddies sothey don't criticize the Commies for oppressing the Chinese people.


Miniman 11 hours ago
After that, they will create a globalcurrency monitoring and stabilization fund, then the Global payment system,then sign bilateral/multilateral deals for currency exchange etc. They are wellon their way up, while US foreign policy is still focused on bullying others.When are we gonna do better?


Boo 11hours ago
~~~The Facts about those BloodthirstyChinamen~~~
China, the world's 2nd largest economy, doesn't send terrorists to attack UStaxpayers,
enslave women,
behead and murder US citizens,
nor scream about taking over the world as Islam does.
In addition they practice birth control and work their #$%$ off as they have nowelfare for able bodied people as the US and Europe does.
It's amazing how many "fights" the US Congress wants to start, whileour so-called allies, like Japan and the Philippines stand behind us,waaaaaaaaaaaaay behind us as they poke China with insults and threats.


bruce 14hours ago
For World bank and IMF, there is new kidand competitor in the block, AIIB. Competitions are good for the consumers ofthe world.


Joe 9hours ago
China led AIIB bank will definitely help USstocks on the up swing come Monday morning.


red 10hours ago
The Chinese Marshall Plan.
Which goes to show, China is in a lot worse shape than anyone but CentralBankers know about.
Printing more currency to buy and issue more bonds with is the same mistakeVenezuela recently made, and what led to the break up of the USSR, which couldnot even feed it's self with it's worthless currency.


Uttam 13hours ago
This is just a beginning, need is todevelop parallel new economic world order challenging western hegemony.


Go Green 14 hours ago
Congratulation, it Is good thing .


Jack 11hours ago
I'm betting it just becomes a bribe and corruptionfund.


allonline 19 hours ago
Removing the shackles of US influencedWorld bank and IMF.


SwineFlew2 2 hours ago
There emerges a new economic order. Awin-win.


matthew 16 hours ago
This would be a good thing ....except Chinais as shady and untrustworthy as they come.


S 3hours ago
good move. the influence of USA isdecreasing.


Fred 19minutes ago
Loans with strings attached.


candid 12hours ago
Competition s always a good thing.

