Chinesebillionaire in US custody 20 years after scandal
NEW YORK (AP) --One of the world's wealthiest people — a Chinese real estate mogul at thecenter of a Democratic campaign fundraising scandal two decades ago — has beengrounded from his fleet of private planes and stripped of his $200,000 watchafter his incarceration without bail in Manhattan as U.S. investigators probewhere his money goes.
Federalauthorities have charged Ng Lap Seng, 68, with lying about his plans for$4.5 million in cash he brought into the U.S. over several years aboard privatejets. They say they followed him enough to know he wasn't spending the cash atcasinos, on art and antiques or on real estate, despite his claims to thecontrary.
联邦当局指控68岁的澳门商人吴立胜(Ng LapSeng),认为他对450万美元的现金去向撒了谎,这些现金是他多年来通过私人飞机带入美国的。联邦当局称他们跟踪了他,所以知道他并没有把这些钱花在赌场和艺术品古玩上,也没有花在房地产上,尽管他自己声称都花在这些地方。
In 1998, aSenate committee reported Ng sent over $1.1 million to a one-time Little Rock,Arkansas, restaurant owner, who contributed hundreds of thousands of dollars tothe Democratic National Committee and later pleaded guilty to a felony. Ngvisited the White House 10 times from 1994 to 1996 and had his photograph takenwith President Bill Clinton and first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton.
1998年,参议院一委员会报告称吴立胜给曾经的一位阿肯色州小石城餐馆主送去了110万美元,该餐馆主给民主党全国委员会提供了几十万美元捐款,后来该餐馆主承认自己犯下了重罪。1994年到1996年期间,Ng Lap Seng前往白宫10次,并和总统克林顿以及第一夫人希拉里合影。
ZZzz 7 hours ago
One more problemfor Hillary.
Now...the mediawill refocus attention on her activities as Secretary of State while theClinton Foundation was taking in hundreds of millions of dollars...per year.
It's a long wayto the nomination, Hillary.
Laazer 6 hoursago
Save taxpayersome money a put him in the same cell as Hellary- Bill wouldn't mind.
Farkey 5 hoursago
lol and not onebanker thug that committed fraud and destroyed the US economy back in 2008 haseven been indicted by this thug administration in DC.
Franklin 6 hoursago
It sounds likethis man disclosed that he was bringing in the cash, as he was legally requiredto do, since it was over $10,000 - The article didn't say what he claimed hewas planning to do with it - but it is clear that our government didn't likehis answer, or it wanted an excuse to confiscate it.
Stuart 6 hoursago
Yah Lin"Charlie" Trie, the Little Rock restaurateur who became acontroversial fund-raiser for President Clinton, entered into a plea agreementwith the Justice Department yesterday, winning leniency in exchange for tellingall in an investigation of improper campaign contributions originating inChina.
This weasel mustbe related to Charlie Trie ...
这个小石城餐馆主崔亚琳(Charlie Trie)成为了总统克林顿有争议的募捐者,昨天与司法部达成了认罪协议,为了获得宽大处理,在有关源于中国的不适当竞选捐款的调查中说出了所有实情。
JB 6 hours ago
what about allthe foreign money donated to obama?
Dan 7 hours ago3 28
Was he buyingBill or Hillary? Why is there so much illegal behavior surrounding these two?
john 6 hours ago
These articlehave very little detail in them-tell me more? Why is he in Jail? What is theconnection between his million dollar donation to the democratic party?
These guys needto go back to college and do some investigative reporting instead of copyingsome other website's news.
usok 6 hours ago
Did she violetthe US laws? Tell us the final result when her court days are over.
tommy 7 hoursago
Didn't Bill andHillary eat at that restaurant..
Maj Gen. GuntherKunz. 6 hours ago
This guy paidmoney to the Clinton Foundation in exchange for favors at a future date. TheClintons need to be in prison for this money laundering and bribery dealings.
BirdWatcher 5hours ago
He will beremained in custody until both Bill and Hillary die, or when china agrees aprisoner exchange between US and china i.e. the guy for the Texas woman whowrongly held in China's prison.
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...
Why do most people who have a positive view of China have been to ...