中国警告日本不要在争议岛屿附近挑衅 [美国媒体]

北京(路透社)——中国外交部周三警告日本不要在东海争议岛屿周围采取“挑衅性”举动,否则的话东京要接受后果。美国网友: 澄清一下,北京在南海和东海的军事行动没有国际法上的依据,更别说历史上了,事实上它只是在做好与美国与其同盟国开战的准备。


BEIJING (Reuters) - China's Foreign Ministry warned Japan on Wednesday not to take "provocative" action around a group of disputed islets in the East China Sea, saying Tokyo would have to accept the consequences.  


On Tuesday, Japan said it had told China that any foreign naval vessel entering Japanese waters for reasons other than "innocent passage" will be told to leave by a Japanese naval patrol, signaling a potential escalation in a long-running dispute.



SPQR 1 day ago
- A world atlas published in November 1958, by the Map Publishing Company of Beijing, treats the Senkaku Islands as a Japanese territory and described them in Japanese name Senkaku Guntō (Senkaku Islands) and Uotsuri-Jima
-The People Republic of China's map authority from 1969 list the "Senkaku Islands" as Japanese territory.
- The Grand Atlas of the World Vol. 1 published in October 1965 by the National Defense Research Academy and the China Geological Research Institute of Taiwan records the Diaoyu Islands as Japanese and named them with Japanese names: On this map, Taiwan, China and the Senkaku Gunto were clearly divided by national borders.
- A 1970 junior high school geography textbook published by the National Institute for Compilation and Translation of Taiwan, the Diaoyu Islands were named Senkaku Gunto in the "Physical Map of the Ryukyu Islands". Senkaku Gunto and the Ryukyu Islands were clearly not included in neither in China nor Taiwan territory



Richard 1 day ago
Let's be clear. Beijing's maneuvers in the South China and East China Seas have no basis in international law, little basis in history, and are, in fact, in preparation for possible war with the United States and its allies.

Monty 1 day ago
I have been to China 4 times and they are disgrace to their formal self. Their lies and hypocrisy seems to hold no bounds and why they should not be trusted. China plays the long game to reach their goal and they play us for a fool. They manipulate their currency, they tax our goods out of market, and literally make up lies on TV as to give us a bad image. They can't speak truth their own people, why would they to the rest of the world? 


They are greedy and want the islands for oil, fish, and for strategic reasons to expand their influence and ability to strike further distances away. We knew they wanted the South China Sea for themselves and they wanted us out but we took no action. Obama should have early but now he makes it harder and harder because it gives the perception that any action is their legal action!

他们贪婪,为了石油,渔业资源, 为了扩大他们的影响,和增强其远距离打击能力的战略原因,他们想要那些岛屿。我们知道他们想把南海变成内海,想把我们赶出去,然而我们没有采取任何措施。奥巴马应该早点行动。如今他让形势越加不利,因为他在南海的作为给人的中国人是合法行动的观感。(东南亚国家的人民的英语没用办法,只能连蒙带猜,错了不要打我==)


Iron Horse 18 hours ago
The only one making provocative acts or doing anything to raise tensions is China. Japan, Philippines and Vietnam all have complaints against China's provocative acts and China will have to accept responsibility for everything that happens.
They are forcing these countries to unit against Chinas constant treats to these countries sovereign rights.

正是因为中国不停地威胁这些国家的主权,才导致大家不得不联合起来对抗中国。(treats?应该是想说 threats==,觉得这些评论的人应该先在word上面修改下语法和拼写再发表)
Seymour 16 hours ago
China is a mess right now. Domestic pollution (debilitating smog, polutted water table) is on a legendary status, massive corruption involving deaths (Tianjin, Shenzhen, adulterated food, etc), fraud (Chinese stock market, mining companies). Its no wonder they are using the SCS as a way to deflect. State run media has done a great job of shielding the mainland public from its mischief. If they only knew....

中国现在一团糟。国内污染(雾霾,地下水污染)的严重程度前所未有(无法不吐槽,debilitating smog是个什么鬼polluted water table又是什么......LOL)大数额的贪污牵连到人员死亡的案例(天津,深圳,参假的食物等等),骗局(中国股市,采矿公司)。也难怪他们用南海来转移视线。国有媒体为了防止大陆人知道这些坏消息下了大功夫,哪天真相暴露就.......(应该是only if they know吧)


bigc 1 day ago
China has never fared well n an armed conflict against Japan. Japanese maritime SDF is no pushover. Not to mention JMSDF is backed by the British Royal Navy and United States Navy the two most powerful navies over the past 200 years. China should watch their butts or they may get sunk.

Klaus 19 hours ago
The robber threatening the victim with consequences...


Michael Nonya 1 day ago
LoL Keep talking like Japan is alone. You're delusional if you think 20 boats is enough to dominate the waters. The US has like 15 #$%$ carriers and all the support they will ever need. 11 carrier fleets and something 9 they could throw in to service if needed. 
China has a carrier, a few subs and a fishing boat LoL We would smash you so hard that you would be afraid of water for generations to come.



tianlong 1 day ago
Diaoyu Islands are China's islands and China has every right to exercise freedom of navigation

Miky 1 day ago
Repeat someone's post: 
Unconditional surrendered Japanese had returned stolen China territories (Taiwan, Spratly, Paracel and other islands) within South China Sea to China as specified by international law signed by US, China, Japan and 5 other countries after WW2.
If the UN, Hague Tribunal and others are such wonderful things, they should be enforcing international law signed by US, China, Japan and 5 other countries after WW2.

 无条件投降的日本将其窃取的中国的领土(台湾,南沙群岛,  西沙群岛等)这些在南海的岛屿归还了中国,这在美国,中国,日本和其他五国在二战后签署的国际条约里面有清楚记载。
Kurt 1 day ago
Japan needs to find citizens willing to live on these islands and form communities.



Ozark Dragonfly 1 day ago
Isn't it interesting that China is making land grabs for islands simultaneously in the South China Sea! When they had the chance to be heard by an international court, they did not go. Why? Because they already know what they are doing is wrong. Perhaps their economic crisis will bring about a new government. It certainly would remain dictatorial, but hopefully more peaceful and pragmatic.

Larry 1 day ago
the Chinese have been waiting since WWII for payback- they will continue to take traditional waters from the Japanese . the Japanese should be ready to defend their territory and I mean REALLY defend their territory.

Skeptic 23 hours ago
Japan to China: Survival of the fittest.


Andrew 1 day ago
The usual all talk no action rhetoric from China. Move along folks. Nothing new here.
China, grow a pair of balls and do what you say. I would like to see Japan teach you a lesson. You know, the same lesson they taught you back during the Sino-Japanese War and in Nanjing.



John 1 day ago
Why does Japan even have an army? Thought they cut the heads off of our soldiers in WW II and we beat the #$%$ out of them. What was the point of that war if we just give their country back, build them back up and let them have an army again. Did we not learn anything? Remember Germany after WW I. Yeah 20 years later they were at it again.
george 1 day ago
Issac, the self proclaimed "historian", simply brushed ove of sovereignty of Ryukyu issuse under a false phrase " under provision of San Francisco treat". There is no provision that stipulates that the U.S. is to "return" Ryukyu to Japan. The future of Ryukyu is to be determined per "future U.N. resolution". There has never been a resolution passed in the U.N. on Ryukyu. Instead, the U.S., merely a trustee holder under U.N. mendate, unilaterally decided without U.N. consent transfered Ryukyu to its former " colonial occupier" Japan. The "Republic of China" in Taiwan, then still held the U.N. seat as well as as the permenant member of the security council protested vigorously with no avail.
