有哪些中国文化是你觉得比西方文化好的?外国人评论 [美国媒体]


So... is there anything from Chinese culture that you find better than certain Western ones?


I mean, I hardly see anyone ever saying anything good about Chinese society and it's culture. I would like to hear something uplifting about it.


Doesn't really effect me at all, but I like how lots of old people here actually hang out outside/play majiang/do tai chi/exercise etc rather than just watch TV, get fatter and fatter and die like most old people in Britain seem to.


I plan to spearhead the western public square dancing movement when I hit 60.


I generally hate the old people in China, but love the fact that they're mixing it up outside all the time. For whatever reason, the old dudes on my hutong gather right outside the public bathroom to play chess every night. I have no idea why they choose to play there, but that's their spot.


Someone said it before but I'll say it again...I like how people hang out in the evenings and dance, play cards on the street, badminton, tai chi etc. The community feeling is cool.
I also like taking shoes off at the door. Wearing shoes inside is something I can't ever see myself doing again.


The shoes thing is kinda common in lots of places even in the west to be honest. It varies a lot from place to place, but yeah, shoes indoors is pretty dirty.


Sharing meals!


I LOVE going out to eat with a group and being able to order a ton of dishes and trying everything. I wish that was popular in the west.


Honestly whenever I think of a good thing I also think how it's a bad thing. I guess the problem is me (sometimes, at least). Like sharing meals for example. It'd be fine if there was like a community set of chopsticks for each dish or something, but the way they do it just grosses me out if I think about it too much.


Oh, you just ask the waiter for gongkuai and that's it! I hate the usual way they share meal here in Hangzhou, but in the North it was common to have separate set of chopsticks/spoon for each meal and it was rude to use your own, so I just ask for it here too, people think that I'm too formal, but have no problem with that.


I do appreciate that most kids are taken care closely of by their family so they rarely end up on the street shooting drugs and stealing cars. The streets are very safe compared to almost any western country I've been.


Railroad system and no vandalism, I mean they're trashing the place but no graffiti nor broken stuff. I appreciate to ride a train that arrive on time and doesn't look a ghetto ass underground rap club.


No vandalism is a pretty amazing thing actually. Lots of things look like shit here due to neglect, laziness, chabuduo and just not giving a shit in general, but almost nobody actually goes out of their way to make their living environment looks shit and worse for everybody around them, which in my opinion, is far worse.


Not exactly culture but... those countdowns to green on traffic lights. Back in the UK you're sitting there getting steadily (and steadfastly) more annoyed wondering how many more precious seconds you have to sit there for.


The strongly felt obligation for adult children to look after their elderly parents. Many Chinese people see the Western practice of farming off parents to old peoples' homes as barbaric. .


I’m visiting my wife’s hometown right now and in the process of getting here we got a lot of help from random strangers. It was shocking sometimes, like when I had to fold up my stroller to go through a narrow metal detector and this lady just straight up took my baby from me so that I could have my hands free. I rarely see people helping each other in the US.


In America that lady would probably get sued.


I'm going to throw some things in from Taiwan that loved about Chinese culture. I lived in a really small place in central Taiwan. Taichung was the closest city and it was over an hour away with no traffic. There were tons of Taoist and Buddhist temples everywhere and they had these amazingly ridiculous parades every month or so to celebrate a god's birthday. They'd close down the roads for the most part and there'd be music and people dressed in the costumes of the gods and these crazy floats blasting dance music. It was great.


I loved going to the night markets. Twice a week the vendors would come out and have all sorts of good street food, carnival games, shopping, and just a good way to spend a couple hours of the evening.


How they treat their guests. Tbh its not even Chinese culture that is so great at this, just that weatern culture is so shit at it. I went to Africa and the middle east and really felt like i was taken care of by the hosts.
Also how much the people emphasise the importance of education and the feeling of safety.


Loyalty to friends. Closeness to family. Respectfulness. Humility. Bathing at night. Intellectualism is a GOOD thing. They don't shoot and beat each other like Americans do. 


MercuryBittUnited States 
Don't know if this is a culture thing, but I honestly like having hot water everywhere. Having hot water and tea in a re-useable bottle is really eco friendly, and I don't drink coffee so it's nice for me personally. Since moving to China, hot water has grown on me more than I thought it would.


Honestly, I love having squat toilets in public spaces. As horrible as Chinese bathrooms often are, I'm less likely to "hold it 'til I get home" here than I am in the States. It might be a little ankle workout, and nose endurance test, but I know that no matter how filthy my surroundings are, no part of my body has to touch any of it. 马桶s are way less hygienic anywhere.

