Can China overtake Silicon Valley in the next few years?
1. Godfree Roberts, Ed.D. Education & Geopolitics, University ofMassachusetts, Amherst (1973)
Answered Sep 8, 2016
Originally Answered: Can China overtakeSilicon Valley in the next few years?
China has already overtaken Silicon Valleyin several areas and will probably be dominant in all of them within 10 years.If you check the patents that are the Valley’s lifeblood you’ll see a Chinesename on more than half, and the engineers who stayed at home in China arebetter than those who left – and 100 times more numerous. This year Chinaovertook the Valley at the ‘heavy end’: Supercomputing (fastest, mostest,cheapest), network security, secure satellite communications, speech recognition,graphenics, metamaterials, hyperspectral imaging and nanotechnology.Their chipmakers have a billion-dollar war chest they’re using to buy smallersemiconductor makers with cutting-edge technology (as Intel has done fordecades). In July, Tsinghua Unigroup (China’s future Intel) acquired XMC, aleading domestic chipmaker, creating China's largest integrated circuitmanufacturer. Chen Lizhi, at CGP Investment in Beijing, explained: "Themainland's semiconductor industry has lagged behind in terms of design capacitybecause there were too many small players. The government’s capital injectionwill allow the industry to leapfrog the competition in a short
The policies are laready bearing fruit.China's semiconductor market grew 6 percent YOY to 1.1 trillion RMB in 2015while imports of electronic components fell 7.3 percent. That’s a hugedifferential.In 2016, chips designed and made on the mainland will supplyone-third of domestic demand, the CSIA says.China aims to grow itssemiconductor industry at 20 percent, compounded annually, to $143 billion by2020, the US Commerce Department’s ITA data shows. "Mainland rivals arequickly capturing the market and becoming more competitive by buying foreigncompanies with advanced technologies," said an employee at ASE Group. Hetold Caixin that ASE, a major Taiwanese chipmaker, lost a recent bid (to supplyApple Inc.) to a mainland rival. The mainland company had better technologyafter acquiring a South Korean firm and was able to offer lower prices, thesource said.
Remember back in 2007 when Chinamanufactured, but contributed only 0.6% to, the value of an iPhone? In 2016China will be the #1 source for iPhone components and its largest consumer,retaining the retail margin as well. The iPhone 7 will contain even moreChinese IP, as will the iPhone 8…. There is no dimension of the Valley’s marketin which China does not compete today and there is no dimension in which itintends to grow its share at less than 20 percent annually.Do the
2. Greg Blandino, works at Beijing, China
Answered Jan 18, 2016
In the short- to mid- term I say no for thefollowing reasons:
1) Silicon Valley has access to aninternational labor market. SV can attract the best and brightest from India,China, Russia, Israel, etc. Part of that has to do with the American society'sopenness to foreigners, assimilation, and immigrants. For cultural reasons,this is not the case for China and will make it harder to keep and retainlong-term top-notch foreign talent. English as the international lingua francacertainly helps.
2) SV makes products for aninternational market, Chinese tech companies make them for the domestic market.Alibaba's success can not be replicated easily overseas without access to theubiquitous 快递哥's that make it possible.Chinese UI and design is hampered by being in a protectionist market that keepsout foreign software, and results in bad design choices and UI beingperpetuated for longer. Use Didi Dache and Uber and tell me I'm wrong. A strolldown the Chinese internet reveals lots of respectable sites that look like 1997Ask Jeeves results.
3) SV and the ZhongGuanCun sceneboth get government support. Despite libertarian protestations to the contrary,the US government and defense establishment funnels money and scientists intothis market. Chinese companies get the same thing. It's a wash on this count.
4) Capital funding and legal recourses arewell-established in SV. In China, they are emerging ad-hoc, but legallycompanies are still in very much the wild west, especially concerning IP issues,and this issues will certainly take more than a few years to sort out. Capitalis there, but it's harder to access and the dream of an IPO and mainstreamlegitimacy is currently in limbo for new companies due to uncertainty andshenanigans in the Shanghai stock market at the moment. It'll take at least acouple years to get that sorted out. Until then the "family hedgefunds" where all of the uncles and extended family pitch in will be ago-to for many start ups. It's hard to see such a mom-and-pop mode of financingscale up in the short to mid term.
5)Brain drain.
Lot's of Chinese you meet dream ofemigrating. Wages are higher, no pollution, houses are cheaper, food productsgenerally safer, societal competition is viewed as less cutthroat, and schoolsare better/cheaper/don't require a "gift" to the principal. TheChinese tech industry is centered around Beijing, and despite notions to thecontrary, Chinese people dislike 500+ PM 2.5 days as much as everyone else.Chinese people are often China's worse critics. These problems will always be afactor sucking talent out until they are solved, and exacerbating the culturalproblems enumerated in reason 1.All these being said, I don't think there isanything culturally precluding Chinese from being creative as is communlybandied about in the West. In 10 to 20 years this could easily be a
3. Jeremy Arnold, Co-founder. Ex business analyst. Ex SME consultant.
Updated Jun 28, 2016
The Chinese have no national interest inreplicating Silicon Valley.That wouldn't play to their strengths, nor would itestablish the future they've long been working toward.Keep in mind the lessonof the Olympics. China picks the events it thinks it can win, then throwsunmatchable resources at them until they do. There's a reason they don't fielda competitive hockey team: it wouldn't build on an existing strength, and thereis no obvious ROI to justify building the competency from scratch. What doesChina want?It is in their interests to shift from traditional manufacturingclusters to those suited for global competition in high-margin sectors(advanced electronics, especially). But this is more in line with the 90’sversion of the Bay Area than today’s incarnation.Silicon Valley arose from theconfluence of brainpower and capital in a single geographic area. Startupsthere had unparalleled access to talent, research, private money, andcomplementary services. At the time, these resources were largely leveraged inthe service of sophisticated hardware production.
As the region matured, it kept thoseadvantages as the core of its spine, but began applying them to more evolvedgoals. The word of this era is “scalable”. VCs there want exposure tohigh-upside experiments that can provide out-sized marginal profits.Manufacturing, while still present, is no longer as sexy a proposition. Everyregion, if smart, plays to its unfair advantages. For the Bay Area, that’stheir legacy positives multiplied by their present concentration of CS-focusedSTEM talent. This means software. The next Facebook simply isn't reachingterminal velocity anywhere else (apologies to Boston and Seattle).What’s keepingChina from taking that mantle over time?
As others have pointed out, China hassignificant barriers to attempting a copycat cluster. Their IP laws are lackingand poorly enforced; their business culture isn't readily compatible withradical originalism; their VC infrastructure is still nascent, and they have noability to will a Stanford or a Caltech into being.But that doesn't mean they don'thave their own advantages.They already have comparable competencies when itcomes to complex manufacturing and product logistics (at a much better laborcost).
They have a government willing and able topump obscene amounts of money into the system.
Their local market is massive andwell-suited for rapid domestic scaling (with most customers being particularlyadoption-friendly).They have less bureaucracy to deal with when it comes togetting things done (especially when your project is a "governmentpriority"). So, if not Silicon Valley 2.0, what’s their endgame?If youfast forward to 2025, ask yourself where the next Amazon or Samsung is going tocome from.We already see the early waves of this shift in motion with Alibaba,Lenovo, and Huawei. Give them another decade and I'd suggest that they'll havean insurmountable lead for anything involving retail-level physical technology.
中国有一个强大的政府,他们可以向他们确定的方向投入大量的资源。中国市场已经非常庞大,非常适合国内企业的快速扩张。中国很多时候在面对特定的事件的时候往往可以特事特办,这样他们的官僚作风将会减少,特别的,当你的项目如果是政府优先推行的项目的时候,种效率上的差距将会尤其明显。所以,如果中国产业集群不是硅谷2.0版本。那么他们的结局将会如何。如果你进入到2025年, 然后问一下下一个亚马逊或三星将从何而来, 这恐怕也不是一个好回答的问题。我们已经看到了中国科技兴起的第一波浪潮, 我们已经看到了阿里巴巴,联想和华为这种早期的科技公司。再给中国十年的时间,中国将会在非常多的领域都取得像他们在物流行业所取得那样巨大的成就。
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