禁令下达后,中兴可能无法再从高通购买芯片 [美国媒体]


UK watchdog warns Chinese company is a security risk


The US Department of Commerce just announced a ban onAmerican exports to the Chinese smartphone maker ZTE. That means Americancompanies like Dolby and Qualcomm won’t be able to export any parts to ZTE forup to seven years. The loss of Qualcomm is particularly damaging, as itseverely restricts ZTE’s options for devices in the US market.


The Commerce Department says ZTE failed to uphold a pleaagreement after it pleaded guilty last year to illegally shipping US equipmentto Iran and North Korea. Part of the deal was that ZTE would reprimand and denybonuses to the employees who had acted illegally. But the company didn’t meetthis part of the deal. It gave full bonuses to those employees and only firedfour senior staffers while keeping 35 employees who had also violated the lawon deck, officials told Reuters.


“Insteadof reprimanding ZTE staff and senior management, ZTE rewarded them. Thisegregious behavior cannot be ignored,” Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross saidin a press release.


The company had also agreed at the time that it wouldforfeit its export privileges for seven years if it failed to meet theagreement, which is what’s happening now. The Verge has reached out to ZTE forcomment.


The phone maker is also under scrutiny in the UK, where theNational Cyber Security Centre (a cybersecurity watchdog) issued a letter tothe telecoms industry today warning against using equipment or services fromZTE, citing risks to national security. The letter was shown to the FinancialTimes. The letter notes that since the UK already uses Huawei equipment, addingan additional Chinese supplier on top of that would increase the difficulty of“mitigating the risk of external interference.” The National Cyber SecurityCentre also notes that ZTE’s violation of US sanctions against Iran and NorthKorea in the 2017 case played a role in its decision to issue the letter.


These are only the latest responses meant to addressescalating concerns that China’s government could carry out espionage or snoopcommunications with the network infrastructure made by Huawei and ZTE. The FCCis considering a proposal that would prevent carriers that purchase equipmentmade by the companies from receiving crucial funding.

