[Quora]:Would the F-22 and B-2 be able to defeat Chinese air defense systems?
Thierry Etienne Joseph Rotty, studied at University of Antwerp
Both system originated during the Cold War with the intention of penetrating Soviet air defences after a massive nuclear strike of some 3,000 warheads had already taken out most air defence sites.
The F-22A, as air dominance fighter, would sweep the remaining Soviet interceptors out of the sky while NATO fighter-bombers would attack Eastern Europe. The B-2A was to be used for deep penetration strikes into the heartland of the Soviet Union.
Neither system was developed to penetrate an intact air defence network. The current Chinese air defence systems can take both types on.
Thierry Etienne Joseph Rotty,就读于安特卫普大学
Timothy Mauch, former Submarine sonar Chief Petty Officer at United States Navy (1976-1991)
There have been “yes” answers and “no” answers, all from people who couldn’t possibly know the answer (ESPECIALLY those from other countries).
Here’s a different perspective.
Timothy Mauch,前任美国海军潜艇声纳军士长(1976-1991)
The US is constantly trying new things and getting rid of old things when they don’t work anymore. Two examples:
1. In the early-to-mid 50’s, theUSN had many “radar picket” ships, both surface ships and submarines, whosepurpose was to warn a task force about an incoming air strike. When theydeveloped early-warning aircraft (now know as AWACs) they got rid of the picketships and subs.
2. Also in the early ‘50s, theUSAF developed the B-52 bomber, originally as a strategic bomber. When betteraircaraft were designed, did they moth-ball them? No. They repurposed them tocarpet-bomb Vietnam. When that mission dried up, did they moth-ball them? No.They repurposed them to launch cruise missiles.. Those airframes have over 60years of use, and are still going strong.
1. 在50年代前中期,美国海军有许多“雷达哨舰”,包括水面舰艇和潜艇,其目的是预警可能的空中打击。当他们开发出预警机(现在称为AWAC)后,美军就不再使用这些“雷达哨舰”了。
2. 同样在50年代初,美国空军开发了B-52轰炸机,它最初是一款战略轰炸机。当更好的飞机被设计出来后,它们是不是就被束之高阁了呢?不,B-52被派去越南进行地毯轰炸了。那任务完成之后呢?它们又被用来发射巡航导弹。这些飞机有超过60年的使用时间,但依然强劲。
What does that have to do with stealth aircraft?
1. We’re still using most of theolder ones, today.
2. We’re building more.
3. We designing better ones.
So are the Russians, Chines, and other“western” nations.
We wouldn’t be doing that if they were nolonger effective, now, would we?
I’ve noticed, over the last few months,that the greatest military nay-sayers on Quora against the USN, USAF, USMC, andUSA, all come from countries that don’t have much of a military force of theirown. Sour grapes, perhaps?
1. 今天我们所用的多数是以前的老装备。
2. 我们正在生产更多装备。
3. 我们还在设计更好的装备。
Dmitro Novosad, M.S. Systems Engineering& Robotics, Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (2016)
They are not supposed to defeat air defensesystems, so no, not alone anyway. Air defense systems will be overloaded withhundreds of targets first (UAV’s, decoys, cruise missiles, jamming e t c), thenafter revealing their locations their radars will be destroyed with advancedcruise missiles and anti-radiation missiles. Then the B-2’s would fly over allthat mess to release their loads over the strategic targets with F-35s takingout what's left of the tactical targets (SAM launchers and other stuff) At thesame time F-22’s and F-15’s will be busy protecting all the other platformsfrom the Chinese air to air threats.
And yeah, don't forget about the Chinesenavy, someone will have to deal with them too.
P.S. You’d be surprised, but there’s nomention of low observeability (LO) aircraft in the current US counter airdefense doctrine (JP 3–01)
Dmitro Novosad,毕业于基辅理工学院(2016),系统工程与机器人技术专业硕士
P.S. 别惊讶,目前美国空军的突防理论里真没提到隐形飞机
Tom Watkins, I taught flying in my 21 yrsin the Navy and have 6,600 flight hours.
Yes…but not because of the abilities of thetwo A/C. It would be our tactics that would win.
First we blind them and then cut off theirability to communicate and coordinate. Then we take out their defensivemissiles and aircraft. Then we take out their tactical command centers,transportation and supply systems, in that order. Much of this would be donewith stand-off weapons.
Tom Watkins,我在海军教了21年开飞机,有6600小时的飞行时间
First we launch anti-radar missiles (ARM)like the HARM AGM-88 from a stand-off position (70 to 90 miles away). At over1,400 MPH, they will be nearly impossible to knock down and a swarm would wouldguarantee a kill of the enemy defensive radars and their missile guidanceradars. These attacks will be supplemented with cruise missiles fired fromoff-shore to target the larger missile sites and command centers and air forcebases.
Then the F-22’s and cruise missiles wouldtake out as many of the enemy fighters as possible on the ground and then inthe air using air-to-air missiles (AAM) like the AIM-7, AIM-9 and AMRAAM). Mostground attacks will be with smart bombs and most AAM’s will be beyond visiblerange encounters. The newest BVRAAMs have a 100 mile range.
Then the B-2’s will come in at night athigh altitude and smart bomb the missile sites, then the communications sitesand then the tactical command center sites and then the supply chain.
The strategic command centers and the headsof government will be allowed to live long enough to surrender. If they don’tby the time the rest of the targets are exhausted, then they are next.
Of course the Chinese have defenses forthis kind of an attack but we also have our own counter-meaures and CCM,overload and swarm tactics and simply effective weapons that will eventuallydefeat their defenses. This approach would be to simply roll forward acrosstheir defenses in a sequential manner.
An alternative tactic might be to drop ahigh altitude EMP burst weapon about every 700 miles across the battle front totake out all of their unhardened electronics. It is very difficult to hardencommunications equipment against EMP and especially radar.
The F22 and B2 are very effective at whatthey do but it is their weapons systems and tactics that will win the fight.
What the Chinese and Russians and Iraniansand others have done to offset the stealth technology is to go back to a WWIItechnology - RF/DF but updated with modern technology.
RCS is only effective and for only a shortperiod of time when an aircraft is trying to penetrate national boundarydefenses in a clandestine attack. During that brief period, the aircraft canshut down all emissions and go completely passive. That limits detection tovisual, sound and IR or very sophisticated radars.
That can’t last long. They need their radarto spot other aircraft and to navigate and they often need voice, data andvideo transmissions to make effective use of their complex integrated weaponssystems. In fact, if our modern combat aircraft could not emit any RF at all, asignificant portion of their weapons systems would be of no use. We have beenmoving toward fully integrated and networked combat weapon systems at least adecade and most of our aircraft, artillery, ships and even the foot soldierrelies heavily on that network.
PDS is the new fire control system. PassiveDetection Systems simply listen on a broad band receiver for any RF emissionsfrom the aircraft, triangulate and then send fighters or missiles. PDS issufficiently accurate to vector interceptors or missiles to the vicinity of thepenetrating aircraft so that their radars, IR detectors, Visual contact and/orRF homing can zero in on the aircraft to guide their weapons or intercept. Thismakes stealth and low RCS mostly obsolete.
In WWII, Up until they used radar, thedetection method of choice was high frequency direction finding (HF/DF) or“HuffDuff”. Very simple - just use a broad band receiver and a very directionalantenna and then rotate the antenna. The strongest signal comes from thedirection of the enemy’s emissions.
For a while, this was countered bysomething called frequency agility but newer technology can detect that also.Note that this works even if you cannot decrypt the signal that you receive andnew digital systems can detect even very brief transmissions.
In a way, this negates one of the majoradvantages of most of our more recent combat aircraft and without their stealthdefenses, they lose a lot of their advantage.
Of course, we know all about thisvulnerability and have tactics to counter it. One, of course, is the stand-offattack of the very detection devices that would be used in PDS. Once thosedetectors are wiped out, then we would regain a lot of advantage. Timing, speedand initial stealth would be critical but the reality is that a fast, lowflying, small cruise missile or a hyper-velocity homing missile are verydifficult to defend against. North Korea has relatively old technology systemsand are generally regarded as being easy to defeat and destroy. Chinese airdefense systems are a little better but still not state-of-the-art and not insufficient quantity to provide an effective defense around their entire border.
The bottom line is that at great expense,the US has a technological and tactical advantage that is hard to defendagainst. The expense comes from using $500,000 bombs and $130 million aircraft.Even a very brief conflict would cost hundreds of billions of dollars.Afghanistan has cost well over $1 trillion so far.
Ricky Rajesh, former Sr. Software Engineerat Mindtree (2011-2014)
If we practice a thing for long we would bemasters in it.
USA is a master in war tactics and theycarry huge experience with them. Just don’t confine them with available planeslike F22 or B2 spirit. It’s all about war tactics.
Tactic or plan can be mastered by repitiveimplementation which I believe in this case goes to the USA.
China got better radar equipment and eventhe stealth fighters. But when it comes to how to use them in a strategic way..I don’t think so they are so mastered compared to the USA.
Given that world doesn’t understand aboutthe full capabilities of F22 or B2 spirit which are always in a combat readystatus. I believe they can evade the air defense systems of China.
China’s stealth fighter is available fromlast couple of years ??!
F22 is available with USA from past 10years atleast ??! How many secret experiments and real fight simulations theymust have undergone by this time!
Ricky Rajesh,Mindtree前高级软件工程师(2011-2014)
Volker Hetzer, Software Developer (1996-present)
In a hollywood scenario, with the Chinesesitting around idly until some ground based radar shows a dot, probably.
However, China is not Somalia and a warbetween China and the US will start in space and be decided by missiles.Aircraft will play at most a minor role.
Forget the F-22 because it would requireeither a very suicidal Japan or a carrier and the carriers are no longerthreats as they rely on being outside the range of Chinese missiles orsubmarines.
The few bombers would be spotted eitherfrom above, or with indirect radar.
Volker Hetzer,软件开发者(1996-至今)
Filip Vidinovski, Science Editor at ArsLamina Publishing (2015-present)
It depends on the exact meaning of “defeat”in “…defeat Chinese air defense systems”.
“Defeat” could mean destroying Chinese airdefense systems. In that case: no. F-22 and B-2, in prsent numbers, areprobably not enough for neutralization of Chinese air defense.
But, “defeat” could also mean attack anarbitrary target in China with the Chinese air defence failing to protect it.In that case: yes. F-22 and B-2 probably could attack any target defended byChinese air defense, no matter where in China.
Filip Vidinovski,ArsLamina Publishing的科学编辑(2015-至今)
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