中国经济比印度经济要好吗? [美国媒体]

quora网友:中国是推到世界经济发展的主要动力,所以我更看好中国。 :每个经济体无论好坏都是相对于个人主观观点。如果我选择生活在任何经济中,那么它对我是有利的,否则它是我的克星。正是因为每个人的喜欢喝不喜欢创造他的生活。如果你根据现状做出正确的选择,并且改变他......

Is China economy better than Indian economy?


Sumit Singh Barhat M.A from Loyola College ChennaiTamil Nadu (2016),来自泰米尔纳德邦钦奈Loyola学院的硕士学位(2016),三哥。 : Undoubtedly let us look at the various indicators to understand this better
China :11 $ Trillion (Dec 2016 ) India :2 $Trillion
GDP Per Capita at PPP
China :13571 $ ; India :5730 $
Share of World Trade
China :13.8% ; India : 2 %
Ease of Doing business rankings
China :78th ; India :130th
HDI rankings
China :90th ; India 131st
Population below poverty line :
China:1.9% ; India :21.2 % (2013 )
I can quote many such indicators where China is way ahead of India.
India’s biggest strength is the demographic dividend which if she doesn ’t make use of before 2030 can turn in to an demographic disaster .
India has a lot of potential to grow if she grows at 8% an average for the next 30 yrs India can be a 25 $ trillion Economy (deducting 8 trillion for economic shocks) in the next 30 yrs.

国内生产总值 GDP:

Mathew Cherian I watch China as they drive the World Economy Answered Dec 18   Originally Answered: Is the China economy better than that of India?   Every economy whether good or bad is an individual opinion. If I perceptively and wisely live in any economy then it is good for me otherwise it is a nemesis for me.
It is what individual prefers and trade-off that creates his day. If you make right choices based on what is available and what is to be done with it in what way then the results fulfills you and you consider that economy is good.
If you are willing to trade-off mental happiness for material happiness then capitalists economies are good otherwise bad. It goes on like that.

马修·Cherian:中国是推到世界经济发展的主要动力,所以我更看好中国。 :每个经济体无论好坏都是相对于个人主观观点。如果我选择生活在任何经济中,那么它对我是有利的,否则它是我的克星。

Sreekrishna Koppuravuri(三哥)
In economic parameters China is better than India.
China has certain advantages. It can take decisions regarding projects quickly. They have financial muscle. They can mobilize labor very quickly. But this type of development is not at all good. People suffer from pollution. All natural resources would get depleted because of manufacturing and supplying to the whole world. People have to work hard. On the other hand American development style is good. They invest in industries located at China and reap good profits. Unfortunately governments create that Chinese type of development is good. Many people also believe in it.
Sreekrishna Koppuravuri。 


Ashish Bhatt Research Scholar(phd) at B V Patel Pharmaceutical and Education Research Centre:Ashish 巴哈特B V帕特尔医药和教育研究中心研究博士(帕特尔西印度高种姓) Yes obviously. Chineese economy is more liberal and open. There is less RED TAPE than what india have. Their GDP is better than india but most importantly HDI AMD INFRASTRUCTURE OF CHINA IS BETTER THAN INDIA   


Anonymous(匿名回答) To be frank Yes
First let me make it clear that India would never gonna beat China in living standards.
China’s GDP is USD 11.4 trillion (2016; IMF). India’s GDP is USD 2.25 trillion (2016; IMF). These economies are in no way comparable. The Chinese economy is more than 5 times larger. China’s GDP per capita stands at USD 8260 and that of India at USD 1718. China’s population (1.37 billion) and the population of India (1.34 billion) are comparable — but China is five times richer on a per capita basis.
Based on these figures India will add USD 129 in economic output on a per capita basis if it grows at a pace of 7.5%. Similarly if China grows by 6.3% its output will increase by USD 520 per capita.
Those who say that India is home to the world’s largest economic growth have not even done primary school math on the situation. India actually needs to grow at more than 30% to outpace China in absolute terms per capita.
It helps to play around with the numbers cited above to understand how erroneous expectations have been. If one assumes that India continues to grow at a rate of 7.5% and China at a rate of 6.3% from here on out it will take 127 years before India’s per capita growth will actually begin to exceed China’s.
The problem is that many people confuse “rate of growth” with actual “growth.” They blithely assume that a higher growth rate means greater growth. They assume that a decline in the growth rate is a decline in growth. Perhaps people simply see what they want to see as a result of their ideological preferences. China and India history of real GDP expansion since 1980
In the early 1980s India was richer on a per capita basis than China — India’s population was much smaller than China’s but its GDP was of similar size.
If one pores over statements released by international institutions and media reports published over the past 36 years it was consistently claimed that while India would be slow in getting to this point it would eventually outpace China.
Not only did this not happen but as demonstrated above by now it looks as though it will be virtually impossible for India to outpace China. One should pause to reflect on why so many have been so consistently wrong about India.
The Sacred Cow of Democracy
One of the major reasons why the West its institutions and the upper and middle classes prefer India over China is that India follows the western religion of democracy. They refuse to see that democracy tends not to work in poor countries (it is debatable whether it worked in the West).
One could well say that by the time democracy was introduced in the West particularly in its present form in which everyone has the right to vote the West had already reached its intellectual peak. A painting purporting to show the assembly of ancient Athens. The city-state became democratic around 500 BC – it was the first known experiment in democracy. However only adult male Athenian citizens who had completed their military training had the right to vote. Slaves freed slaves children women and foreigners residents were excluded.
The history of democracy’s achievements in the non-western world is particularly bad. Africa the Middle East South East Asia and most of South America are riddled with countries that embraced democracy and almost immediately took a turn for the worse. In fact I cannot think of a single country in these regions that improved after adopting democracy. Nepal East Timor and PNG are vivid recent examples.
Non-western countries which have performed better in terms of economic growth and social indexes improved during time periods in which they were for all practical purposes not democratic. To name a few: Lee Kuan Yew’s Singapore British and now Chinese Hong Kong Park Chung-hee’s South Korea Pinochet’s Chile and Chiang’s Taiwan.
In India democracy never worked but who need facts when emotions need to be satisfied? If Africa were a country India would be worse off in terms of virtually every economic and social index on per capita basis. As a proportion of India’s population the country’s people are among the world’s poorest most diseased wretched and malnourished.
48% of Indians don’t even have access to toilets. Similar percentages of India’s population live without electricity water and other basic amenities. To put this number into perspective again: at a per capita GDP of USD 1718 India is poorer than Sudan the Republic of Congo Laos Papua New Guinea and many other countries not exactly known for their great wealth.
It is often claimed that India has the largest English speaking population outside the western world. This was true in the past but it is likely no longer true. China has brought in a large number of native speakers from Canada the UK and the US to teach English to its students. It seems very likely that there are now more English speakers in China than there are in India – and they speak better English. Population growth and demographics of India incl. projection
India certainly appears to be in an advantageous position in terms of demographics. While China’s society is aging and the number of young people is declining more than 50% of Indians are below the age of 29. Alas this is likely to turn into a liability as the vast majority of them are unskilled and incapable of participating in the modern economy.
There is a net increase of 12 million Indians joining the workforce every year but India continues to exhibit job-less growth. While their expectations are increasing — for they all watch American TV — they lack wealth-generating capabilities. As a result crime is on the rise.
India’s institutions are often highlighted as the reason for the country’s superiority over China or other non-democratic systems. The reality is that in the last 70 years Indians have systematically destroyed the institutions left by the British. Today’s judiciary legislature and executive are not comparable.
Today none of these institutions are run for the benefit of the country’s citizens. They operate for the glorification of the State in which citizens are mere cogs. These institutions have mutated on account of India’s underlying tribalism totalitarian tendencies.
Unless one is a criminal one doesn’t visit a police station in India. The tyranny of the police up to and including killing innocent people in fake encounters has a long history. Court cases can drag on for decades. Regulations and laws are mere pieces of paper with decisions sold to the largest bidder.
It is virtually impossible to get anything done in India without a bribe. Worse people must grovel and humiliate themselves in front of public servants to get what is rightfully theirs.
Readers will do themselves a service by challenging themselves to find out whether democracy really has any connection with improved governance stronger institutions of liberty or faster economic growth.
India’s Problems Have Deep Roots
India is an extremely irrational superstitious and tribal country. The concept of reason is mainly conspicuous by its absence in much of India. India was long associated with Britain and has imported western institutions ways of living technology etc. over the last 200-300 years but has failed to import the concept of reason.
The same could be said for Africa the Middle East rest of South Asia and most of South America. But we will stick with India here. Without the concept of reason people can have no understanding of the rule of law of fairness or simply of what is right or wrong.
They can only think in terms of might is right street-smartness and political connections. Such a society cannot have any understanding of the principles of the ten commandments or have respect for the individual and liberty.
Assimilating the concept of reason hasn’t happened in the last 200-300 years. In Europe it took about 2000 years after it was discovered by Roman philosphers. Could it take another millennium or more before India’s society will be able to assimilate the concept of reason?
In the last three decades India’s economy has grown but most of this growth can be attributed to significantly improved access to the western world and its technology through the new medium of internet and cheap telephony. The low-hanging fruit from this have been plucked and India is starting to show signs of stagnation.
While India grew economically government grew at an even faster rate. People and corporations took on debt faster than they could repay it. They imported the lifestyle and a generous helping of consumerism from the West mostly its entertainment aspects. Reason fell by the wayside.
All evidence indicates that Indians were actually disincentivized from developing critical thinking creativity and reasoning skills. Why bother when one could become rich without them?
Indian manufacturing plants or offices including those in the private sector are chaotic wasteful and incapable of planning and following a system as a result. Labor costs appear cheap but India’s chaos ensures low productivity.
Given a chance Indian companies prefer to move their factories to China. Indian cities and villages are packed with Chinese good even very basic ones.
What Will India’s Future be Like?
It shouldn’t be too difficult to abandon the idea that India will be the next China. India’s much-celebrated growth of 7.5% is too low to make any real impact on the world economy. But even this is under massive threat once considers the country’s institutional and cultural problems.
As mentioned earlier the low-hanging fruit from importing western technology have been plucked by now. India has failed to cultivate critical thinking and hence the ability to develop its own technology.
India has been a massive beneficiary of the fall in oil price as oil is by far its biggest import. This was a one-off gain a benefit for growth that will trail off again. Indian exports are already showing signs of strain and are falling partly losing out to other countries which continue to improve their competitiveness such as China and the Philippines. Growth in Indian exports has turned negative in early 2015 – click to enlarge.
Members of India’s middle class have become remarkably arrogant thinking that there must be something special about them that made them so much richer but they were merely lucky beneficiaries of western technology. This arrogance has boosted nationalism which is spreading like wildfire.
In a society lacking in rationality nationalism is not perceived to be about human values but is a mere geographical tribal concept. Hindutava (Hindu-nationalism) has been on the rise. The BJP the party representing this ideology has come to power two and half years ago with Narendra Modi as the prime minister.
Under Modi’s reign as the institutions which the British left continue to get destroyed liberties are falling taxes are going up without any improvements in public service and the regulatory burden has increased significantly. The country is getting increasingly centralized as well and brought under Modi’s command. He believes he has to do more of all these things to ensure India remains on a path to growth. This is a recipe for disaster.
On 8th November 2016 Modi announced a ban on banknotes affecting 86% of the monetary value of currency in circulation. This has been another example of his dictatorial policies as the decision was not even discussed by his own cabinet. Even the central bank did not know about the ban until the very last moment.
Readers should reflect on the fact that Modi took a decision crippling the economy by robbing it of its life-blood depriving people of the medium of exchange they needed for performing transactions without worrying in the least about checks and balances.
It should be easy to see that India is not the next China. There is no point in holding out much hope for India. Rather it is ever easier to conclude that it is on the way to becoming the next banana republic similar to neighboring countries such as Pakistan Bangladesh Myanmar or Nepal. Intellectuals should engage in some self-reflection on why they have been consistently wrong about India. It is China that exhibits continued economic and social growth. China keeps coming out with innovative products. In China’s book shops one can find Chinese translations of many of the best foreign books. I’m worried that India could rapidly become a backwater by comparison.   

匿名: 坦率地说,是的
中国的国内生产总值为11.4万亿美元(2016年;国际货币基金结果)。印度的国内生产总值为2.25万亿美元(2016年;国际货币基金结果)。这经济没有任何可比性。中国经济总量超过印度的5倍。中国人均国内生产总值为8260美元,印度为1718美元。中国的人口(13.7亿)和印度的人口(13.4亿)具有可比性 - 但中国的人均收入是印度人口的五倍。

问题是,许多人把“增长率”与实际“增长”混为一谈。他们兴高采烈地认为,更高的增长率意味着更大的增长。他们认为增长率的下降就是增长的下降。也许人们只是因为他们的意识形态偏好而看到了他们想看到的东西 中国和印度,1980以来实际gdp增长的历史

可以说,在西方推行民主的时候,特别是以现在的形式,每个人都有投票权,西方已经达到了知识的顶峰。 一幅旨在展示古代雅典集会的画。这个城邦在公元前500年左右实现了民主,这是第一个已知的民主实验。然而,只有完成军事训练的成年雅典男性公民才有权投票。奴隶、被释放的奴隶、儿童、妇女和外国人被排除在外。


人们常说印度是除西方世界以外讲英语的人口最多的国家。这在过去是真实的,但很可能不再是真的。中国从加拿大、英国和美国引进了大量以英语为母语的学生。现在中国讲英语的人似乎比印度多,而且他们的英语说得更好。 印度人口增长和人口统计,包括预测






印度一直是油价下跌的巨大受益者,因为石油是其最大的进口。这是一次过的收益,对经济增长有利,而且还会继续下去.印度的出口已经显示出紧张的迹象,而且正在下降,在一定程度上输给了继续提高竞争力的其他国家,如中国和菲律宾 印度出口的增长在2015年初转为负增长


应该不难看出,印度不是下一个中国。对印度寄予太多希望是没有意义的。相反,我们更容易得出这样的结论:它即将成为下一个香蕉共和国,类似于巴基斯坦、孟加拉国、缅甸或尼泊尔等邻国。 知识分子应该自我反省一下,为什么他们对印度的看法一直是错误的。中国是经济和社会持续增长的国家。中国不断推出创新产品。在中国的书店里,人们可以找到许多最好的外国书籍的中文译本。我担心相比之下,印度可能会迅速变成一个死水。
