伊朗惧怕以色列的原因——核武器 [美国媒体]


IranFears Israel for One Reason: Nuclear Weapons


原文时间:2018-05-01 07:59:34

Not much is known about earlyIsraeli weapons, particularly their yield and the size of the stockpile. Thestrategic situation, in which Israel was outnumbered in conventional weaponsbut had no nuclear adversaries, meant Israel likely had smaller tacticalnuclear weapons to destroy masses of attacking Arab tanks, military bases andmilitary airfields. Still, the relatively short ranges between Israel and itsneighbors meant that the Jericho missile, with only a three-hundred-mile range,could still hit Cairo and Damascus from the Negev desert.


In a private email leaked tothe public in September of 2016, former secretary of state and retired U.S.Army general Colin Powell alluded to Israel having an arsenal of “200 nuclearweapons.” While this number appears to be an exaggeration, there is no doubtthat Israel does have a small but powerful nuclear stockpile, spread out amongits armed forces. Israeli nuclear weapons guard against everything from defeatin conventional warfare to serving to deter hostile states from launchingnuclear, chemical and biological warfare attacks against the tiny country.Regardless, the goal is the same: to prevent the destruction of the Jewishstate.


Israel set off to join thenuclear club in the 1950s. David Ben-Gurion was reportedly obsessed withdeveloping the bomb as insurance against Israel's enemies. Although anambitious goal for such a small, initially impoverished country, Israel did nothave any security guarantees with larger, more powerful states-particularly theUnited States. The country was on its own, even buying conventional weapons offthe black market to arm the new Israeli Defense Forces. Nuclear weapons wouldbe the ultimate form of insurance for a people that had suffered persecutionbut now had the means to control their own destiny.


Ben-Gurion instructed hisscience adviser, Ernst David Bergmann, to direct Israel's clandestine nucleareffort and set up and chair the Israel Atomic Energy Commission. Shimon Peres,who later went on to serve as president and prime minister of Israel,cultivated contacts with a sympathetic France that resulted in the latteragreeing to supply a large, heavy water nuclear reactor and an undergroundplutonium reprocessing plant, which would turn spent reactor fuel into the keyingredient for nuclear weapons. The reactor was built at Dimona in the Negevdesert.


By the late 1960s the UnitedStates assessed Israeli nukes as “probable,” and U.S. efforts to slow thenuclear program and get Israel to join the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty wentnowhere. Finally in September 1969, Nixon and Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meirreportedly reached a secret agreement that the United States would cease itsdemand for inspections and Israeli compliance with antiproliferation efforts,and in return Israel would not declare or test its nuclear weapons.


Israel didn't have long towait for its first nuclear crisis. The 1973 Yom Kippur War saw Arab armiesachieve strategic surprise, sending Israeli ground forces reeling in both inthe Sinai desert and the Golan Heights. Israeli nuclear weapons were placed onalert and loaded onto Jericho I surface-to-surface missiles and F-4 Phantoms.Determined Israeli counteroffensives were able to turn the situation on bothfronts around, and the weapons were not ultimately used.


Not much is known about earlyIsraeli weapons, particularly their yield and the size of the stockpile. Thestrategic situation, in which Israel was outnumbered in conventional weaponsbut had no nuclear adversaries, meant Israel likely had smaller tacticalnuclear weapons to destroy masses of attacking Arab tanks, military bases andmilitary airfields. Still, the relatively short ranges between Israel and itsneighbors meant that the Jericho missile, with only a three-hundred-mile range,could still hit Cairo and Damascus from the Negev desert.


Israel does not confirm nordeny having nuclear weapons. Experts generally assess the country as currentlyhaving approximately eighty nuclear weapons, fewer than countries such asFrance, China and the United Kingdom, but still a sizeable number consideringits adversaries have none. These weapons are spread out among Israel's versionof a nuclear “triad” of land-, air- and sea-based forces scattered in a waythat they deter surprise nuclear attack.


Israel's first nuclearweapons were likely gravity bombs delivered by fighter aircraft. The F-4Phantom is thought to be the first delivery system; as a large, twin-enginerobust fighter, the Phantom was probably the first aircraft in the Israeli AirForce capable of carrying a first generation nuclear device. A new, smallergeneration of nuclear gravity bombs likely equips F-15I and F-16I fighters.While some might argue a gravity bomb is obsolete in light of Israeli advancesin missile technology, a manned aircraft allows a nuclear strike to be recalledright up to the last minute.


Israel's first land-basednuclear weapons were based on Jericho I missiles developed in cooperation withFrance. Jericho I is believed to have been retired, replaced by Jericho II and-III ballistic missiles. Jericho II has a range of 932 miles, while JerichoIII, designed to hold Iran and other distant states at risk, has a range of atleast 3,106 miles. The total number of Israeli ballistic missiles is unknown,but estimated by experts to number at least two dozen.


Like other nuclear-armednations, the Israeli Navy has reportedly deployed nukes to what is generallyagreed to as the most survivable seagoing platform: submarines. Israel has fiveGerman-built Dolphin-class submarines, which experts believe are equipped withnuclear-tipped cruise missiles. The cruise missiles are reportedly based offthe Popeye air-to-ground missile or the Gabriel antiship missile. This ensuresa so-called “second-strike capability”-as long as one submarine is on patrol,some portion of Israel's nuclear deterrent remains invulnerable to a nuclearfirst strike, guaranteeing the ability to launch a nuclear counterattack.


The establishment of anuclear triad demonstrates how seriously Israel takes the idea of nucleardeterrence. The country will likely not declare itself a nuclear power any timesoon; ambiguity over ownership of nukes has served the country very well. The2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and general instability across the MiddleEast has ensured that Israel will likely remain the only nuclear-armed state inthe region for the foreseeable future, but a collapse of the agreement or somenew nuclear program could easily change that. In the meantime, Israel'sultimate insurance policy isn't going anywhere.


Kyle Mizokami is a defenseand national-security writer based in San Francisco who has appeared in theDiplomat, Foreign Policy, War is Boring and the Daily Beast. In 2009, hecofounded the defense and security blog Japan Security Watch. You can followhim on Twitter: @KyleMizokami.

Kyle Mizokami是一位旧金山的国防和国家安全作家,他的文章发表在Diplomat, Foreign Policy, Waris Boring 以及 the Daily Beast上。2009年,他共创了防卫与安全博客日本安全观察。
